Between The Spirals.......A Stable, Closed Loop


Super Moderator
All things that are manifest in the physical reality of Massive SpaceTime are "pinched" between two vortex spirals... One Converging spiral and One Diverging spiral. The interaction of these two, opposing spiral Energy vortices results in points of resonance that manifest within the physical matrix of Massive SpaceTime. We perceive these resonances as Matter which is in Motion. These perceptions of Matter in Motion are what set our perceptions of linear Time.

Indeed, the physical structure of the human body is such a point of resonance which results from a balance of inflowing and outflowing spiral vortices of Energy. One cannot dispute that our bodies are processing plants for both Energy AND Information. We take in Energy via food and water, and we give off Energy via our actions, our body heat, and our body waste. Similarly we take in Information via our sensory perceptions, and we give off Information as the results of our actions (vocal/verbal emanations that come from our speech are only one small part of how our bodies give off Information to the surrounding environment).

The AWARENESS of both Science and Spirituality are changing as a result of Understanding how all stable things in our universe are formed of dualing interactions of spiral vortex Energy. The ways in which our Understanding of both Science and Spirituality will change as this evolution takes place is what will precipitate the events to occur in 2012... IMHO. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif One could even make the connection that the concepts of Science and Spirituality are, themselves, individual spirals of vortex Energy that are in opposition to one another to achieve a stable "reality".

I'd also second that.

Science and spirituality are opposites of the same thing. (depsite common belief) science will eventually initiate spirituality. And also Spirituality (if its worth anything) will spur people on to a greater awareness of science.

So as RMT suggests, that those two vortex spirals are needed, I'd also say that both spirituality and science are both needed in order to realise and manifest to ourselves the 'truth', at the very least, about our current reality. Even if this 'truth' is never provable or speakable to anyone other than the individual. Which i believe WILL be the case.

The mindsets learnt from science, for example; logic, common sense, experimentation, constant re-evalutaion and the sole persuit of the truth, will help to rid an individual from the danger of falling into 'spiritual self-delusion'. If that makes sense.

Infact science and spitituality by their very nature are the same thing. They both seek to find out HOW things work. Soon scientists will start to question WHY things work. And the merge will be compete. String theory is the best example of this merger starting to manifest itself.

Most of the best Quantum pyhsicists and theorists for example, are those that have already embraced the two ends of the scale on equal measure. Their understanding has grown far more then those that are stuck on either end of the scale desperately trying to get rid of the other.

Spirituality can often be scope with no substance. And science can often be substance with no scope. Combine the two and this is when you will start to find the true revelations.

2012 doesnt have to be the end of the world, rather the starting point of a better one.

Kind regards,
I feel i should also state for those that might misinterpret. That for me spirituality and religion are two very seperate things. This is not an attack on any 'religious' people in this forum.

'Mordern religion' (ie 'biblical' ones or many 'new-age' or 'cult' religions) are belief systems adopted by the individual and then followed there after. Worst case senario - this is conditioned at birth. These belief systems can often shape lives, rather then allow an individual to carve their own belief system through an unbiased and non-conditioned (free) lifestyle.

'Spirituality', I use as a general description for a personal belief system that has been carved by the individual him/herself through their own life learning. They do not characterise themselves as any memeber of a greater group, but rather someone who will integrate any ounce of what they individually deem to be truth - regardless of where it came from....they have total flexibility in their persuit of a greater understanding of reality.

Hense how spirituality will more easily integrate the revelations of science, than 'religion' will.

I do also accept that there are certain systems such as Taoism/buddhism/Qabalah etc, that are not classed as religions, and were not intended to be 'followed' as such. But also stress the emphasis on personal spirituality for persuit of the truth.

I hope that my view has not stepped on too many toes.

Kind regards,
Physical Example - Turbojet Engine Energy Spirals

Olly, I couldn't agree more with the thoughts you have expressed in both of your (p)replies to this thread. It would seem that you and I share a common view of these issues.

