Attention New Comers... MUST READ!


Chrono Cadet
Hi Folks!

This post is for all you "strangers" out there who are now viewing this forum for the first time:

Over the past two weeks, I have been exploring areas of relativity that were never explored before.

Here is a summary of everything I've discovered, theorized and concluded. Read all of it very, very carefully. For cryptically in this message are contained the nine keys to the door behind which lay infinite possibilities. Use the keys wisely if you find them.


Time is three dimensional. It has three axes, one real, one imaginary and one original, around which all of creation revolves.

Time can be quantized as being the resultant vector of an object's passage through two temporal dimensions, as such:

to = sqrt(ti^2 + tr^2)


to = actual value of time
ti = imaginary temporal vector
tr = real temporal vector and tr = to(sqrt(1-(v^2/c^2)))

This complex value of time is derived from the fusion of the Einsteinian equation for relative time and the pythagorean theorem.

This same equation also applies to relative length.

Different equations are required for mass, temperature and electric current, but I'm working on those. They are all the same equation, but define three different energetic properties.


In the beginning, there was naught throughout infinite space. Infinite space cannot be filled with nothing, therefore, everything occupied one singular point in space. Thus, a singularity was created which was not stable. In order to release itself from its spacial bindings, the singularity created time. In one direction through real time, the singularity released the infinite energy of its infinite density. This was the original white hole. The gravity generated by this infinite energy slowed some of the energy down to sublight speed, which caused it to travel foreward through time, and eventually the energy passed the point in time known as the origin of time. Once the energy passed the origin of time, it was consumed by the side of the singularity which absorbs matter, known as the original black hole. The black hole accelerated the energy's progression through imaginary time, and furthermore, backwards through real time until the gravity of the singularity slowed it down once more. The process was repeated over and over and over again, an infinite number of times, filling infinite space with infinite energy. Thus, the postulates of creation are:

1) Nothing occupies infinite space.
2) Everything occupies no space.
3) The resulting singularity inverts the relationship.

Thus, the universe, all that exists, is the natural reaction to the existence of nothing.


Postulates of Universal Structure:

1) Everything in the universe has an equal, opposite and imaginary counterpart.

2) Since all points in space have an infinite amount of space around them in all directions, then all points in the universe can be construed as the centre of the universe.

3) Since all points in time have an infinite amount of time around them in all temporal directions, then all points in time can be construed as the origin of creation.

4) All points in space have 27 fundamental properties which can each be graphically represented in 27 seperate dimensions as such:

Three Dimensions of Time (real, imaginary, original)

Three Dimensions of Real Length (x, y, z)

Three Dimensions of Real Mass

Three Dimensions of Real Temperature (or relative motion)

Three Dimensions of Real Electrical Current

Three Dimensions of Imaginary Length

Three Dimensions of Imaginary Mass

Three Dimensions of Imaginary Temperature (or relative motion)

Three Dimensions of Imaginary Electrical Current

5) All properties in the universe are mathematical functions of the 27 fundamental dimensions.

6) All consciousness in the universe is focussed on the origin of time at the centre of the universe, which can both be construed as every point in space/time, making the entire universe omniscient.

7) The consciousness of a being is the *current* focal point of universal consciousness.

8) 26 dimensions make up reality, in accordance with superstring theory. The 27th dimension, original time, contains infinite layers of reality.

9) A being which is capable of making an active decision to change its surroundings is capable of executing its own transition through original time, simply by making a decsion to change its surroundings. The will of such a being has a radionic effect on the imaginary properties of matter, energy and time and therefore, such a will can be translated into reality. The more chaotic the system which the will attempts to influence, the higher the probability for the desired event to occur. The transition through original time caused by active decisions eliminates the possibility of temporal paradoxes. The probability of relocating an object to the temporal plane from which the object originated is equal to one chance in infinity, making a return to a previously occupied temporal plane infinitely improbable, or impossible.


1) The passage of real time for an object in an observer's perception contracts in relation to the object's velocity relative to the observer. Imaginary time is equal to the relative velocity of the object.

2) The real length of an object in an observer's perception contracts in relation to the object's velocity relative to the observer. Imaginary length is equal to the relative velocity of the object.

