Are you afraid of Death?


Temporal Novice
There may be no need to be afraid of death.
In 3 trillion years scientists may have designed and perfected the afterlife.
Then they might travel back to the hour of your death,
and a nanosecond before you die they might transfer your consciousness to this afterlife realm.
And you may remain there indefinetly....your consciousness in a new afterlife body.
The future scientists may do this for all living things on the tree of life,
so you won't be alone.

Well, there's a ( not so widely believed ) version of the Christian 'rapture' that goes exactly like that.

However, there are huge philosophical and scientific problems with 'transferring' consciousness. It is a paradox minefield even deeper than time travel.
I believe in life after death so I'm not afraid of being dead - in fact, I'm sure I'll have a great time when I die. I do, however, have some fear for the manner in which I die - I would like it to be quick, painless and peaceful, but I have no idea whether that will be the case.
the fear of death is a pretty silly fear. you dont have that fear the second you are dead. its the same as being afraid of bugs that dont bite and being afraid of mascots. silly silly silly!
Both time travel to the past and mind uploading may be problematic

There are MAJOR problems when it comes to arguing that 'you' ( the you that sits there now and reads this ) have been transferred to some other body.

Clearly, one could 'copy' you to another body. But'd be standing there arguing ' Hey..that guy over there is NOT me ! I am me !'. can that guy over there possibly be you ( the continuation of your consciousness ) when you are ALREADY conscious in your existing body ?
Sounds interesting... Weird if something like that already happened without our knowledge or on a different dimension of some sort because I think it would be noticed at death if something came along into the past at every death scene and so it had to be unseen.
In reference to the multi universe theory, Is there an after life associated with all these different universes, Is there a parallel universe out there some where in which i have already died and my soul has passed on to that corresponding afterlife, this would make it assumable that there are an infinite number of after lifes and/or heavens and/or gods governing them.
so it may be that we are all one person living every single possible life

A belief held by Heisenberg, one of the founders of quantum mechanics.

It would actually be karma with a ' do unto others as you would have them do unto you ' would take on a whole new meaning. I suppose one could argue that this would be ultimate justice.....and one would be both the abuser and the abused, the criminal and the victim...and so on. In this system....Hitler would BE every one of his 6 million concentration camp victims in due course. I don't think any other system could offer up such 'eye for an eye' justice.
the fear of death is a pretty silly fear. you dont have that fear the second you are dead. its the same as being afraid of bugs that dont bite and being afraid of mascots. silly silly silly!

But the fear of the manner of one's death is reasonable. One doesn't want to be writhing in pain for hours.
Not only do I not fear death, I keep him as a constant advisor.

IMHO, the purpose of death and knowing that we will all die is a blessing, not a curse. It allows you to set priorities in your life, and make decisions about what is important enough for one to die for/over. While I was raised a Roman Catholic, I now adhere to an amalgam of spiritual beliefs. The one moral in the story of Jesus Christ that I take away from the tale is that he found something that he felt was worth dying for, and lived his life accordingly.