The Closed Loop - Engine Combustion Chamber
The central purpose of a jet engine is to ingnite a mixture of air and fuel, in a stable & continuous manner, in order to release the dormant Energy in this air-fuel mixture as Thrust. Therefore, Combustion is the central physical process of Creation of Thrust that results from the interaction of the Inward Spiral of the Inlet/Compressor and the Outward Spiral of the Turbine/Nozzle.

We call this closed-loop, physical plant that generates Thrust a turbojet engine.
Our Physical Reality - Massive SpaceTime

There is a very important manifestation that is pinched between two opposing, Inward & Outward Spirals... we call it physical reality, and we categorize it as 3 distinct entities which we perceive to be separate:

Mass - The perception that Energy has condensed into solid form.
Space - The perception that Energy creates an infinitely large, 3-D matrix within which objects of Mass can appear.
Time - The perception that Mass and Space are continually interacting with each other to define a temporal sequence (timeline).

These 3, interacting and orthogonal perceptions are very handy illusions which are utilized by our non-physical Mind/Soul/Spirit to create Experiences. But they are simply illusions and the only thing that is "real" (i.e. unchanging) is Energy. And Energy is a 3-way mix of Mass, Space, and Time as is borne out by our sciences and the equations that describe Energy. This is why I call the physical reality that we all live within The 3x3 Matrix of Massive SpaceTime. Because that is what it is, from the standpoint of how we perceive physical reality and how our sciences describe physical reality. It is nothing more than a convention for Energy that all of us, as physical beings, seem to agree upon. IOW: We agree that there are "things" (Mass), we agree that there are "places" (Space), and we agree that there are "events" (Time).

If you accept the theory of the 3x3 Matrix of Massive SpaceTime, and want to know about the two, interacting spirals that create this matrix, then you ought to read about them in the other two threads on Inward and Outward spirals! Does anyone see the pattern that is forming in these 3 distinct threads? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Re: Our Physical Reality - Massive SpaceTime


I've been watching these spiral threads and do see the patterns in my latest experiments. For instance an electron traveling through a spiral coil actually has a direction of acceleration toward the center of the spiral. This additional direction I would think should create an additional magnetic field. But it doesn't show up during testing. But then the radial acceleration is the result of the geometry of the spiral coil. Since the acceleration direction is not induced directly by voltage, there may be something else here to investigate.

I have been playing with my experimental anti-gravity generator again. I took out the resistors that control the rate that the capacitor charges. I replaced the resistors with external spiral coils equal in resistance to the spiral coils on the discharge half of the cycle. So now I have spiral coils that emmit fields on both the charge and discharge cycle of the capacitor. Initially I expected to see an attraction type force with the charge cycle side coils. That didn't happen. Still repulsion. So I thought about it a bit. The current is not symetrical with the voltage. On the charge side as the voltage increases during the capacitor charge cycle, the current starts high and decreases. But on the discharge side during discharge, the current also starts high and then decreases. Yet the voltage increases on one side and decreases on the other side. A symetry break! That is a no no. Right here is a big clue as to the nature of time. Also with the new spiral charge coils connected, my accelerometer no longer registers an acceleration field present. But I can easily get that back just by removing the charge side coils. But the absence of the gravity like acceleration field coupled with the fact that I now have electric fields going in both directions does suggest that the acceleration field is directly related to the electric field. But what if I remove the discharge side coils instead? This one little machine as simple in construction as it is, now presents me with 64 combinations to try. Did I mention I could reverse the direction the charge goes thru the spiral? You seem to be bringing that up with these spiral threads. It is an additional force that is not electric or magnetic.

Did you notice the spirals in the Merkaba picture? I do see a pattern there. I don't think the picture depicts a time machine. Although the information is there to build one if the picture is interpreted correctly. I think the Merkaba picture represents a unified field theory for both the universe and an anti-universe.

