Bill O'Reily will start WW3... whaa??


Chrono Cadet
Bill O\'Reily will start WW3... whaa??

Starting with The Daily Show (on comedy central) tonight exposing some quotes of Bill's I missed, apparently, he believes that the following should be disbanded. The ACLU, Civilian Lawyers, ALL LAWS PROTECTING US.

Hmmm... well, maybe the last one was a little on the fictional side and the first one doesn't matter too much, but getting rid of civilian lawyers? Are you kidding me? I looked into it further and O'Reilly's statments are usually on the "I'd punch you for saying something that stupid in public" level.

More to my point, people like Bill have an incredibly huge following, most of them somewhat uneducated in US history. There are more of these people than you think, and unfortunately the president is a tell of the times. Titor or not, WW3 is coming soon, too soon. The only thing I could think to do is to educate people about US past policy. Like pieces that say (with the excption of Roosevelt's big stick policy) that we CANNOT go to war and attack anyone we feel like unprovoked, and 9/11 doesn't count as grounds for Iraq. Or how about the outcome of the war of 1812? The canadian border will NEVER be treated as a real border and will never be patrolled... which we are currently doing. I sadly can't remember all the names of policies that I've read up on about, but I remember what the effects of them are. I just have to reread my old notes.

This rant is over with, Titor was either lucky to guess, or knew enough about history to see where we're going generally. Though I don't think it'd start till around 2020-2040. I still think George Washington was our best president. If anyones intirested the muse for this was an argument with my Canadian friends who knew nothing about US foreign policy, the only knowledge of anything was these extreme right books that were just ridiculous, and yet adamantly defended Bush when they didn't even know what they were defending! I can stand a calm argument between someone who knows their stuff, but I don't like getting yelled at for being right about something when the other guy just doesn't know. It's a sad state of affairs.
Re: Bill O\'Reily will start WW3... whaa??

I started reading this and was just waiting for the 'Titor link'.

Personally, i think JFK was potentailly your best president.

kindest regards,