Black Holes and The Time Machine


Temporal Novice
Stephen Hawking rescently stated that he believed it COULD be possible that mass survives a trip through a black hole. So where is the other end of the hole, a white hole? Why does it appear that we only have black holes in our universe and no white holes?

Is a black hole the vaccuum inbetween our universe and another, isn't space already a vaccuum?

My conclusion, a black hole is NOT a "worm hole" or "vaccuum between universes O--------0"
If it was, we would have white holes in our universe with huge bursts of light and energy emitting from it.

I've heard that some scientists are trying to create a black hole using a machine. lol
Wouldn't the black hole suck in the machine that created it thus disrupting the black hole and allowing it to collapse in on it's self? Do we really think we can control a manufactured black hole.

Just like a black hole machine, I don't believe a Time machine could be made.
You definately couldn't control the Time settings that would send you to a specific Time that you choose.

Time travel, not by machine but by spirit.
Physically, no. Spiritually, yes.

Comments appreciated....
I have always thought of a Quasar as being a white hole. Here is a definition from

Quasar: An extremely distant, and thus old, celestial object whose power output is several thousand times that of our entire galaxy.

I have yet to see a theory that can describe how one object can emit such large quantities of energy. They outshine entire galaxies of stars. This to me would definitely fit the description of a white hole. And there are plenty of them in our universe.
. They outshine entire galaxies of stars. This to me would definitely fit the description of a white hole. And there are plenty of them in our universe.
Exactly. And not only are there plenty of them, but they are all situated far away in Space, and thus in Time.

Seems pretty clear to me that the Quasars are the white holes that existed during the infancy of our universe. Just after INTENTION Created It.

Nope the mini-black holes don't suck in anything, Hawkings view on the creation of mini-black holes is that it was very possible, they would only last for a fraction of a second though, not nearly enough time to eat anything even if they wanted to as Hawking said.

I am no expert but I have considered that white holes may exist in this universe, I believe some stars may be white holes, getting energy from an unknown source, that source may be a black hole.

--- Razimus

Stephen Hawking rescently stated that he believed it COULD be possible that mass survives a trip through a black hole.

That's not quite what Hawking recently stated.

There's never been any doubt about "mass" surviving in a black hole. A black hole is completely described by its mass, electric charge and angular momentum. Those three metrics were believed to be the only information left when an object crossed the event horizon. All other information about the object was supposed to be lost. For intance, a rock crosses the EH but the only information left is its mass, electric charge and angular momentum. You couldn't at some future time say what, exactly, it was or what atomic elements is was composed of after it entered the BH.

What Hawking recently said is that maybe the information survives and that as the BH evaporates due to Hawking Radiation the information is returned to the universe. It's scrambled, takes billions of years (for a solar mass BH) to return and it comes back randomly such that no sense can be made of it...but it can come back, maybe.