Today I made a simple current probe to watch the current and voltage traces on my PC scope. I was watching the current and voltage through the spiral coils on the charge side. I was particularly interested in the current trace as I moved one spiral coil toward another. I was hoping to see some type of inductive change. Nope. Very little change at all. A little noise at the trace cutoff points when the coils touch. I'm looking for a cause that causes the magnesium disc to attract toward either coil at the 90 and 270 degree phase angles. It is starting to look like the effect is not a magnetic attraction. And the absence of the gravity like acceleration field kind of rules out gravity as a cause for the attractive acceleration. So lets see, its not magnetic, it's not electric, it's not gravity. Of course I have a theory in place. I suspect it is a moving mass field. And as usual, by writng this down, I now have more ideas on this odd phenomena to check out.

But what do you think about this non symetrical current behavior with the charge and discharge cycles on the capacitor? I was thinking that if I could get the current to move in the other direction I would create an attractive force for the magnesium disc. But it doesn't look like I will be doing it with a capacitor.
Re: Our Physical Reality - Massive SpaceTime

Hello Einstein,

A symetry break! That is a no no. Right here is a big clue as to the nature of time.
Were it not for symmetry breaks, we would not be here, existing as physical beings. Are you aware that quantum physics describes and defines 6 symmetry breaks? Surprisingly (or not, depending on your bias) there are some who have studied the "6 days" of Genesis within which God created everything and contemplated that these may refer to the 6 symmetry breaks of quantum physics. Not surprising (if you know me), these associations are made via the study of Qabalah.

Did you notice the spirals in the Merkaba picture? I do see a pattern there. I don't think the picture depicts a time machine. Although the information is there to build one if the picture is interpreted correctly. I think the Merkaba picture represents a unified field theory for both the universe and an anti-universe.
Agreed, but inasmuch as the Merkaba represents these two opposing entities, it can and does also represent ANY standing-wave phenomenon that is an interaction of two, opposing forces. As I always say, you cannot simply travel in time without also traveling in mass and space. Therefore, if you wish to traverse any/all of these dimensions, the Merkaba is the structure you need to create the standing wave which will make it possible. The pertinent example I have given which exhibits this fact is the basic turbojet engine, governed by the Brayton cycle. The internal combustion engine, governed by the Otto cycle, exhibits the same standing wave interaction.

You of course would have to realize, with all of your experiments into electromagnetism, that electricity and magnetism are each spirals that interact with one another to make Motion possible. Take away either one and you remove the possibility for Motion.

But what do you think about this non symetrical current behavior with the charge and discharge cycles on the capacitor?
I think you know what's coming /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif ... I cannot comprehend the details of what you are talking about without seeing diagrams and maths. Sorry! It's my cross that I carry in this life. I can't get my mind around the details of technical issues with words alone.

Re: Our Physical Reality - Massive SpaceTime


Did you notice the spirals in the Merkaba picture? I do see a pattern there. I don't think the picture depicts a time machine. Although the information is there to build one if the picture is interpreted correctly. I think the Merkaba picture represents a unified field theory for both the universe and an anti-universe.


Agreed, but inasmuch as the Merkaba represents these two opposing entities, it can and does also represent ANY standing-wave phenomenon that is an interaction of two, opposing forces. As I always say, you cannot simply travel in time without also traveling in mass and space. Therefore, if you wish to traverse any/all of these dimensions, the Merkaba is the structure you need to create the standing wave which will make it possible. The pertinent example I have given which exhibits this fact is the basic turbojet engine, governed by the Brayton cycle. The internal combustion engine, governed by the Otto cycle, exhibits the same standing wave interaction.

Thanks for this input. I really didn't understand what I was looking at when trying to comprehend this attraction and repulsion phenomena between two opposing spiral coils. But when the coils are in phase, the magnesium disc sits motionless between the two opposing pushing forces. This would be analogous to the standing wave phenomena. Thinking about this suggests that a standing wave that makes mass motionless could actually be interpreted as being mass itself. Since it would take extra energy to get an object out of this standing wave area. What is interesting is that when I change the phase relationship to either 90 or 270 degrees, the magnesium disc will move toward one or the other spiral coil. So that would be analogous to a standing wave that begins to move in either the plus or minus direction. So this could be interpreted as being a standing mass wave that begins to move. Since it takes extra energy to get the magnesium out of the standing wave. The magnesium is carried along with the wave. Kind of like surfing.

