Bilderberg Group - Illumanti Head?


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Bilderberg Group
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Bilderberg Group is an exclusive, highly-secretive organization comprised of influential figures in business, international finance, academia, media, and politics. They meet annually at top resorts, usually in Europe, but American and Canadian locations, such as the most recent one at the Brook Street Hotel in Ottawa, Canada, are not unheard of. They allegedly have an office in Leiden, South Holland, Netherlands.

The organization has been the subject of criticism for its secrecy. Numerous theories abound that behind closed doors, the Bilderbergers discuss issues and enact policies that affect billions of people in direct violation of many nations' freedom of information laws. Noted critics include David Icke [1] and Alex Jones. Jones, in fact, was detained by Canadian immigration officials who openly told him that Bilderberg officials were aware of his arrival in Ottawa and openly stated that this was the reason he was detained. [2] After fifteen hours, Jones was released and he later confronted them at the Brook Street Hotel. [3] Jones has stated that footage shot at the 2006 Bilderberg meeting will be the centerpiece of his next documentary which is currently in production.

The "Bilderberg" name is an unofficial one. It comes from the Hotel de Bilderberg in Oosterbeek, Holland where the first meeting is said to have occurred in 1954 at the behest of Prince Bernhard of The Netherlands. Attendees are thus sometimes referred to as "Bilderbergers" and the meetings as "Bilderberg Conferences".

It is even alleged that the Bilderberg Group plans wars and determines the winners of elections throughout the world.

Who are these guys? :) What are they doing at these 'conferences'?

Re: Bilderberg Group - Meeting in Turkey?

Bilderberg Group to meet in Turkey according to Alex Jones on C2C.

I wonder if they are going to pick our next President... :)

Re: Bilderberg Group - Meeting in Turkey?

Secretive Bilderberg meeting set for Turkey
Kissinger, Rockefeller, media moguls among those scheduled to attend

Posted: May 30, 2007
1:00 a.m. Eastern

© 2007

Henry Kissinger

The super-secret Bilderberg Group, an organization of powerful international elites, is set to meet this week somewhere in Turkey – but even the precise location is a mystery.

The meeting begins Thursday and continues through Sunday.

Those expected to attend include Donald Graham, chairman and chief executive officer of the Washington Post, Richard N. Haass, president of the Council on Foreign Relations, Henry Kissinger, David Rockefeller, John Vinocur, senior correspondent of the International Herald Tribune, Paul Gigot, editor of the editorial page of the Wall Street Journal, Nicholas Beytout, editor-in-chief of Le Figaro, George David, chairman of Coca-Cola, Martin Feldstein, president and chief executive officer of the National Bureau of Economic Research, Timothy F. Geithner, president and chief executive officer of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Vernon Jordan, senior managing director of Lazard Freres & Co., Anatole Kaletsky, editor at large of the Times of London and General William Luti, the new "war czar."

According to reports from Turkey, Iran's nuclear weapons ambitions and global energy issues will be on the agenda – but only invitees know for sure.

Welcome to the mysterious world of secret societies.

Did someone say "secret societies"?


I wonder if the Washington Post will report on the Bilderberger Group? :)

Re: Bilderberg Group - Meeting in Turkey?

"I wonder if the Washington Post will report on the Bilderberger Group?"

now thats funny. i think we'd have a better chance of seeing pigs fly.
Re: Bilderberg Group - Meeting in Turkey?

I heard a brief interview with Alex Jones on C-to-C a few nights ago. He said the "chosen one" usually was introduced oe presented to the group a year or so before their ascent to power.

Hillary Clinton was presented a year ago. (????)

I don't know what to think of Alex Jones. At most, the Bilderberger group would seem to be like a company meeting of supervisors and foremen in which someone from upper management comes out to conduct a seminar on the company's plans for the future. If one is serious about conspiracy theories, this group is just a little to obvious as a 'front.' Alex is entertaining,though.
Re: Bilderberg Group - Meeting in Turkey?


As for "He said the "chosen one" usually was introduced oe presented to the group a year or so before their ascent to power."

The last "chosen one" was apparently John Edwards.

If one is serious about conspiracy theories, this group is just a little to obvious as a 'front.' Alex is entertaining,though.

I don't think you take into account laws like the "Logan Act"

I don't like "secret societies" in general.
