Edit Time Trav Inst boad, insert, segments from arguments, Titor Vrs. Arks predict:
Copie seg, frm BBS as>George "Ark" Smith vs John Titor
Who wins? One says Kerry, and the other, Bush.
Anonymous Coward
8:06 am EDT Re: George "Ark" Smith vs John Titor
Both are hoaxers so who gives a [censored]!
HOAX Hunter
8:07 am EDT
Re: George "Ark" Smith vs John Titor
Ark and John Titor are HOAXERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sol Invictus
8:20 am EDT
Re: George "Ark" Smith vs John Titor
If I were a playing at being prophet, I´d have said something simple and cryptic like "the PTB will win in the 2004 election." I´d have my bets covered then /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Anonymous Coward
8:24 am EDT Re: George "Ark" Smith vs John Titor
Titor didn´t say bush...
I think that he meant kerry, but he didn´t said that either. It´s just my assumption from the other things he´s said.
8:46 am EDT Re: George "Ark" Smith vs John Titor
I´ve done some research on this and I truly believe Ark was describing the future. I quit believing the JT predictions when I found out it was a goverment psyop designed to test the spread of memes on the net.
Ark predicted a number of things which actually check out. Like they say, "the future casts a long shadow."
Anonymous Coward
8:57 am EDT Re: George "Ark" Smith vs John Titor
"when I found out it was a goverment psyop designed to test the spread of memes on the net."
Where did you get that?
9:11 am EDT Re: George "Ark" Smith vs John Titor
I read that in a discussion forum and the poster backed it up with lots of credible information. I didn´t want to believe it at first because I was completely sold on JT.
I´ve read everything out there to do with JT and how it was started by gov ops who wanted to see how fast ideas can spread.
9:13 am EDT Re: George "Ark" Smith vs John Titor
If a pan is heated and you suddenly cut the heat out. The temperture will continue going up for some time while slowing down . It comes to a stop at a point before starting to climb down slowly. This is the law of nature and it is impossible to change that.
This works exactly the same way with the world situation. There is corruption, hatered, anger, political turmoil, violence, cheating on the rise. I am sure we all agree that the world and its wars are very similar to the tempreture of the pan going up. EVEN (and i can not see that happening) if all the hatred, corruption were to stop suddenly in this very day, we will still have some time before the turmoil will stop and come to rest(this will possibly take years). In another words no matter what action one takes. Things will become worst than they are today before getting better. (and that is IF we stop what we are doing now).
ARK´s theories do not match this natural law what so ever. ARK already assumes that the heat was turned off some time ago and we have come to a resting position. He declares that from now on things will turn for better.
I am not a doomsayer but I do try to think logically. As much as Mr. ARK wants to live in a world of spirituality and love (which i agree with him on this point), he must not forget that this is a material world and we are all bound by law of nature.
I am afraid to say that the turmoil of the world will continue to rise untill we turn the heat off. After that we will have some years before we see the results of our actions.
Mr. ARK you have said some very positive and nice things but I am afraid they are irrelevent at this time period of the world.
Perhaps you could come back in 10 or 12 years time and repeat what you have said. May be then we will understand.
Anonymous Coward
9:35 am EDT Re: George "Ark" Smith vs John Titor
Ark had good intentions but he is way out as far as timing go
Anonymous Coward
9:40 am EDT Re: George "Ark" Smith vs John Titor
Ark was a moron who tried something new and it didn´t work. So what. Why is every body talking about it?
He was just another idiot.Be it a polite one.
Anonymous Coward
9:52 am EDT Re: George "Ark" Smith vs John Titor
I am new. can anyone tell me what Ark said please?
Anonymous Coward
10:02 am EDT Re: George "Ark" Smith vs John Titor
This almost summarises what he said before...
Re: My name is George "Ark" Smith and I have been correctly predicting world events since 1974
I would just like to make perhaps a few final comments.
Why would someone wish to cause all this confusion as to who I am and what I am saying? I am not particularly well known, nor am I seeking to impart information about the future that poses any kind of a threat to anyone I know.
What I find particularly irksome is the fact that someone, or a number of individuals, has posted material allegedly written by myself that mixes truth with fiction. Beyond my long-suffering family, who have grown used to "living in the future" before it happens, few people in the world "out there" really know who I am and what I am able to do. Does anyone here have a vested interest in making a laughing stock of me? If so, then I can see I am not particularly welcome and have made a big mistake in my first tentative sojourn into the world of disclosure.
I wish to thank those who were kind enough to consider my experiences with an open mind and pose intelligent questions, even if I was unable to answer all of them. Others asked me about impossible things only a charlatan or a professional magician would be deceitful enough to substantiate with false answers - what I call "party tricks". I have nonetheless endeavored to give an honest account of myself and apprise you of what will happen in the future.
The main reason I attempted to make this foray (and I did so following a suggestion made by my daughter) was informed largely by the prevalence of catastrophe scenarios that have been dominating the underside of media reporting and Hollywood for quite some years. (By the way, to answer a very reasonable question posed yesterday, I didn´t see the events of September 11 because I wasn´t there, but I did learn about the aftermath and the ensuing international problems during a later visit.) Since almost none of the extreme horror scenarios much discussed by younger people today have evidenced themselves to me throughout any of my journeys, I can only speculate that those who should know better - civil servants and journalists - are deliberately creating false expectations that give free reign to the fears that many individuals harbor in regard to an uncertain future.