I found a very interesting article on the net that talks about electron structure. The author Milo Wolff talks about a math model for the electron. He does bring up this standing wave principle that you are talking about. And he goes over the math too. It caught my attention because it seems to parallel the experimental device I'm working with. The only real difference being that my experimental model is made op of magnetic charge instead of slectric charge.

The Wolff Papers

But what do you think about this non symetrical current behavior with the charge and discharge cycles on the capacitor?


I think you know what's coming ... I cannot comprehend the details of what you are talking about without seeing diagrams and maths. Sorry! It's my cross that I carry in this life. I can't get my mind around the details of technical issues with words alone.

Actually I think you can on this particular investigation. It's probably my fault for not depicting what I am talking about in a more recognizable format. So I'm going to try.

The situation backtracks to basic EM wave theory. I believe I was taught that the magnetic wave will lag behind the electric wave by 90 degrees. I do believe there are situations where that ratio is different. Anyway I decided to actually put a scope on one of my spiral coils while in operation. I wanted to see what the phase relationship between the electric wave and the magnetic wave actually was. My circuit which runs around 250 hertz shouldn't really be creating too much inductance to actually retard the magnetic wave lag time. So I figured that for such a low speed operation, the electric and magnetic waves should be in synch with each other. This is something I could look at on my scope. I had to make a current probe as the magnetic field sensor pickup. Not a problem with construction details available on the net. I chose something very simple to construct. 10 turns of #24 magnet wire wrapped around a square ferrite core I had gotten from Radio Shack. That was my current probe. It works pretty good. I am getting very clear waveforms with this homemade current probe. It does make me wonder why they cost so much. Probably doesn't work as well at much higher frequencies. But for my application it will do nicely. This is how I discovered the phase relationship between the electric and magnetic field waves produced from my spiral coils. From my initial design generator I just had spiral coils on the discharge side of the firing capacitor. Using the scope I could see that my initial guess was right. Both the electric wave and magnetic wave are in synch and decreasing in value as the capacitor discharges. I would call this a zero phase relationship.

But just recently I decided to modify my initial generator design. I now have spiral coils on the charging side of the firing capacitor. I decided to put a scope on these coils and could see a difference right away. The voltage wave increases as the capacitor charges but the magnetic wave still decreases. So the electric and magnetic waves produced are 180 degrees out of phase on the charging side of the capacitor. This is the symetry break I was talking about between the charging and discharging cycles of a capacitor. The electric field waves produced move in both the plus and minus directions. But the magnetic waves produced just move in the decreasing direction on both sides of the capacitor.

The funny thing is that I could have figured out the phase relationships first. But it didn't happen that way. I had some misconceptions about what was causing the effect I was seeing. I think that may have been getting in the way. So there is a definite advantage to visualizing something, putting it into physical form, and then invetigating to see if everything went as planned.

But my investigation isn't complete yet. Since there is a symetry break, there may be something yet to be discovered. I am specifically looking for a combination that creates a push and a pull in the same direction. That doesn't mean that is what I'll find. But it is real trial and error work. I believe I mentioned earlier that I can hook up this experiment 64 different ways to observe what is happening. That means I'll have to suspend my haphazard style and actually get out a pencil and paper and record what I see with each combination I try. Yuck...
Re: Our Physical Reality - Massive SpaceTime

I found a very interesting article on the net that talks about electron structure. The author Milo Wolff talks about a math model for the electron. He does bring up this standing wave principle that you are talking about.
Oh yes, I know Milo. We've had lunch together a few times, as he lives only a few miles from the aerospace plant where I work in El Segundo. Yes, his work is very exciting, I agree. You might also find that he supports one of my beliefs, namely that the dimensions of Mass and Time that we live in are orthogonal to the dimension of Space. In essence, that all 3 of thesre primary dimensions are symmetry breaks, and therefore not the "true" nature of Energy. There are areas where we think differently, but in the big picture, I think Milo's work and my theories are very much along the same lines.