3) The real mass of an object in an observer's perception increases exponentially in relation to the object's velocity relative to the observer. The difference between an object's real mass and its imaginary mass is equal to infinity.

4) The real temperature of an object in an observer's perception increases exponentially in relation to the object's velocity relative to the observer. The difference between an object's real temperature and its imaginary temperature is equal to infinity.

5) The real electrical current of an object in an observer's perception increases exponentially in relation to the object's velocity relative to the observer. The difference between an object's real electrical current and imaginary electrical current is equal to infinity.

6) The equations of the first five postulates of this theory can be unified into one equation with which one can quantize anything in the universe.

7) There is no universal speed limit. If an object can absorb and thus, utilize, a mass of energy equal to its own mass for the purpose of acceleration, that object will move at the speed of light relative to its original position. If the same object were to continue to absorb and thus, utilize more energy for the purpose of its own acceleration, it would indeed travel faster than light, and backwards through time, until its acceleration curve bent its temporal trajectory back into the its original temporal direction. The speed at which this is first possible is twice the speed of light.

8) A consciousness is a centre of perception through which everything in the universe can be quantized. A conscious being, therefore, has the potential to access the complete knowledge of the universe, its entire history and to impose complete control over both.

9) The third dimension of time, which is called original time, contains infinite layers of reality, each of which is the exclusive domain of only one consciousness at any given time.

Conclusion: The layer of the universe upon which you read this belongs entirely to you. You are not just the master of your own destiny, but rather, you have the potential to impose complete control over your entire perception of reality. ENJOY!

The above message is © Dan R. Mohammed, 2003, and is protected by Canadian, American and International Copyright Law. All rights reserved. E-mail [email protected] to inquire about publication rights.
Re: Attention New; not so fast little Krishna!

And yes, I see that you have properly addressed your interest and analysis of the most distant galaxies observed by the Hubble and have adjusted these observations accordingly?
Re: Attention New; not so fast little Krishna!

You reply to my messages in the weirdest places. It's hard to keep track of what you're saying. It seems you're replying to my message about the age of the universe and...

oh my god... :eek:

what the hell? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif My eyes are screwed, I can actually see the EM field that my monitor is generating.

Aren't electrons somewhat outside of the visual spectrum? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif

Anyways... back to the topic at hand. Geeze, that's weird, I've never seen my screen do that before, it's so bizarre /ttiforum/images/graemlins/tongue.gif

So yes, I did not mention using multigalactic motion to determine the age of the universe anywhere in my previous message, so I don't know why you would post your response to that particular message in this thread. In the infamous words of Johnny Cochrane, "It does not make sense!" :D

So please, Creedo, despite the non-linear nature of the universe, please adhere to linear progression in the threads, if only to not scare the little ones.

Thanks Creedo.

Your Friend,
Re: Put up your hands and put the honey pot down!

Quote, Swiftinfo>So please, Creedo, despite the non-linear nature of the universe, please adhere to linear progression in the threads, if only to not scare the little ones.

Creedo replies, yes I do have to think linear in reference to the universe, and then no I don't have to think linearly in reference to the universe.

You still are no grasping the information offered, as a proponent of quadracell structure of the universe at its beginnings.

If one can point the Hubble in one direction where no star formations were ever observed and in time start to pick up many galaxies, that are not currently part of quardracell universal structure, then what is your logic, Swiftinfo, missing?

Distance is time, however also indicates movement.

So what's moving the interior of the universe, or the entire structure of the universe itself, as a structural proponent within pure or near pure space, outside of stringed catastrophes.

Trillions of light years, must in some sence translate into trillions of years.

Quote Swiftinfo>Or bow to Mecca, in a Kilt]]
Re: Put up your hands and put the honey pot down!

Oh... you were attempting to get me to point out where in my theory the galactic vector theory of dating the universe fits in?

Well why didn't you say so?

I'll have to re-read my post to figure that out. It probably has something to do with postulate four of Universal Structure.
Re: Toast and jam for breakfast?

You know that I love you and what love will endure,..All my thoughts are of you, as I'm so completely yours,..I cry to hear folks chatter,..when your here with me in my sleep,..cry to hear folks chatter, cause I'm in this too deep,..Don't explaaaine,..don't explaaaaine.

