Astral projection and the bending of time.


Temporal Novice
The following stories are true. The first is a little disgusting, and the second romantic... but both are memorable (to me). These are two of a scattering of times in my life where I had a "knowing", a calm, confident absolute knowing, that a certain thing was to happen. This "knowing" doesn't happen often, but when it does, I pay very close attention.

The first was an out of body experience, probably my first conscious one. The second happened while fully conscious.

When I was about ten, I remember taking a nap during the day, feeling strangely tired. As I started to doze off, I felt the mattress bucking, at first gently, and then violently. It was as if some strong hulking person was taking the mattress and slamming it up and down, with me on it. Oddly, I didn't bolt out of bed to try to stop it or break free of it. I remember being slightly scared, but more calm and observant than anything else. I was not panicked, although looking back, I am wondering why that was.

There was a loud roaring in my ears, like the sound of a jet engine, and the violent mattress smashing. I distinctly felt as if I was vibrating. I then remember flying over my house, the house I grew up in, and one in which I was no longer living. It was the house I lived in before my parents separated and I went to live with my father--the latter in a very tiny apartment. I guess I was longing for my old home, and I vividly remember flying around the roof looking down on it. Then, I remember re-entering my body. Right after, during more mattress thumping and the roaring in my ears, I had a very distinct thought: I knew that I was going to awake to a cockroach on my hand. And about a minute or two after I became conscious and awake, it happened. I felt something crawling on my palm. I screamed for my father to kill it, still amazed that this "thought" prediction came true. Then, I remember wondering why I couldn't get a message more profound than that about my future. Demanding even then, I guess.

The second was when I was on a date. I had met a man from Texas (I lived in New York City) and he had traveled to New York a couple of times for long weekend "dates." It was my turn to visit him in Texas, and we both went to his family's lake house in East Texas. The weekend was not going well. Unbeknownst to me, his old flame had popped up prior to my trip and a relationship he had thought ended was beginning anew. His emotions were conflicted. I knew something was wrong and I was miserable, wanting to go back to New York and considering cutting my weekend trip early.

I watched him talk to a neighbor out the window. I had been making coffee, thinking about nothing in particular, watching him chat relaxedly on the front lawn. And then I had that "knowing" wash over me. "That is your husband," I thought. In my mind, he actually became my husband; he stopped being a guy I was dating who had become unexplainedly distant. I shook my head and tried to clear it, then scolded myself for such a bizarre thought. Of course, as you must have surmised, we are now married--in December, it will be eleven years. He knows this story, and he believes I "saw" the future for a second.

Has anybody here had similar experiences? I don't know about you, but I know nothing about warp speeds and cyclotron processors and lasers and bending light--but I do believe the soul, the spirit, is timeless. I think traveling in time may require a lot less than we may imagine...just some training, belief, and will.

Good to meet y'all.

ive had similar experiences, one of them i posted on this site somewhere.

btw, are you a professional writer? if not, you should be.

and welcome to tti. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

I love your handle. I've enjoyed your posts as well.

Do you have a link to where you talked about this? I'd love to read it.

Thank you for the compliment about my writing. That was my aspiration in my youth. I've been published a few places. Then, in my thirties, I discovered Photoshop and the universe opened and swallowed me whole. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif I became a digital artist and that is now my full time career. My husband and I run a business based on selling my art on tile--glass, stone, ceramic murals, tiles, and other stuff like home decor and art gifts. (We also print the work of other artists as well.)

Art is viscerally satisfying to me, but one day I wonder if I will start writing again. I am so self-critical about everything I do and even worse with my writing than with my art--so I wonder if I can actually get a piece of writing to where I am actually happy with it. I doubt it.

Thanks for the warm welcome. Here goes my anonymity:

Hi Timelord,

I agree that stress can bring it on, as can total relaxation and concentrating on absolutely nothing. It's amazing the stuff that can "come" to you when you're thinking of absolutely nothing and very relaxed.

So, how does one change those frequencies? If it was very easy to do, I'd imagine more of us would. Although I guess the belief system has to be there first--and most people, I don't think, have that particular belief system.

Has this manifested in your life?

Thank you for finding it, Ruthless. Fascinating. Anything else you remember, and anything similar happen to you since that time?


I agree that stress can bring it on, as can total relaxation and concentrating on absolutely nothing. It's amazing the stuff that can "come" to you when you're thinking of absolutely nothing and very relaxed.

This is exactly the paradigm of an engineer that many people do not understand. Most of my day is spent thinking, and great ideas or solutions to problems do not necessarily come when you are totally engrossed in that problem. It is a bit like your eyeball and how it performs. You do NOT see something the clearest when looking straight at it. Rather, your best vision is slightly off-center. This is why it is important for me to have daily distractions while I am in the process of problem-solving. Most engineers will tell you they need this. That is why my bosses never bug me about coming here and writing a bit during the workday. The "a ha" moments come when the problem is in the back of your mind, but in the front of your mind you are doing something relaxing and enjoyable (like debunking alleged TT'ers). :D

As far as the relaxing aspect, I can't tell you how many times I had the flash of insight into an engineering problem at around 6PM on Friday evening when at my friend's house drinking beers and shooting pool! I don't try to force my mind to work a certain way. Rather, I feed it what it needs and I follow it's natural patterns. Works extremely well!! But to try to teach this to young engineering students.... DIFFICULT!

"Thank you for finding it, Ruthless. Fascinating. Anything else you remember, and anything similar happen to you since that time?"

nah, not much besides the usual crazy dream or daydreams. that one was just very vivid. it was probably just a dream, but it sure didnt feel like it.