Bizarre New Technology


Temporal Novice
The radionics engineers at alternative tech company Life Technologyâ„¢ have done it again! Their new product, The Hyperdimensional Oscillatorâ„¢ is claimed to induce telepathy and astral projection in addition to several other interesting health benefits. The inventor claims to have obtained the bizarre schematic on the Russian black market!

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What is really bizarre is that this page quotes a price of only $89.95! That is an amazing 100% reduction in price from the other link you provided in the other post you made about this amazing technology in another forum!

How DID they cut the price so significantly? Does this version come with a battery or do you have to buy that separately? Or does it even HAVE a battery?

This technology is just too amazing to pass up! I encourage EVERYONE to waste....errr, I mean SPEND their money on this device..... (NOT).

When will people stop persistently cashing in on Tesla's name. He was a man that was ahead of his time, a true pioneer if you will.

But i think that its pretty off that people take his 'futuristic' technology (which is in fact over 70 years old) and twist it to their own means for a cash in.

He did have some VERY relevent experimental schematics. But his reputation is now being played off by the Radionoc 'New Age' movement. As i said before - anything off the Russian Black Market, is not so much cloak and dagger, rather likely a load of BS from a lowly and financially struggling member (or group of members) from the Russian Mafia!
Amen, Olly.

I see you had a trademark for Life Technology. But why no trademark for Radionics? Radionics is a trademark previously owned by Tyco Healthcare Group (NJ). Integra Life Sciences recently bought Tyco's "Radionics Division". Radionics Division manufactures surgical instruments.