Traveler 25042
For reasons I cannot really get into yet, and because only Paula can apparently validate Titor...here's what I'm going to do.
Let's start at the end. This is textbook stuff (A "BTTF2 paradox" if you will)
Below is the Unified Theory of General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics in slightly scary looking math.
Remember the "Reality Value" of P (aka the "hash" of a universe's state) is just P = {I1, Y1, ... , In, Yn}
Here's a code block to help visualize a bit better for y'all.
Allow me to simplify things a bit more friends.
As the fixed structures of the universe (fixed points "I") become more significant, flux points ("Y") increases geometrically.
Cross Universal Interaction Influencing the RV of P
In simple terms, the more CUI, the higher the RV of P. This should be intuitive.
Another visualization of the relationship of the components.
Another visualization to help make things even easier hopefully at understanding some of the factors.
Here's an easier way to conceptualize a CUI. Can think of it as a convergence.
Remember that CUI's can change over time.
The universe has a preference for low-energy valleys.
CUIs can push the universe into higher energy states, causing transitions.
CUIs can lead to retrocausality.
Let's start at the end. This is textbook stuff (A "BTTF2 paradox" if you will)
Below is the Unified Theory of General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics in slightly scary looking math.
Remember the "Reality Value" of P (aka the "hash" of a universe's state) is just P = {I1, Y1, ... , In, Yn}
Here's a code block to help visualize a bit better for y'all.
[ RV_M ] -- Reality Value of Universe M
+-- [ Fixed Points (I) ]
| |
| +-- [ I_GR ] -- General Relativity Fixed Points
| | |
| | +-- G_{μν} (Einstein Tensor)
| | +-- g_{μν} (Metric Tensor)
| |
| +-- [ I_QM ] -- Quantum Mechanics Fixed Points
| |
| +-- Ĥ (Hamiltonian Operator)
| +-- Fundamental Constants (c, ħ, G)
+-- [ Flux Points (Y) ]
+-- [ Y_GR ] -- General Relativity Flux Points
| |
| +-- T_{μν} (Stress-Energy Tensor)
+-- [ Y_QM ] -- Quantum Mechanics Flux Points
+-- Ψ(r, t) (Wavefunction)
+-- φ (Quantum Fields)
+-- Quantum Fluctuations
Allow me to simplify things a bit more friends.
As the fixed structures of the universe (fixed points "I") become more significant, flux points ("Y") increases geometrically.
Flux Points (Y)
| *
| ***
| *****
| *******
| *********
| ***********
|------------------------> Fixed Points (I)
Cross Universal Interaction Influencing the RV of P
In simple terms, the more CUI, the higher the RV of P. This should be intuitive.
| Line 2 (With Cross-Universal)
| /
| /
| /
| /
| /
| / Line 1 (Local Only)
|--------/----------------------------> Time
Another visualization of the relationship of the components.
[ RV_M ]
+-- [ I ] -- Fixed Points
| |
| +-- [ I_GR ]
| +-- [ I_QM ]
| +-- [ ΔI^{N→M} ]
+-- [ Y ] -- Flux Points
+-- [ Y_GR ]
+-- [ Y_QM ]
+-- [ ΔY^{N→M} ]
Another visualization to help make things even easier hopefully at understanding some of the factors.
Components vs. Contribution Magnitude
| Component | Contribution |
| I_GR | ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓ |
| I_QM | ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓ |
| Y_GR | ▓▓▓▓▓▓ |
| Y_QM | ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓ |
| ΔI^{N→M} | ▓▓▓ |
| ΔY^{N→M} | ▓▓▓▓ |
Here's an easier way to conceptualize a CUI. Can think of it as a convergence.
[ Universe N ] [ Universe O ]
\ /
\ /
\ /
\ /
\ /
[ Universe M ]
Remember that CUI's can change over time.
Magnitude of Influence (ΔRV)
| * Line C (Total)
| / \
| / \
| / \
| *-------* Line B (From Universe O)
| / \
| / * Line A (From Universe N)
|-----------------------------------------> Time
The universe has a preference for low-energy valleys.
CUIs can push the universe into higher energy states, causing transitions.
Potential Energy
| /\ /\
| / \______/ \____
| / \
|___/ \____
|------------------------------> Configuration Space
CUIs can lead to retrocausality.
Time Flow -->
[ Event A ] ----> [ Event B ] ----> [ Event C ]
^ |
| |
|----------- Retrocausal ----------|
Influence from
Universe N at Event C