Astral time-travel!


Temporal Novice

People have also reported being able to travel astrally in time. This simply means they were able to move their astral body(another body you are believed to have almost constantly attached to your physical body) freely in space and also even time!

This happened to Ed Morrel during an Out of the Body Experience as he left his body and travelled into the future when he saw the woman he was later to meet and marry.

Method to induce an Out of the Body Experience.

OBJECTIVE:Lossen your astral body (your spirit) from your physical body.

To prepare for the O.B.E. attempt:

*You should not eat anything for the previous three hours.

*You should not eat heavy foods.

*You should only eat light foods.

1, Relax both your whole body and mind and lie back in bed. Tense and relax each muscle in your body.

2, Take deep slow breaths through your nose.

3, Close your eyes and let go of any pressure.

4, Imagine vividly you are inside a lift moving upwards.

5, Picture your astral body is rising and tell yourself that you will wake up fully out of your body.
6, As you relax to the point you are falling asleep try to remain focused on the idea you are going up in a lift.

This method does seem to work on others and it should work for you. Although it does take a lot of work, vivid thinking and concentration it actually works.

· Practice is very effective compared with other preparations.

Paul Curran