If indeed the timeline through which I journey has remained the same throughout all of my experiences – and I am a "future sampler and experiencer" and not a "prophet" - then please allow me to reassure those who are anxious about the future that none of the much-vaunted "prophesied" catastrophes spoken of today will take place before the year of my death in 2020. I have seen no evidence of a nuclear war, a terrorist nuclear attack or a major comet impact. There will be a major worldwide recession between 2011 and 2014, but it will be by no means a depression. In fact, it is this particular shakedown in the world financial system that will bring about a return to long-cherished economic fundamentals and the re-establishment of genuine national sovereignty in many nations of the world. The people I saw in 2015 and beyond are in many respects quite different. They have more leisure time, smile and laugh much more than we do today, suffer less stress, look thinner and healthier, and are invigorated by the widespread excitement and curiosity generated by discoveries pertaining to the planet Mars and space exploration in general.
I know that many of you don´t want to hear this, as it conflicts with a world view based on the theory of atrophy - and I have no way of disabusing you of your notions other than by this provision of testimony. (Incidentally, I do not believe that my "abilities" are unique to me; I believe all human beings have this facility but have somehow "forgotten" to use it - perhaps it will come back to all of us in the future I did not see.) You will however soon know that what I speak is true when you see John Kerry win the forthcoming election by a comfortable majority of the national popular vote. President Bush will be a very sore loser and dispute all of the gains made by Mr Kerry. Dick Cheney will die from a heart attack in November (23rd?) 2007 in the midst of yet another investigation in his business practices and allegations that he played a pivotal role in the events of September 11, 2001. Mr Bush will fade into obscurity, becoming ever more eccentric in his behavior, but will remain a contentious cult figure of sorts among various groups and factions.
As stated in a previous message, the popular President John Kerry (who eventually acquires the nickname "The Kicker") will go on to win the 2008 election with an increased margin over his opponents. John Edwards will succeed him as President with Barack Obama as his running mate (and Vice-President). The current Republican Senator Bill Frist emerges from political retirement to lead the Republicans to a landslide victory in the 2016 election. He was my last President.
The question all of my daughters´ friends want to know is: Will the future be a better place than it is today? The answer is a very firm yes. Current anxieties about fuel shortages, for instance, are absolutely unfounded since (as extemporized yesterday) new and fresh reserves of oil will be found in Asia, Russia, the Balkans, the Middle East (including Israel) and elsewhere around the world - and better methods of efficient use will be deployed to make those stocks go much further. Although alternative technologies will be all the rage in newspapers and magazines, I saw little to convince me that they had been developed to commercial capacities before the year 2020. I never heard anyone talk about "tanking up" on Helium-3! After the year 2014 there seems to be a massive outbreak of peace around the world, for all that almost everyone wants to talk about is Mars, and I have amused myself with the thought ever since that the planet of war succeeds in uniting individuals in a peaceful desire to explore the universe and unlock the mysteries of former civilizations on other worlds.
That´s as much as I think I can reasonably say given that any further time spent discussing my experiences is going to be sabotaged by individuals who submit posts under my name, and I really wish to avoid the heartbreak of seeing other genuinely interested people respond angrily or inappropriately to posts they assume I have written. When I read those entries earlier today, their malevolence made my toes curl and left me wondering if I should have just refrained from making my disclosures. It really is an indescribably awful, sinking feeling I have seeing them there, almost as if my very person has been assaulted and violated. Nonetheless, I hope that what I have revealed will be received with interest by those who genuinely want to know.
I wish all of you abundant happiness and success in your very brief stay on this wonderful planet of ours.
George "Ark" Smith.
October 18, 2004.
Anonymous Coward
10:25 am EDT Re: George "Ark" Smith vs John Titor
What would the governments plan be by stating that a civil war would begin in 2005 and last till 2015 ending in nuclear attacks?
Anonymous Coward
10:43 am EDT Re: George "Ark" Smith vs John Titor
I am amazed that Ark almost did not talk about anything outside USA and certainly nothing about the conflict in Middle east. He lives in Germany and yet his main topic was the Election in USA. If you look at all the seers in the past. They all consentrated in their own area mainly. This guy never mentioned Iran, UK(where he came from), Germany(where he lives), middle east and far east. His information regarding Kerry and Bush does not help one way or another.
Don´t be fooled by him . He is a good example for you all to analise and see his big mistakes. He is a good guide as to a yet another future hoaxer.
Anonymous Coward
11:04 am EDT Re: George "Ark" Smith vs John Titor
Ark said
"If indeed the timeline through which I journey has remained the same throughout all of my experiences "
Here he is covering himself for his coming mistakes. He will easily claim that the time line changed because no one on the GLP listened to him. As a result everything in the world changed and wars started.
Well... you heard it here falks. You in GLP are responsible for WW3.
Anonymous Coward
11:13 am EDT Re: George "Ark" Smith vs John Titor
I´m no Ark or John Titor, but I still can´t pick up on whose the next resident...usually I don´t have problems with projecting myself into my future for the upcoming five years or so but haven´t been able to do that for the last year or so. Seems to me like we may not have one (new resident or a future)
Anonymous Coward
11:24 am EDT Re: George "Ark" Smith vs John Titor
titor did not say bush in ´04. he mentioned a ´lincoln-like man´ would be the ´leader´
11:27 am EDT
Re: George "Ark" Smith vs John Titor
I predict skull-n-bones in the white house again, reguardless of who wins the election.
Just Me
11:30 am EDT Re: George "Ark" Smith vs John Titor
George "Ark" Smith was or a nice person he was someone whom had something to tell.
He was to good for GLP, it is a shame he is gone.
Cant blame him, all you see here to often, is the bad lingo F... this F... that .
I wonder how many of you can write something?
Just Me
11:30 am EDT Re: George "Ark" Smith vs John Titor
George "Ark" Smith was or a nice person he was someone whom had something to tell.
He was to good for GLP, it is a shame he is gone.
Cant blame him, all you see here to often, is the bad lingo F... this F... that .
I wonder how many of you can write something?