Lyrics from the song, Hush now, don't explain, as once sung by American renditionist, Lou Rawles.

>>I did try to tell you about star sets that were not part of galactic quadracell structure, however' you did not listen.

This boards about time travel and all that this means,...this boards about time travel, not some magic beans.

I cry to hear folks chatter, when you've fallen in too deep, but what the heck does this matter cause in you,..(you finish that last stanza Swift..?

>And hence harkens unto light there was a day, that Creedo had picked up his magic receiver and made that valiant call to Corn-na-dia asking for that special mechanical engineer.

She had answered the tele at her business calling, all proper, plus all that stuff and said,//I ams, thee mechanical engineer, what in blazes dost they wantest?

Little me, a Creedo engineers says, with tears in his eyes, "It's just me, a wanna-be time traveler and the Great Irish Kilter hast dost proclaim that I can somehow jimmy a time travel machine, from the clutches of ure coffers, in financialdome?

The little fireball shoots back with a desire to show me that she, by her hands has known how to work, a Dietzen special drafting pen, in the expanse of her studio, "I being real busy here Bub'!

Me thinks ure a bum and can'st follow the advice of the Raja of the wonders of creation machine Um building......., so get lost in an ally there in lower Toronto, with Tonto, then I can'st be bothered by ure type any-mores!!??

Tis me, Creedo and I hang up the phone sayin to myself.

Well cosmology in a true view, "I mean after talkin to the chief mechanical designer of the wish factory, like who needs that?!
Re: Toast and jam for breakfast?

I take it there is some hidden cryptic message in your post Creedo
. Same old Danny... you never change.

Bytheway, it’s your responsibility to inform your new friend here who the TTA is before his BS detector goes off and goes off on him :D.

Re:Do not eat people in South Africa!?

TTA' you ole son-of-a-gun, how ya doin?!!

Well it's like this with refence to, (I take it there is some hidden cryptic message in your post Creedo )?

Well TT, the guy is comin on as a pied piper of TTI and his motives strike me as not sincere??

Nothing cryptic here Jav, it's more like a Rottwhiler wrapped around your leg, humpin.
I mean it's hard not to miss and certainly not cryptic?!

What-dig-ya-do to your hair.....?

Did you get a do or something?, looks great!
Re: Toast and jam for breakfast?

Hey Creedo!

I don't think I know the song you're quoting, but I'll play along.

Creedo said:
>This boards about time travel and all that this means,...this boards about time travel, not some >magic beans.

What the funk and wagnalls are you talking about? What I'm discussing IS related to time travel. The only way we can learn to manipulate time, is to learn how it fits into the big picture, and how time is a function of everything else that goes on: ie: Complex relativity.

As for the magic beans, well, it would seem that the only way to influence things that our mechanical devices cannot is to use the will of our minds to impose some sort of change in "metaphysical" properties, or according to my model of a complexly relative universe, the imaginary properties.

I know of a device which can amplify a user's will. If the same device could be adapted to not only amplify the users will but also generate enough power to amplify the user's will SUFFICIENTLY, then the user could cause anything to happen instantaneously.

The device could be used as a teleporter, a warp drive, a power generator, or yes, even a time machine. I don't expect anyone to believe me. To believe that such a device could exist is to believe that one person can wield the power of God and that's a little too much for most people's reality contexts.

The key to expanding one's reality context lies in asking "how can it be done?" rather than proclaiming "it cannot be done!".

Advocates of Time Travel are probably the most open-minded researchers on Earth. The belief that one's course through time can be altered is considered by most, to be ludicrous and unachievable.

But so was breaking the sound barrier, or human flight at all for that matter, and making trains go faster than 30 MPH.

You guys asked the question: "How can time travel be made possible?"

I'm trying my d4mndest to answer that question by helping you all understand what you're asking.

...and I may have a design for a hand-held device that could do it.

Creedo said:
>I cry to hear folks chatter, when you've fallen in too deep, but what the heck does this matter >cause in you,..(you finish that last stanza Swift..?

"when you cannot hear me weep."

I noticed that activity on this board dropped significantly after the war started but has been gradually coming back. I too wish there were more people responding to what I post because I am desperately trying to understand how the universe works too.

