Baciu Forest - Romania


Temporal Novice
I don't know if you guys have heard of this place, but it's supposedly the most haunted forest in Romania and in the world. What happens within that place stays there forever, since many individuals who trode there in the past were allegedly not found by local authorities, not even by this day. A brief description of the forest would be abnormally-shaped trees, odd plants and bushes, and the feeling of someone or something gazing upon you.

People who were adventurous and wanted to do an escapade there, and also managed to escape, were saying that there were odd creatures and aliens wandering around the place.

If you want to read more information, I suggest you visit this website:

Leave your opinions below. :)


It sounds like an exciting place. If only I had enough money to travel there. Sometimes I think I feel there presense of evil creatures in certain places that appear haunted and old. I am never sure if it is actually happening or it is my mind playing tricks on me. It is really hard to tell without more pictures and more information. But sure I would like to go there.

I grew up in a place steeped in superstition so I’m not sure I’d want to visit another one. Tends to freak you out if you’re around it long enough. But I can certainly see the appeal, for someone else. It’s the sort of place I’d rather read about than see for myself. Yeah, I’m a wuss :ROFLMAO:

I don't believe in these type of things but this sounds scary indeed but I would still visit since I'm quite curious. Has anyone ever heard of it or maybe visited it? It should be cool to hear some opinion sof people that visited in first person.

It really sounds like a scary place to wander around. I have heard about sightings of vampires and high paranormal activities in Romania but I haven't yet heard about this forest. I'm actually quite suprised because I spend a lot of time online and I would have thought that I would stumble upon something like that. It must be a wild attraction for the paranormal hunters. I would like to visit the place one day but I would not go there alone.

Are there any pics of the odd-shaped trees and the odd vegetation in the forest?
Yes, just Google Baciu Forest and click images. I'll give you a little guess on the crooked trees. They were bent as saplings and forced to grow like that. You can do it at home too. It just takes a few years. If someone "wanted" to make an "interesting forest", they could.

Sounds like a neat place, but not something I would travel into alone. Though if I wanted to be a dick I could always set the forest on fire and see what comes running out :p

Yes, just Google Baciu Forest and click images. I'll give you a little guess on the crooked trees. They were bent as saplings and forced to grow like that. You can do it at home too. It just takes a few years. If someone "wanted" to make an "interesting forest", they could.
I live in a heavily forested area… I keep thinking I ought to take advantage of that and create my own “interesting forest” for fun and profit. And then I feel like a jerk for wanting to play on the superstitious natures of people around me. I think this might be part of why I’m not much of a businesswoman.

And then I feel like a jerk for wanting to play on the superstitious natures of people around me. I think this might be part of why I’m not much of a businesswoman.
We're not all cut from the same cloth as P.T. Barnum, and that's a "good thing".

Reminds me of the Aokigahara forest in Japan, at the base of Mount Fuji. My speculation on this has been that these places might be emitting an inaudible frequency that sets off our paranoia or fear responses. This Wikipedia article has an interesting anecdote one the subject, and I consider it to be good evidence in favor of my theory.

We're not all cut from the same cloth as P.T. Barnum, and that's a "good thing".
Good thing for the morals… not so much for the wallet :p If the infrasonic vibration theory explains people’s reaction to these places, I’m pretty sure my particular locale lacks the proper frequencies anyway. Wouldn’t turn out too well, I’d imagine.