Note especially THIS PAGE where he talks about how Huygens reasoned that multiple wave sources, when viewed from a distance, appear as a planar wave front. If you recall one of my recent posts where I spoke of the "hubble bubbles" of spherical light surfaces, you will see that they are saying almost the exact same thing. There are some other interesting connections coming to light on several other fronts... you might want to check out THIS PAGE, as there are some interesting aspects of tetrahedrons, hyperdimensional physics, and the structure of the Merkaba here too. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

I'm glad you brought up Milo in this conversation, as I have not talked to him in awhile, and I should really contact him again and see how he has been doing.

Natures Clues About Zero Point Energy!

There is a stable, neutral point where Energy can be extracted and manipulated in the structures of Nature. All around us Nature exhibits Yin/Yang forces that interact with one another to Create what we Perceive as Linear Reality.

Could we solve the world's Energy generation problems if we could "capture" even a small fraction of the Matter-in-Motion Energy that Nature offers to us in the storm structure we call a hurricane? Surely we all can see that a hurricane can generate Power that mankind can use for good, right?

And if that were not enough, don't you think it is within the technological capability of mankind to "capture" and utilize the Power of the otherwise destructive storm that we call a tornado? What if we could build a non-linear pressure generating station in the US midwest and southern states that could actually CAPTURE a tornado and use it to generate electrial turbine power?

Is this really so hard to conceive of? Does anyone think we could NOT achieve this?

Zero Point Energy is all around us... and Nature has been giving us clues in her storms for many years now! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

The Next Comparitive Analogy - Stable Human Body

The Human Body is a Stable Matter-Energy structure that is comprised of 3 physical triangles that accept, process, and give off Energy.

Head - A Focal Point of Human Energy Inputs & Outputs
The structure of the human brain is a BALANCE between its Energy Inputs and its Energy Outputs.

Chest - A Focal Point of Human Physical Energy Processing
The structure of the human heart is a BALANCE between its Energy Inputs and its Energy Outputs.

Groin - A Focal Point of Human Energy Inputs & Outputs
The structure of the human gonads is a BALANCE between its Energy Inputs and its Energy Outputs.

Now... the interesting thing to note about the 3 stable triangles of the Human Body described above is how they relate to the primary organs that operate as the Prime Mover (Creator) of these integrated triangles of the Human Body:

Brain- The stucture that processes Information Energy from Inward Spirals of the head.
Heart- The structure that processes Creative Energy from the Inward and Outward Spirals of the head and the gonads.
Gonads- The structure that processes Genetic Energy via Outward Spirals of the sex organs.

These are the THREE Human Body Processing Spirals. They are the "middle ground" between the Inward and Outward Energy spirals described in other threads!

Between The Spirals.......MASS

Consider the following assignment of one of the Triad manifestations of Universal Energy to the concept of an Closed-Loop, Static/Dynamic Spiral:

MASS - Do we not observe MASS as appearing to be stable entities? Aren't our bodies stable "objects" that we live in, and are they not defined by the Closed-Loop, Stable Spirals that we call DNA? Aren't our DNA molecules composed of what we call MASS?

Hmmm...interesting... how MASS could be considered a Stable, Closed-Loop Spiral. How it might be associated to two other forms of Spirals can be researched in the other, companion threads!

Teaching in sets of's something I find quite natural! :D
Re: Between The Spirals.......MASS

While researching the necessary information regarding an operational Merkaba, I came across this link that offers some interesting data that falls into line with what Rainmantime has been posting in these threads.

ring lazer
Re: Between The Spirals.......MASS

While researching the necessary information regarding an operational Merkaba, I came across this link that offers some interesting data that falls into line with what Rainmantime has been posting in these threads.

ring lazer
Right you are, OvrLrd. I've known about Dr. Mallett for awhile now. In fact, I am quite sure I discussed the concept of the Ring Laser Gyro (RLG) sensor way back in the "God?" thread. There is a very important basis of SpaceTime sensing that is inherent in the interferometry technology of the RLG that I believe holds the clues to being able to more than just sense SpaceTime... I believe it holds the clues to how to CONTROL SpaceTime. Allow me to summarize my thoughts again, and why I think Dr. Mallett is on the right (spiral?) track. Note the similarities to the description of the Merkaba:

