Astral Journeys to Military Bases & Beyond: What Do My Visions Mean?


Temporal Novice

I astral and remote view all over the world ......guess you could call it time travel, I always seem to dream I am at military bases and govt places in America, England and Europe and sometimes even the what does this suggest ....and know about spaceship birmingham and the elequis files ....from my time travel.

Please suggest on what this means .........


First of all, how do you know that this is not just a product of your subconscious? Try making an experiment first to see if you really are doing some supernatural thing. Ask a friend to hide something in a box. Then find out what is in the box either by going to the time when he is currently hiding it, or to the time when he did show it to you. This way, it is a real phenomenon. I'm sorry for being skeptical, but my suggestion would be this. First, do the experiment and succeed, otherwise, I just think you have a very good subconscious mind to create dreams.

Hi,I astral and remote view all over the world ......guess you could call it time travel, I always seem to dream I am at military bases and govt places in America, England and Europe and sometimes even the what does this suggest ....and know about spaceship birmingham and the elequis files ....from my time travel.
Please suggest on what this means .........

What you are describing is precognitive dreaming, dreams that seem to predict the future through a sixth sense, thus gaining access to knowledge that is not currently known. This can be quite easily explained however.An example would be someone has a dream they are pregnant and a few weeks later they find out they are pregnant, the dream was not likely to have been a paranormal one because the persons body probably would have given them subtle signs that they were pregnant and they could well have been trying to conceive anyway so the subject would have been at the forefront of their mind.

Your dreams are probably based on unconscious information that you may or may not be repressing based on your innermost hopes and fears.
