Astral travel and remote viewing


Temporal Novice
I dream sometimes I am in a parallel world or I can project myself to somewhere else in the world and just watch the days events is astral travel and remote viewing monitored I meet people I have never seen before or things I havent seen before .............

I've wondered before if what most consider "ghosts" and "spirits" are sometimes astral travelers? Have you tried to communicate with these entities you encounter? I would try to, as long as they don't seem threatening.

yes and they seem to be quite friendly and I have been to America in the 1800s and seen a worm hole and have dreamt of the future and dream of military bases and other places like in Asia and Europe and encounter some people I have never met before or am with my parents but in a different dimension or am in a govt building somewhere u think this is like remote viewing ..........and do u think a place exists outside this universe like in the film jupiter arising and I know about the Anderson Institue, and Project Pegasus and Andrew Basiago, and Darpa Research, Project Camelot, the disclosure project, the sirius project, the yellow cube box file, dan burish and the stargate, the reptilian aliens, the draconain aliens and that at fort hood they hold alien greys.

I have successfully carried out remote viewing too, fairly recently. The only astral projection I had really was when I was a very young child - I visited a couple of places in the universe where there were other living beings. One of the places was particularly scary but one of them was beautiful and gave me a great sense of comfort and all-knowing. I have also successfully communicated with people who I was remote viewing (i.e. telepathy).
