Bio Station Alpha on Mars ?


Super Moderator
YouTube Video of Google Mars

Has anyone else see this video?
And has anyone looked for themselves?
NASA wont say anything, other "experts" claim it is merely an issue with the image of Google Mars glitching...does this seem like a reasonable explaination to you?
Yeah, I looked. I put his video on the right side of my monitor and Google Mars on the left. I tracked his video all the way down to 56 km. After that all resolution is gone on Google Mars yet his video tracks down to less than 1 km with almost perfect resolution. It's a nice fake video.
I think the “reasonable explanation” would be that the oblect is an ice formation. If you zoom in on the Polar Regions you will see many other formations that are similar in size and appearance. That is if it isnt, as Darby suggests, a fake to begin with.