SENSING SPACETIME - The Highly Accurate Ring Laser Gyro
The RLG senses Body Angular Rotation Rate as its primary metric. The technical measure is either radians per second or the more common degrees per second. Rotation is a measure of sweeping out space at some radius "R" with some angular velocity "Omega". This is what yields the familiar linear equation to compute the linear velocity due to rotation at some radius "R"... V = R*Omega. The RLG performs this sensing through the application of Two Counter Rotating Beams of Light. When the body the RLG is attached to is not experiencing a net torque that causes the body to rotate, the two counter rotating beams of light are IN PHASE with each other (Phase difference between the two is Zero). This corresponds to a LOCAL, relative angular velocity of Zero, or Omega=0. When the body rotates with a constant Omega speed (Rad/Sec or Deg/Sec), the path lengths of the two counter rotating beams become different. This causes a phase difference to exist between the two beams of light. The magnitude of this interferometric light patten defines the magnitude of the body's rotation. Therefore, the RLG is a SpaceTime sensor, as it measures Degrees per Second (or Radian per Second), and when you specify some Radius (R) outward from that body's rotation, you can define a proper Velocity SpaceTime metric (Feet/Sec or Miles/Sec, etc.). This is how we use counter rotating beams of light to act as SpaceTime sensors. And if we fix a specific, known volume of Space, then this sensor, at its most basic, becomes a Time sensor.

CONTROLLING SPACETIME - The Promise of The Merkaba
The Merkaba is a specific geometric configuration (two interlocking tetrahedrons) which is said to permit one (among other things) to "travel through time". When comparing the known descriptions of the Merkaba, there is certainly reason to believe this could be scientifically plausible. Number one, the Merkaba is said to require Two Counter Rotating Beams of Light. Obviously, we can understand the reason for this if the Merkaba technology is to be based upon Wave Interferometry. Where the RLG uses a set of 3 mirrors in an single-plane, triangle configuration, the Merkaba configuration uses the same triangle configuration but extends it to a 3-dimensional volume defined by the tetrahedron. In fact, two tetrahedrons that are shown as opposing each other (one pointing its vertex upward, the other downward). It is said that one of these tetrahedrons employs one rotating VOLUME of light, with the other tetrahedron employing the opposing rotating VOLUME of light. One can easily visualize that this will create an Interferometric Envelope around whatever is located inside the Merkaba's inner chamber. My theory is that the Merkaba configuration can extend the simple SENSING capability of the RLG to become a fully-capable CONTROL system. What would it control? Why the interaction and bending of SpaceTime, of course!

Mark my words (and you heard it here first): Dr. Mallett is the guy to watch. He has demonstrated that he not only understands existing physics, as taught to us by Einstein, but he also understands the geometries of the Spiral and how to use them in a closed-loop manner.

If John Titor was real (and I am quite certain he was NOT real), his GE time displacement box would be insufficient to travel through time. He would have needed a Merkaba. And while I think the people behind The John Titor Experiment did perform some good reasearch before coming out with their story, I find it ridiculous that they did not read-up on the Merkaba. Using the Merkaba configuration as the geometric configuration of his TT machine would have leant a LARGE boost of credibility to his story.

Ask yourself: Why are the most convincing of UFO reports the ones that speak of triangle-shaped (tetrahedral?) craft?

I repeat my theme from my lastest triplex of posts to these threads: MASS is what we perceive as the "space" inside the Merkaba Vehicle that we call SpaceTime. Time is the inward spiral, Space is the outward spiral... and all our measurements with regard to Space and Time confirm this. What we know of as Mass is nothing more than an interference pattern where Time and Space intersect and interact.

Falsify me! PLEASE! SOMEONE! If you can.
This is another hallmark of a "real scientist"... since scientists understand the importance of falsifiability, they understand that they need other scientists to review their work and try to falsify it. If it cannot be falsified, it still stands as a viable theory.

