Being in the past would be the most stunning feeli


Temporal Novice
I think about going back in time, to say 1991, and going to my elementary school where I am 7, and it's just a weird feeling. I cannot imagine how bizarre it would be looking at myself when I am young, but not being able to know what I am "thinking" or "feeling" - even though it is me. It's like we are two different people, and we don't have a collective mind or thought.

It would be the strangest, most amazing feeling being in the past... it would be so truly bizarre walking into my old elementary school in 1991 with all the knowledge I had...

It's hard to articulate what it would feel like.

However, I feel that time travel into the past is almost definitely impossible.

Here's why, sorry for articulating myself so poorly, I really haven't had time to "organize my thoughts:"

1 - The argument that "then why aren't there time travellers among us" is pretty decent, I believe. It's safe to say that (at least I) never get ahold of a time machine and go back to my elementary school and talk to myself, because my current memory has no such recollection. However, this argument also may suggest that time is cyclical, or that it repeats itself infinitely. If I eventually go back in time to third grade, every moment in my life, every second, has a universe in which it is happening. If this holds true, there must also be universe where I am currently typing the "n" in happening in the last second. Two seconds later, there must be even another universe where the second I hit that N is currently existing.


2 - I like to think of time as more of a straight line. We can travel slower in time, so we can "travel into the future," but there is just no way to go back. Eventually, if we are lucky enough to get out of the solar system and set up a permanent base in other star systems or galaxies, we will probably get wiped out by the collapsing universe (although there is evidence to suggest it won't collapse. Most astronomers and scientists agree that a collapse is eventually inevitable, though). At that point, every thing, obviously, would be gone. Eventually, another universe almost exactly similar to this one will be born, even if it is 10000000^10000000000 decades later.

I'm not sure if I made a point. This would better be made into more than one topic...
Time travel to the past IS possible based on the theory that the past is capable of "looping" itself. This would create a future-past scenario relative to the experience of the time-traveller. As we all know, time is RELATIVE to the experiencer. Forget about MWI, if this theory holds up. The formula for this is T = S(E x M) But how to eliminate those damn paradox possibities?

Actually, Desertfox I'm just off the top of my head. I would suggest looking up some of the many theories of time travel. My education on these matters is remedial at best.
Actually, Desertfox I'm just off the top of my head. I would suggest looking up some of the many theories of time travel. My education on these matters is remedial at best.

I refer you to my above statement. Funny, it's like you just read the parts you want to, and pick at it to suit your flaming objectives.

Posted by J.K. Jizzle
Re: Being in the past would be the most stunning f

It would be cool, yeah. I would also love to be able to go back far enough to meet Leonardo Da Vinci, or to tell Coperincus he was (at least partly) right.
Re: Being in the past would be the most stunning f

It is an interesting thought, if you could go back in time, what would you see. Let us just say for the sake of argument you can't really interfere, maybe you could say something but you couldn't alter anything.

First I would make sure the Juice really did it, cuz, well, Everyone knows he did but I'd like to know for myself.

I would find out what happened to Hitler in 1945, where did he really go/die?

I do believe I would happen to be at Roswell New Mexico in 1949 (with a Camera and Video Recorder).

I would make a few stops to visit the greats, Leonardo, Michael Angelo, Van Gogh (one of my personal favs). Possibly Degas, his work was so brilliant in its own way.

I'd definitely stop to see the birth/life/death of Christ. Might as well hit some of the others as well, Muhammad, Ishmael, Isaac, Moses (he'd be an interesting guy), Noah (if he wasn't drunk at the time).

There would be most of my stops, but, my fascination with what the Egyptians accomplished would probably have me going through all the Dynasty's from Khufu (Cheops) to Snefru. It would be great to see how they accomplished all of their works. Maybe i'd go back 10,000 years and see who built the sphynx.

but if I could really go back that far, I'd go back 2 billions years, find the first single celled lifeforms and squish em.... So much for Humanity. lol /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif