Art Bell host CTC tonight.The topic is Time Travel


Chrono Cadet
Art Bell is joined by physicist David Anderson, who'll discuss the history of time travel, and the status of time technology from research labs around the world, as well as the moral and ethical implications of this technology. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

"Dr. David Anderson, PhD", the burglar alarm salesman from Rochester, NY. It's funny that he always touted himself as having a (vague) PhD when he was operating the PO Box "laboratory" Time Travel Research Center but when he went to work for Detection Systems security it maked no mention of a PhD in his bio. It certainly doesn't say he is a physicist or even indicate that he graduated. It reads more like one of those bios where some fudging and vaguely defined details are used to cover for a lack of academic qualifications. If he was a PhD, a physicist and held a rank in the USAF above 1st LT it would have said so.

Of course he never ran any such laboratory. Every business that he was running used the same address and phone number: P.O. Box 11787-8547, Smithtown, NY, (516) 3611-5100 FAX: (516) 361-9467.(TTRC, TTRA, World Genesis Foundation, Genesis Foundation).

Back in 2002 Pamela joined the TTRA for whatever the fee was ($10?) and he sent her the "current" copy of his time travel newsletter, a membership card (with United States of America misspelled) and access to the super "members only" portion of his website. Newsletters were to come monthly. She though that it was odd that the "current" issue of the newsletter that he sent her had the same cover, issue and volume number as the one that was shown on the website the entire time that it was up. So many months later I did the same thing, sent in the fee to see what I received. Same copy. And, also of course, he never sent another "monthly" newsletter to either of us. Then in 2003 he quietly closed down shop and disappeared. Actually he moved to Rochester to take the job at Detection Systems, Inc. Then the website was up for sale.

TTRC/TTRA was nothing more than a website, PO Box, an answering service to take subscriptions and receive the membership fees and David's home garage. On the outbound side there was just the one newsletter, the membership card and access to the "super" members only area of the site that contained nothing more than copies of time travel articles from other websites.

Press release from Detections Systems in Security World magazine:

Detection Systems Welcomes New VP

Detection Systems, Inc., is pleased to announce David Anderson as the newly appointed Vice President of Global Product Management for Intrusion Products, based at Detection Systems' corporate headquarters in Fairport, New York.

With more than fifteen years of experience in the security industry, Mr. Anderson also has experience as an officer in the United States Air Force and as a scientist. His educational background includes physics, philosophy and engineering, allowing Mr. Anderson to bring with him a vast and well-rounded wealth of knowledge to his position at Detection Systems.
Mr. Anderson comes to the company after several years with Newmark Technology as their Vice President of Marketing and Business Development. He has also worked in the security industry with ADEMCO, developing their commercial and government business. Mr. Anderson has extensive experience in strategic planning, market research and customer relations.
Mr. Anderson's responsibilities will include development of market programs for the company's intrusion products worldwide as well as the design and planning of new products. Additionally, he will assist in directing strategic support planning with the Bosch Security Systems group.
"We are very excited to have David join our executive team," stated Peter Ribinski, President/CEO of Detection Systems, Inc. "David's background includes the technical and security industry experience necessary for success in this position. We are certain that his influence will strengthen our ability to produce quality products and build upon our well-established brand equity in the marketplace."
Detection Systems, a member of the Bosch Group, is a leading supplier of equipment to the electronic protection industry, with facilities in New York, California, Argentina, Belgium, China, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Hungary, Italy, New Zealand, Norway, Spain, Sweden, and the United Kingdom. The company designs, manufactures and markets electronic detection, control and commnunication equipment for security, fire protection, access control, and closed circuit television applications.

Notice that the bio it never indicates what rank he held in the USAF or anything about his academic achievements, degree(s) held, schools attended, etc. That's always been the case with him. Many have tried but none have succeeded in getting him to disclose his schooling and/or Air Force rank. The bio relative to his education and military experience reads almost word for word what was on his Time Travel Research Center/Time Travel Research Associates website sans the "PhD" and "world's foremost time travel authority" bits. Bosch probably wouldn't have been amused had he included his extensive knowledge and experience at the Time Travel Research Center in his bio/press release.

I've always wondered just how much money he collected from people to join TTRC/TTRA. I really wonder how many paid him the $149.00 to be a "charter member". His website said that he had 18,000 members (sure he did).

