Re: assumptions on oneliners...
Bennie was the girl of the group.You had five teenage boy nerd eletronics technicans and one pretty girl who also happened to be an electronics afficiando too.
She was a cute and bright girl.Bennie, always fast with a quip about how circutry routing could have been done quicker.
She knew how to lay her ears back like a totally pissed cat, when she was right, but most of all, she knew what she was doing.
She stuck to her ground and the boys had respected her for this quality.
In the differnce within the population in the group, of her being the only girl, this dedication to what she was doing, made all the differnce for the group.
About a week ago, all the guys became stale at the construction of the proposed Stargate 90.
They, all the boys had started to argue, bicker and crab, as if they were all crabs themselves.
Durring the part of the argument where Larry was threatening to take all of his dad's tools home, his father being a tech too, Bennie quickly turned around, dropped her drawers shoutting to the argueing young men, "Hey look everybody, see my buns"!?
This little extra devotion to the cause, certainly got their minds off of argueing and the problem of synchronistic replay?? With intended extra gauss mass, as part of an added on choke feed, into the circular matrix was solved.
Today was shitas-day.That stands for sure happy intristic technicalities are solved day.
Kip, Mike and Ronny all stood present at the switch-on, of the stargate.
Kip threw the master, there was a hum, but nothing happened.Once again this time Mike with ginger-fingers threw the back toggel and still nothin happenin?
Bennie remembered something about time and mass, that her physics teacher was trying to tell her at school. This was that mass must have a scaler componet balance, in negative field gauss flux, in order to effect time and space, within field densities.
Hawksthar stood over six foot nine inches in hight.
He was of the Blue Wizzard's consortium and enjoyed a medium standing within his community.
Out here on this outpost, there was lonly desolation with a serinade of rocks for the daily view each day.
He would join in the gathering at the home-planet, only a half a light year from this small crysalus moon, he called home. His work in advanced level mass physics, that gave Hawksthar enjoyment.
They had heard of humans, some almost one trillion lightyears away, by capturing some of their transmissions.His group enjoyed watching humans make fools of themselves, while consumeing dreggs mud beers.
If there was a project that his group had wanted to complete and there was equal argumentation, the words Dirty Earth Human was sometimes dropped, as a negative epilette, to show distane for another's actions.
The mass of the stone ring, which was his interdiemntional portal, glowed, as a power charge from negative state to zero ensued.
The face of rock became too hot to touch and durring this process. The internal store of the main crystal array control console, also equally as well became translucent as well.
Hawksthar was not in a good mood today.This was as he was risking censure for the proposal that at least some friends in the human constabulary, might be of value where time travel and all additional proposals was concerned.
The thick wollen-like down to the foot black robes complete with hoods, was a form of mass dialetric, as well as a base element weight to Hawksthar's body. The feature of these carefully worn robes gave these wizzard a little extra linnearity, within their abiltiies to materize as well as demateialize.
The internal organ arrangments, as well as their element compostion, was far differing from how Earth people were put togeather.
The wearing of the much feared black robes, at least in the part of the universe, had little to do with any sort of percieved evil.
The robes were part of a wizard's lore ancient utiltiy device and nothing more.
This contium, was nothing at all like Earth wizard's, who were not anywhere as adept, as Hawksthar's continum.
At three point two microseconds, Hawksthar started to enter the worm votex pathway.
Within one second of total transport, to the home planet, there was a very slight strain Hawksthar noticed placed on the stable B Element, which was the fourth crystal tray down, within his teleportation assembly.
This gave off a mild out of tune ((hum)), which the portaling Hawksthar noticed immeadilty.
"This was not right"!
He would have to get out of the begining vortex and terminate action, however he had already began to step into the transfer maze.
He could not....He was stuck within begining beam.This was at a greater distance, than what he normally thought was aprapoe.
The stars about him, now composed into long streaks of white lines, as Hawksthar of Bioria B, was now traveling to an uncoursed, unplotted destination.
Bennie said with a loud grunt to her words, "Shure looks goofed up fellas"!?
I don't think it's going to run, she said holding her can of what she called Doctor Pecker.
The girl stepped up to the platform with a soda-can.Bennie studdied the holding ring of painstakingly constructed coils, which would add balance to this device, if it ever worked?
The others were busey looking at the controls as Bennie turned around to look at the supposed dull and lifeless ring once more.
Within two seconds, Mike grunted, "This plug-ins not in all the way"...Mike pushed in the plug.
The machine before Bennie began to function as if this the ring in the center was a shimmer pond, held there on a Summer's day, caught in the quesence of rays.
Bennie's eye only a foot or two away from the face plane were focused now on the shimmer.
The pop-can, blue genes and an awe-gaped mouth gave balance to the spectre.
The area one could formely see through, now appeared as if it were takeing on a liquid life of its own.
The next sentance of, "Oh' a woman could have done this better"?, only came out as "Oh"., then more slowly "ohhh-a"?
then her voice in continuation,of "OOhhhh!!??
As something big and black was materializing within the seven foot high round ring before her.
The smile was wiped right off her face as she could feel a new force start to suck her into the portal.The young girl with her head fully of curry hair, now had a certain amount of sheer terror on her gaze.
This thing infront of her was comeing through, the same time Bennie was starting to return to the thing's place of origen.
As she began to scream, the others at the set of jury wired controls looked up to see what was left of Bennie's white orlon sweatter, start to phase through a side contium of the portal.
The imposeing mass of the visitor now made itself quite apparent to the stuned boys, working feverishly at the controls.They somehow had to get Bennie, their beloved mascott, back to the confines of this room.
On cue, after transport, the automatic cut switch on the microprocessor array abruptly cut in.
This was a five minute manditory pause as the boys all now foucsing upon the visitor, first tried to figure were their beloved friend, Bennie had gone to.
The next question was posed, is why or where did three six foot nine inches tall black cloaked maruder appear from and how was this going to effect their collective afternoons?
The only item of very slight humor that ran through Kip's minds at this moment, was a Playboy Magazine cut-out cartoon.This script above his dad's workbench, drawn by Graham Wilson; the cartoonist with the slighly macarbre sence of humor.
In an old wild west tavern, there sits on bar stools, some wickely, rough looking cowboys.
The type that eat children alive, drink straight wiskey and become invovled in costant pistol as well a knife fights.They had the scars drawn in with the cartoon, to prove it!
In the middle stool between the two cowboys, sits a circus clown having a drink as well.
The ugilier of the two cowboys turns to the clown and in a a very low growling voice, overseeth comeing through his clenched teeth to the overhappy clown saying,.. "You fun-nin me',.. Bub"?
This is how terrified boys felt, as they look at what they had sucked into the entrance of the portal with their marginal stupidity.
A lot of trouble, that didn't look very happy that it was there uninvited.
Their shitas day, the day of certainly finished electronics projects, as suddenly just turned to plain old s**t.
With a frantic racing complexity, to one of the boys mind's was the thought as his hand moved towards the package of Chips & Homefresh-goodness Cookies, is maybe I can offer him one of these buggers and that will make it all better?
///Edit note, Graham Wilson Cartoons, are the sole right and property of Graham Wilson Inc and or syndicated cartoon series. All rights reserved for Wilson et al.
//The term Playboy is a registered trademark, of PEI Enterprises, locaited at 919 North Michigan Ave. Illinoise./Author only used these two terms, to convey format of story of post.
This post is exemplarary post, and in no way proffits off the two trademark names in-company mentioned within this descriptive literary peice.