Re: Between The Spirals.......MASS


Falsify me! PLEASE! SOMEONE! If you can. This is another hallmark of a "real scientist"... since scientists understand the importance of falsifiability, they understand that they need other scientists to review their work and try to falsify it. If it cannot be falsified, it still stands as a viable theory.

I don't buy the ring laser idea for one simple reason. It hasn't been shown that light can move spacetime. But it has been shown that spacetime can bend light. So it stands to reason that if one could control or manipulate spacetime then the manipulation of time as well would occur.

I'm still compiling information. But there is something that did cause a bell to ring recently. There was a 6 month period way way back that I spent experimenting with gyroscopes. The experiments culminated with the creation of a gyro drive device. The device propelled itself across my garage floor just from the energy stored in the gyroscope which created a propulsion force at right angles to the direction of the gyros rotational plane. But lots of other men have also created such a device. I have yet to see one lift off the ground. But I believe the basic mathematical mechanism of all types of force can be observed in the gyro drive. So I went looking for a mathematical description. All the mathematics for the gyro describe its angular momentum. But I couldn't find anyone that had tackled the way a gyro translates a force into a right angle direction. If the math does exist, it has been tucked away somewhere where I couldn't find it. More than likely it is probably classified as a national security secret. I did start to develop an equation to describe it, but I was making way too many assumptions for the math. So I stopped. But I do believe I was using a novel approach. I haven't found anyone really interested enough in the approach to ever even describe the concept I was using. If you're interested I can give you the basics I started with. But the whole reason I brought it up was because A gyro basically operates in two dimensions. When I applied a rotational torque at right angles to the gyro, it responds by creating a rotational torque in a third plane. So I went from two dimensional operation to three dimensional operation. With a resultant directional torque. The other day it occurred to me that quite possibly something like this may be going on with my tesla coil gravity experiment. Normally the forces on the electron can be described in two dimensions. But I did get a three dimensional gravity field during my experiments. Could it be that if we force an electron into a three dimensional motion, it responds by creating spacetime? You see I'm gambling that all force behaves under a certain set of rules. The 2-D to 3-D rules are what I am interested in. Why? We'll need to understand those first before we go from 3-D to 4-D.

A couple reasons I don't think the ring laser will work. It really hasn't been proven that mass causes gravity. I've been pushing a changing mass as the root cause. So if mass doesn't cause gravity directly, then not even mass will drag spacetime with it. Mass and energy move through spacetime. Another thing is energy density. Just how will the required energy density be achieved for the ring laser to work? Doesn't than energy density have to be in the neighborhood of neutron star density?

I honestly think a more direct manipulation of spacetime is needed. All I have are my observations to guide me. And lots of ideas.
Re: Between The Spirals.......MASS

"There comes a time when one must decide what they desire; their choices being: To evolve or stay the same."

Is this your statement or someone else's? I don't believe this to be a choice. Be it negative or positive, evolution will always accure and never stay the same. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/loveit.gif
Re: Between The Spirals.......MASS

"There comes a time when one must decide what they desire; their choices being: To evolve or stay the same."
Is this your statement or someone else's? I don't believe this to be a choice. Be it negative or positive, evolution will always accure and never stay the same

The quote was made by a practitioner of High Magick. The response to your statement regarding my signature line is not a simple one. I refer you to the God? Thread and some of the answer is contained within those postings.

No insult or ill-will intended, but if you dont understand what the quote is referring too, then you have a long way to go. This is a snap judgement made without really knowing who you are, but hopefully as we interact in the future, we can gain an understanding of who each of us may be.

Noticing that this was your second post, I welcome you to TTI, and look forward to reading more posts from you, CuriousGuy.
Re: Between The Spirals.......MASS

In reading up on Dr. Malletts work, the similarities that parallel the Merkaba are uncanny. I remember the posting in the God? Thread regarding the ring lazer gyro, and still think this is extremely appropriate to our project.

The lazer in itself may not have any effect on space-time, but the correct combination of light frequency and possible sound vibrations, I believe would have the desired effect.

