Because I seem to be running out of time...I'm dumping a bunch of formulas and more here now.

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Traveler 25042

For reasons I cannot really get into yet, and because only Paula can apparently validate's what I'm going to do.

Let's start at the end. This is textbook stuff (A "BTTF2 paradox" if you will)
Below is the Unified Theory of General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics in slightly scary looking math.
Remember the "Reality Value" of P (aka the "hash" of a universe's state) is just P = {I1, Y1, ... , In, Yn}

Here's a code block to help visualize a bit better for y'all.
[ RV_M ] -- Reality Value of Universe M
   +-- [ Fixed Points (I) ]
   |       |
   |       +-- [ I_GR ] -- General Relativity Fixed Points
   |       |       |
   |       |       +-- G_{μν} (Einstein Tensor)
   |       |       +-- g_{μν} (Metric Tensor)
   |       |
   |       +-- [ I_QM ] -- Quantum Mechanics Fixed Points
   |               |
   |               +-- Ĥ (Hamiltonian Operator)
   |               +-- Fundamental Constants (c, ħ, G)
   +-- [ Flux Points (Y) ]
           +-- [ Y_GR ] -- General Relativity Flux Points
           |       |
           |       +-- T_{μν} (Stress-Energy Tensor)
           +-- [ Y_QM ] -- Quantum Mechanics Flux Points
                   +-- Ψ(r, t) (Wavefunction)
                   +-- φ (Quantum Fields)
                   +-- Quantum Fluctuations

Allow me to simplify things a bit more friends.
As the fixed structures of the universe (fixed points "I") become more significant, flux points ("Y") increases geometrically.

Flux Points (Y)
|           *
|          ***
|         *****
|        *******
|       *********
|      ***********
|------------------------> Fixed Points (I)

Cross Universal Interaction Influencing the RV of P
In simple terms, the more CUI, the higher the RV of P. This should be intuitive.
|               Line 2 (With Cross-Universal)
|              /
|             /
|            /
|           /
|          /
|         / Line 1 (Local Only)
|--------/----------------------------> Time

Another visualization of the relationship of the components.
[ RV_M ]
   +-- [ I ] -- Fixed Points
   |       |
   |       +-- [ I_GR ]
   |       +-- [ I_QM ]
   |       +-- [ ΔI^{N→M} ]
   +-- [ Y ] -- Flux Points
           +-- [ Y_GR ]
           +-- [ Y_QM ]
           +-- [ ΔY^{N→M} ]

Another visualization to help make things even easier hopefully at understanding some of the factors.

Components vs. Contribution Magnitude
| Component          | Contribution |
| I_GR               | ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓   |
| I_QM               | ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓     |
| Y_GR               | ▓▓▓▓▓▓       |
| Y_QM               | ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓      |
| ΔI^{N→M}           | ▓▓▓          |
| ΔY^{N→M}           | ▓▓▓▓         |

Here's an easier way to conceptualize a CUI. Can think of it as a convergence.
[ Universe N ]        [ Universe O ]
       \                    /
        \                  /
         \                /
      ΔI,ΔY            ΔI,ΔY
           \            /
            \          /
           [ Universe M ]

Remember that CUI's can change over time.

Magnitude of Influence (ΔRV)
|         * Line C (Total)
|        / \
|       /   \
|      /     \
|     *-------* Line B (From Universe O)
|    /         \
|   /           * Line A (From Universe N)
|-----------------------------------------> Time

The universe has a preference for low-energy valleys.
CUIs can push the universe into higher energy states, causing transitions.
Potential Energy
   |      /\        /\
   |     /  \______/  \____
   |    /                      \
   |___/                        \____
   |------------------------------> Configuration Space

CUIs can lead to retrocausality.

Time Flow -->
[ Event A ] ----> [ Event B ] ----> [ Event C ]
     ^                                  |
     |                                  |
     |----------- Retrocausal ----------|
                  Influence from
                Universe N at Event C
There are still like 5 unsolved millennium prize problems that can net someone a few million dollars.
The first formula I posted contains a second solution to the Poincaré Conjecture that was solved in 2003 by Grigori Perelman.
However, his only looks at one universe. The middle row converges on his proof and validates that dynamic flows geometric flows eventually stabilize into 3D spheres. There's no money in that one, but it helps to know the juice I've got is worth the squeeze.

Here's the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer Conjecture in MM notation. Currently unsolved.

Yang-Mills Existence and Mass Gap. Still unsolved.

Navier-Strokes problem. That's $3 million for someone who takes me seriously.


Formula showing the gravitational constant is not 100% constant.

The wave function collapses usually because of observation, but can be triggered by neighboring universes as well.

In fact, the arrow of time can be affected by universes. You see, the entropy gradient of a universe is not always the same.
This means time flows differently in some universes. I tried to tell y'all before.