Creedo sed:
>And hence harkens unto light there was a day, that Creedo had picked up his magic receiver and
>made that valiant call to Corn-na-dia asking for that special mechanical engineer.
>She had answered the tele at her business calling, all proper, plus all that stuff and said,//I >ams, thee mechanical engineer, what in blazes dost they wantest?
>Little me, a Creedo engineers says, with tears in his eyes, "It's just me, a wanna-be time >traveler and the Great Irish Kilter hast dost proclaim that I can somehow jimmy a time travel >machine, from the clutches of ure coffers, in financialdome?

You called a mechanical engineer about my device? Sakes. That's the last person I would have called. We need Gold... and Cobalt! These things are expensive, and the latter dangerous! Before we can get those things, we need to spend $75 on a much less complicated and much less expensive device, that we may test it, and make sure the theory is sound!

I'm sorry. I think I forgot to mention that part of the plan.

Once the less complicated device is shown to work, we can make a much more complicated and expensive device which will be more effective.

Creedo said:
>The little fireball shoots back with a desire to show me that she, by her hands has known how to >work, a Dietzen special drafting pen, in the expanse of her studio, "I being real busy here Bub'!
>Me thinks ure a bum and can'st follow the advice of the Raja of the wonders of creation machine Um >building......., so get lost in an ally there in lower Toronto, with Tonto, then I can'st be >bothered by ure type any-mores!!??

I take it this person was/is a friend of yours? Was she really that rude, or are you just exagerating her response?

Creedo said:
>Tis me, Creedo and I hang up the phone sayin to myself.
>Well cosmology in a true view, "I mean after talkin to the chief mechanical designer of the wish >factory, like who needs that?!

I'm having a difficult time with this one... correct me if I'm wrong:

-You cannot believe that this person would speak to you in this fashion
-You seem to be calling me the CMD of the "wish factory."

It's not a factory, it's more of a sub-tesla wave activated, gravity-powered sub-tesla wave transceiver.

For all intents and purposes, it "reads your mind" and then proceeds to make the universe "more likely" to convert your thoughts into reality, gradually, more and more each second. Once there is sufficient gravity being generated and sufficient three dimensional motion of the crystal, your desires will instantly become reality.

You might have to be very, very patient.
Re: Toast and jam for breakfast?

Have I offended someone?

The only reason I started this thread is because all my ideas were strewn all over the place and I wanted to summarize them in in one thread so that people would not have to search all over the place for all the various theories I've come up with in the past two weeks. It's all right here in one message now! One stop shopping, you know how it is...

From my own perspective, I've never seen a theory that better explains how the universe works. For all I know, I could just be reinventing superstring as I know not much about that theory, other than it has some ridiculous matrices that are difficult to explain.

To my good friend Creedo, I will say that one thing "indians" have been known to do is invent the wheel, make tremendous modifications on it, and then later discover that the wheel was already invented long ago and they could have saved themselves a lot of time.

My theory is gradually starting to look like it will require many matrices to take s fully mathematical form.

If I've p!$$3d anyone off in my pursuit of the ultimate answer, please let me know.

Besides that Enforcer, what is your own opinion of my theories thus far?
Re:Arlberg snow and sports shop:

I think what you missed here Swift, is that it may be members this particular board, don't want something, however want to go to a particular place?

You offering them a special machine that can make anything, is akin to the manufacture of fool's gold.

Most of the people here, are very, very, experienced and won't fall for the golden cookie routine.

I think, this is what you has miscounted within your approach here?
Re:Do not eat people in South Africa!?

I assure you Creedo, my motives are 100% sincere.

Read for instance, my reply to dimigourous in the "mathematical proof of temporal manipulation" thread. I am an intrigued part-time theoretical physicist just like just about everyone else out here.

Fori such as these are always the target of people who want to have a good laugh at others' willingness to believe in something, and then lie and get everyone's hopes up.

Believe me Creedo, were killing ethical, and I was in charge of executions, all liars would die.

Fortunately, neither one of the above are true. I would never want to decide who deserves to die and I'm glad killing is illegal. The reason I said that was to convey how utterly immoral and counterproductive I believe lying to be. Besides which, I have a company to run. What makes you think I would waste my time trying to fool a bunch of time-travel buffs? I'm serious about this stuff. I want to make it happen.