You can't argue the fact that the fabric of creation is woven together with vibration, and the frequency of vibration seems to determine what the creations form will take. Tesla understood the power of frequency and vibration, having created a device that literally would cause any object to crumble by a simple tap.

I had a friend that was part of a team that tested the integrity of missles. They would use rock and roll pumped through speakers to cause stress to the missle. The power of using the appropriate frequencies can be awesome. I am sure you remember the stories of Bridge collapses from the vibrations of peoples foot steps upon the surfaces accidentally falling into a specific synchronicity.

The problem with the Merkaba is determining which frequencies would be the right combinations to result in a gateway in space/time. A rift in the woven fabric of creation. This is what we are looking at, not whether the Merkaba "will" or "will not" work.

The principle that Dr. Mallett is following is different than the Merkaba Project, since he is attempting to create a transmitter/receiver for information from the future.

The thing that we have been trying to drive home is that when you really begin to look at the information and start comparing certain underlying principles, that simularities just spring out that are surprising and cannot be ignored.

The threading of the web of creation begins to reveal itself everywhere you look.
Re: Between The Spirals.......MASS

The lazer in itself may not have any effect on space-time, but the correct combination of light frequency and possible sound vibrations, I believe would have the desired effect.

I don't know if you have studied wave mechanics or not. But there is a way to combine two waves to create a circle wave.

With sound waves it can be done by setting up two speakers at right angles to each other and feeding a sine wave into one and a cosine wave into the other. This sets up a circular wave interference pattern. The result would be a tornado. At least in theory that is what I predict would happen. I never built one. Sound waves are longitudinal waves.

Now the same thing can be done with light waves as well. But I think it would be easier to do with microwaves instead. The setup has to be precise. Both wave emitters must be exactly at right angles to each other. The position of the emitters also has to be taken into account based upon the wavelength they emmit. Also a sine and cosine wave must be fed alternately into the emitters. And this would create an area in space where the interference pattern creates a circular EM wave. The only thing wrong with a rotating EM wave is that it is a transverse wave. It has no push. Just vibrates up and down. By increasing the frequency the rotational rate goes up, but the wavelength goes down. There is probably some constant to assign to the relationship for circle waves.

The same principle can also be applied to gravity waves once we figure out how to create gravity wave emitters. But this type of wave would be longitudinal like sound waves and it would cause spacetime to rotate.

And I'm pretty sure Tesla figured out how to apply circular mechanical waves to create his earthquake machine. But I'm not going to tell anyone how he did that.
Re: Between The Spirals.......MASS

As I am sure you are aware, there is a limited amount of time and space in posting data in these threads. It would be interesting to actually put everything we have each posted into some kind of order where it could be read in a linear format and not broken up within various threads.

Your experiments are extremely fascinating and I wish there was a way to join forces to run experiements together. You have done alot of work regarding gravity and the effects of other forces upon gravity. I am working on setting up some type of lab, but I have a tendency to collect "things" and the garage is full of "stuff". I can't quite bring myself to throw the "stuff" away. It may have some use, someday.

I am still looking at how to construct some sort of wacky looking device with the old VCRs piled up in the corner and sell them as time machines on E-Bay. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/yum.gif

I also have a tendency to get into too many projects at once. With the many links provided in other posts, I am still trying to catch up on reading the information contained within those. I did a paper on Tesla, so am familiar with his life and work.

I have studied a little on wave mechanics and understand what you are saying. The design of the Merkaba is thought to have a combination of both light and EM, each as opposing forces. Thus , one tetrahedron is composed of rotating light, the other tetrahedron composed of rotating EM energy.

The one question I would pose to you is if you can get the EM waves or components to be transmitted within a beam of light. It would be interesting to see if a Tesla-coil type lazer could be constructed, since I know one problem with the Tesla Coil is a refined output of energy flow. I spoke to an individual that is working on building a Solar powered Tesla Coil/ Sterling engine Generator Device. He is having problems with the tesla Coil transferring energy in an acceptable format to run the generator.

So perhaps, if the Tesla energy output could be combined in a way to actually use light as a carrier...???