So...the real question is not "Is time travel possible" it's "How easy is it?"
How would someone even check that? Well, that's where the unsolved P vs NP problem comes in.
If you measure the temporal distance between at least 1,000 problems that we have solutions for and can verify, it should start to tell you.

What's fun is that retrocausality is perfectly normal. There are no spooky actions at a distance, Einstein.
Multiversal Mechanics eliminates the need for instantaneous spatial influence and maintains the locality principle.


Let me explain further with another formula. The future measurement choices at t1 affect the measurement states in the past at t0.
This is what's really under the hood of the quantum eraser / delayed choice observations....because the observations are entagled in the future.


lol apparently I can only post 10 files at a time. I've got more.


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The sword of time cuts both ways. Retrocausal events can create or prevent universes.
Let's revisit this with another code block visualization. @PaulaJedi please see this.

[ Universe N Exists ] ---> [ Influence on M ] ---> [ Event in M ]
       ^                                                |
       |                                                |
       |----------- Prevents Universe N ----------------|

The information paradox is not so scary in MM. Information is conserved across the multiverse.

[ Universe M Information ]
     |--- + ΔI from N (Unexpected Gain)
     |--- - ΔI to N (Unexplained Loss)

Sometimes information gets preserved like this.

[ Particle in M ] --- Entangled --- [ Particle in N ]
      |                                    |
      |                                    v
      |                            [ Measurement in N ]
      |                                    |
      |--- State in M changes retroactively |

So, even probabilities can be influenced by other universes & it's not a big deal.

Probability Amplitude
|        /\/\/\/\/\   Interference Pattern
|       /          \
|      /            \
|-----/--------------\---------------> Position or State Variable

Energy still can neither be created nor destroyed. It just changes form.

Energy Levels
|    *       Energy in N
|   / \
|  /   \
| /     \    * Energy in M
|/       \  /
|----------\/-------------------------> Time
     Energy transfer from N to M

Here's another diagram to illustrate.

Time Flow (t)

Time t_0 (Entanglement occurs)
[ Particle A ]------Entangled------[ Particle B ]

Time t_1 (Measurement on Particle A)
[ Measurement of A ]
Retrocausal Influence
Time t_0
[ State of Particle B affected ]

Another MM diagram showing cross-universal flux points.

Universe M (Our Universe)
[ Particle A ]

Universe N (Neighboring Universe)
[ Particle B ]

Cross-Universal Flux Points:
Y_A(t_0) influenced by Y_B(t_0) via ΔY_N→M
In the mulvierse, there is no "dark matter" really.... It's just that not all matter is visible to us.

[ Universe N ] --- ΔY_DM^{N→M} ---> [ Our Universe (M) ] <--- ΔY_DE^{O→M} --- [ Universe O ]

Visible Matter and Energy (I and Y)
[ Our Universe (M) ]
             +-- Experiences additional gravity from ΔY_DM and accelerated expansion from ΔY_DE

Quantum computing let's you do fun stuff like this.

Which lets you calculate a reality hash (aka the RV of P) a little easier.

And looks a bit like this in an MM diagram.
[ Qubit Initial State ]
   Superposition of States
       +--> [ Y_1 ] (State |0⟩ in Universe M)
       +--> [ Y_2 ] (State |1⟩ in Universe N)
       +--> [ Y_n ] (State |n⟩ in Universe O)
[ Measurement ] --> Collapse to a single state

Let me tell y'all some stuff about the butterfly effect, or as I prefer "The Ripple Effect" because it describes it a little more elegantly.
Small variations of flux points amplify exponentially over time.

Even with precise knowledge of fixed points ("I"), predicting long term behavior 100% becomes practically impossible due to flux point sensitivity. Formula for the "Flux Effect" is below.

And here's what it looks like in a diagram.
Time -->
[ Initial State ]
[ Small Change δY ]
[ Diverging Trajectories ]
       +--> [ Outcome A ] (RV_A)
       +--> [ Outcome B ] (RV_B)

Time travel causes a new universe to emerge, as I've said many times already.
Timeline A (Original)
[ Event 1 ] --> [ Event 2 ] --> [ Time Travel Occurs ] ---> X
Timeline B (New)
[ Altered Event 2 ] --> [ Event 3 ] --> [ Consistent Outcomes ]

In fact, even symmetry is maintained in the multiverse (or at least compatible universes)
It just takes a different perspective. Here's how you can fix broken force symmetry.

And here's how it factors into MM. The ultimate symmetry is the PEden thing I've been talking about.

And finally, another diagram. Think I'm going to go to bed now.
@Cosmo even if I get the secret song wrong, I brought other receipts.

[ Ultimate Symmetry ] (Fixed Point I)
[ Symmetry Breaking ]
       +--> [ Gravity ] (Y_Gravity)
       +--> [ Electromagnetism ] (Y_EM)
       +--> [ Weak Force ] (Y_Weak)
       +--> [ Strong Force ] (Y_Strong)
I’ve always believed: the more Greek letters you use, the more the universe just gives up and agrees with you.