I assure you, it is my full intention to develop a working theory of how the universe works, and how to quantize every property with a single equation so as to determine what steps must be taken to achieve "anything".

Yes.. anything. Include time travel in there if you like.

I will now tell you a parable:

Once there was a man who lived in an apartment building. He was waiting for an elevator with a number of other inhabitants of the same building. An elevator came and the door opened. The man entered the elevator and one of the inhabitants called out "That elevator does not work."

The man, undaunted, said to the people: "I'll get it working".

The man had no previous experience fixing elevators, however he knew that there had to be something physically wrong with the elevator. He checked the settings of the service functions, the emergency status, and everything he could think of. Then, he saw light piercing through the elevator door ater it had closed "all the way".

Finally, he noticed that the elevator's door contact had a plastic covering which was out of place. Right before the people's eyes, he pulled and heaved on the piece of plastic, nearly getting crushed by the door twice. The people watched and more people gathered as this intrepid man struggled to fix the forsaken door. Five minutes had passed and yet, no further elevators had come to the ground floor. Finally, the man managed to fix the problem with the door contact's plastic covering and the door closed completely.

The man realized that the elevator would finally work, and with lightning haste, he pressed and held down the "door open" button. Then, holding his finger in place, he re-emerged from the elevator saying:

"The door works now! I'm going upstairs, who's coming with me?"

Forty eyes stared back at the man, twenty heads shook. The man shrugged his shoulders and went up seventeen floors, by himself while twenty people waited for "the next elevator".

The lesson to be learned here is, if it's not already obvious enough:

"Sometimes, even when people see a thing with their own eyes, they still refuse to believe."

And so I say to all those who would doubt me:

I will one day be able to convert my thoughts directly into reality. I am willing to share the necessary technology with anyone who wants to do the same. Who wants in?
I am deeply disappointed

Alright, forget the stupid sceptre. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/mad.gif I'll go get $125,000 and make the sceptre myself and use its power for my own purposes. You can all watch. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/tongue.gif

I still believe however, that the key to understanding time and gaining control over it, will be somehow derived from understanding complex relativity.

Time is part of the universal function.

We have to give mathematical shape to a unified field equation in order to determine what must be done to an object's OTHER properties in order to create the net result of time-travel.

I have not found any viable way to cause an object to INSTANTANEOUSLY revert to another point in time. What I have found, however, is that an object CAN travel backwards through time, but only at an equal rate to the same period of time in the opposite direction.

In other words, if you went back in time, you would notice the passage of your own time, even though everything around you was going backwards.

By the time you turned back towards a positive temporal direction, you'd have aged the same amount of time that it took you to get back to that time period.

Now if you were to go pay the dinosaurs a visit, you'd be waiting a good 65 million years.

Cryogenics and automated revival mechanisms are in order. And the only viable way to travel backwards through time is to go faster than light, so where the h3ll is the earth gonna be in 65 million years?

You realize the complexity of what you are attempting to do.

I wish you all the best of luck with it.

I'll help if you want my help, but any further attempt to label me as a fraud will result in my eternal abandonment this site and the deletion of all my posts, robbing all of you of any benefit of my copyrighted research.

I do expect an apology from those who would label me a fraud. I am a researcher and entrepreneur. I find the very concept of falsehood to be the root of all evil.

Re:Do not eat people in South Africa!?

I see your handling things quite fine with the newbie, so I will just stand along with the audience and watch. The TTA has had alot of time watching from afar and letting others take a shot at things. It's humbling in a way when you know of all you can do and can be responsible for, and relinquish that control and responsibility onto the hands of others. Sure, at first one may feel helpless, especially when one is as efficient as the TTA
and seeing others lag behind until things click weeks later.

*What-dig-ya-do to your hair.....?

Did you get a do or something?, looks great!*

Yes I did do something with my hair, how did you know /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif? I think it looks great too, thank you very much. I got a new digital camera, I will be making a new website soon with maybe a new pic of me.

The TTA is a very busy man these days :D, but he is far from being a forgotten memory.