And people wonder why I question everything that comes down the Internet pike re time tavel. Caveat emptor.

doesn't sound like a sales rep from Rochester, but then again Darby also thought i didn't sound like I graduated from berkeley either.

Given a recent discussion where it was revealed that you appear to be a conservative political thinker, and myself having a great deal of experience with people who graduate from Berkeley and their distinct liberal biases, I too am suspect. As far as I know, all people who walk away with degrees from the People's Republic of Berkeley have been successfully brainwashed into the (failed) school of liberal politics.

i think there is a dr anderson in the UC system

Yes, their is a Dr. Anderson in the UC system. But it isn't the same Dr. David Anderson "former USAF officer and the world's foremost authority on time travel" Dr. Anderson. The photo in the press release is the same person as was on the Time Travel Research Center's photo and is not Dr. Anderson from the UC system.

Right now you're responding emotionally because I questioned your assertion that you received an M Arch and published your thesis in a scientific jounal. So be it. But if you're really interested in the facts do the due diligence on Dr. David L. Anderson, former USAF Officer and the world's foremost authority on time travel.

Frankly I don't actually care one way or the other about what you believe or think. It's sufficient that I know what I know. I'm pretty good at posing opinions with supporting facts that adjusts general opinions without your acquiesence.
RMT - I went to UCB for the education, not the politics. But I must admit, while living there I was a liberal. I was a liberal there because even some homeless people were educated, there was not an overwhelming percent of population on welfares, and crime was manageable. Now, I live on the east coast, in NY, one of the most welfare proficient, socialistic, gun-hating, parent-hating, "I love the govment teet" places on earth. My views changed because now I am surrounded by welfare, dss, HHA, section 8, WIC, bus passes, free cell phone and cable TV for poor, crime, crime, crime. Now in NY, I want the laws stating that you can't have kids unless you have a HS diploma. In Berkeley, the crime, stupid taxes, and welfare was shoved in my face on a daily basis, so therefore it did not bother me and I was all about making buildings green and growing veggies. The place you live can open your eyes. Now I realize that I am suited well for living on a tropical island, texas, or maybe new zealand.

Darby, there are a lot of David Andersons out there. Who knows who knows what, right?

All I can add to the conversation is that when I was in berkeley, while doing laundry, and after the naked parade of old folks, I caught a homeless man opening up my washing machine to wash his grubby hands in (how could I make that up....only in Berkeley). After nearly getting into a brawl, we started talking. He was nuts, no doubt. As in crazy crazy pizza pizza pan pan. He told me though a fascinating story (?) about time travel and how during/after WWII (he said he was part of this) time travel was experimented with by military. And that our era that we're living in was not the original/correct one. He said he could tell because the wheel base of cars had changed after some experiment in around 1950. Something about how in the previous world, cars went the way of all very small, like todays smart cars. He said the city landscapes, roads, everything had changed and gone to [censored] because the wheel base of the automobile had widened after the time travel experiment. He was wound up and passionate about his story and although I could not verify his story, I did ask him some questions about physics, such as "what are positrons?" and "what do Lorentz laws mean?". He knew that physics stuff hands down, I grilled him with everything I knew at the time. He was about 70 yrs old, matted hair, missing a tooth or two, and looked like he'd been wearing the same clothes for a year.

Point is, you never know who knows what.
Now I realize that I am suited well for living on a tropical island, texas, or maybe new zealand.

You see there! We find even more common ground. I love New Zealand. I've been there 6 times since my first trip in '89, with my longest stay being a contract job opportunity under a sponsored work visa by a large systems company in Wellington. That job lasted for 8 months, but I wished it had turned into something permanent. I have been to many places on both of the major islands, but I most love the south island because of its wide-openness and scenic diversity. The areas around the Tasman Bay are so lush and tropical, but then just drive 7-8 hours south and you are in the midst of some of the most awesome nordic-style mountains.

Based on my experiences there, and the friendliness of the people, I would have to say it is my pick for best place to live on the planet.

Well, once I did dream we would sail the stars. There would be men on mars.

However, now with RV, another future I see. There are giant devastated cities like the echos of an empire. Sadly, our world has turned into a red radioactive ruin. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/mad.gif