Are we going about this all wrong?

Michael Janks

Temporal Novice
We perceive time as forwards and backwards, But if we had to perceive time/dimensions as upward and downward,as it is derived from the idea that to travel to parallel/alternate universes/planes of existence one must travel in a direction/dimension besides the standard ones.

Could it be possible that:

If the idea of time being the fourth dimension of space and it being impossible for two objects to occupy the same space at the same time,Then is it possible for two dimensions to occupy the same space at the same time?

i believe that people make time travel more complicated than it really is especially the physicists,l,for get quantum physics for get wormholes and it does make sense thinking of a CTC AS parallel running horizontally thinking of 3 lines ,the past present and the future running side by side ,and the continuous time like curve overlapping to one of the three lines ,lets think of alternate dimensions running vertical ,space and time overlaps both horizontal parallel and vertical dimensions ,but here is the real interesting part think (natural phenomenon ) in our existence they both have been occurring for thousands of yrs even in peoples lives without any way to explain it ,for instance a time lapse ,time slips ,i know that there is a ctc that opens at a certain time of day in the evening about three to 5 hrs before sunset ,its open then it closes ,and it is not controlled by any human being ,form my experience you can go back to the past but you wont be able stay ,when the time is up and the sun is completely down ,it throws you back to the present and when you get back its like deja vu ,like was that real ? did it really happen ? i will have to say yes ,after the third time ,or third trip i figured out ,it wasnt a dream by any comparison of the word ,you can interact iwith people ,i dont believe you can change the past ,but its one heck of a ride let me tell you

Time is fiction, its a concept that was develop so mankind can be organized and understand day is night and night is day. Truth is… we are experiencing the effects form our earth spinning and traveling around the sun. Our time is set by our own gravity. For example, a common Housefly lives 28 days, because its DNA has been programmed to do so within this gravity, and within this current environment. Now… how long could a common housefly live on Mars, if to say it had the living resources needed? Would the fly’s DNA develop a different life span? We will truly never understand “time travel”, until humanity is unlocked from this earth. .

there is one thing that makes me think its possible ,there is so much unexplainable phenomenon in the world unexplainable events just like for example when i was a child about 10 or 12 i pulled a digital alarm clock off the window onto my head ,the clock never worked again but i can keep good time without the use of a clock or watch if i need to ,and those days when it seems like time either drags or goes by fast ? well in reality it really is happening but some may realize it but don’t actually perceive it as really happening and think of it as just a figure of speech ,the THE MYSTERY SPOT in California for instance ,no real explanation ,defying the laws of gravity ,by natural phenomenon ,there is no equation no mathematical reason ,is that fiction? now think of time travel in the same sense ,to get the answer to a long time question is time travel POSSIBLE ? you must not look at the laws of physics ,no equations no quantum mechanics ,LOOK AT THE UNNATURAL LAWS OF PHYSICS ,its complete opposite ,what goes down will come up ,what goes left will go right ,what goes forward will also go backward ,natural phenomenon supports the unnatural laws of physics ,which in other words means it cant be explained ,and the more you try to figure it out the more confused you get ,maybe all this makes sense