Re: I am deeply disappointed

do not listen to skeptics, regardless of the validity of your work. At least you are trying.
i love reading your posts, for even if they were meant to be "fool's gold", and i dont think that, any gold can inspire the imagination--and that is a central requirement for discovery.
So, let creddo fade away with his/her jealousy,pomposity,ego...and keep up your positive contributions to this board which, incidentally, has a larger purpose than to satisfy the small world of just a few.
Re: I am deeply involved in fruit growing

Point of order in reply to Mr. Petricellie's comments, concerning both accusations of pompacity, as well as jealousy.

As a matter of fact, I do not care what Mr. Mohammed does.

I do not care at all.

What some should care about however, is that the device that Swiftinfo is trying to assemble, is known as a psychotronic machine.Know additionally that by nature, that this device is both warned of and controlled by said and avowed governmental agencies.

Infact, there was recently a psychotronics machine that was advertised on one of the yahoo groups and again, the same warning had applied.

This warning was, [that the user of this device, must be responsible for all inuse parameters, and if they violate these usage guides, then there is a probability that this device may be confiscated by either agents of the U.S. or Canadian Governments].

Yes these devices do work, however say if one earns a cool two million on the stock markets, internationally by the use of these devices, please be assured that that person will have a soon to be felt knock on their door.

Darby Daryshire of the Anomalies net has also warned of the FTC rulings concerning the attempted selling, or raising of funds for these devices, so the warning is double; not only my say.
Re: I am deeply involved in fruit growing

that's quite a passionate response for someone who doesn't care.
the information you bring to light,if true, does create grounds for
for the layman, how does this machine work,in practical terms; what is it
capable of in reality?
my point is to not discourage those who dare to dream, as cliche as it
sounds, and that the most oft repeated lesson in history,other than the one
that alludes to the propensity of men to misuse powerful discoveries for ill
gains and misguided power grabs, is the one that states if you can imagine
it, you can create it. but you obviously know that and much more,it appears,
in this specific case that may or may not warrant a reigning in of said
theorist, mr swiftinfo.
but i am curious as to the reality of the claims that these devices exist
and that they actually work, in a practical, instead of theoretical sense.

also, now that i've been privvy to certain information, who,exactly , is this swiftinfo and what is his purpose? is he american or of the americans?
maybe he can fill in the blanks for us newcomers as to his resume, as well as creedo and any other prominent visitors.
how many people here have IQ's over 170? i am curious...
Re: I am deeply set in my underwear.

Quote>my point is to not discourage those who dare to dream, as cliché as it
sounds, and that the most oft repeated lesson in history,other than the one
that alludes to the propensity of men to misuse powerful discoveries for ill
gains and misguided power grabs, is the one that states if you can imagine
it, you can create it. but you obviously know that and much more,it appears,
in this specific case that may or may not warrant a reigning in of said
theorist, Mr. swiftinfo.

This statement is a diatribic intollment, which lends to the macroscopic endearmnnets of John Hallstead's attempted term papers, prior to his release from the addition of the narcotic cocaine.

What is formic to the mind of translation here, is that Swiftinfo should not be extolling the devicery of potential travesties, which might not concur with law.

With your respects to relative intel quotients, I must imply it's not what you have, that adjust to greater pen and scroll, however it's what you do with what you have, which is all recountable.

Quote from a literary work>Be mindful that this relative, an aunt uncle that you once knew, may no longer be approachable as you had once known them?

For the tenets of getting too close, this this once dispatched, now realized a'new may be incurrent with hidden dangers.

Invite them in, if this is your will to do so.

However within the darkness of their newfound residency, remember that as is the case with all remade as vampires, relatives or not, when given the chance, will suck the entire life out of you.FIN

Recountation of the works of Anne Rice as relayed to me, by a good friend Brad R.
Re: I am deeply set in my underwear.

still adversarial, i see, and quoting Anne Rice, one of my favorite authors. almost contradictory...unless you knew, which of course, you didnt.

however, i agree with your iq tenent, but your quote from ms. Rice is redundant in that it does not answer my specific question, yet serves as a warning, which is already implied in your original response.

i already stipulated you have a point if what you say is true.
i am under the influence of the influenza, however,and my energy level is low, so i haven't the inclination for sparring.
i am only interested in the reality and the practical applications, if such exists, of the sciences discussed here.