I know that this is going to sound "disapointing", but there are probably NOT. I was almost a year on Time Travel Portal, I read many stories, also everything about John Titor, and here about watcher, Falzon, Titorian and other. The Titorian story is the most REALISTIC, but still very far from TRUE CLAIM. For every story there must be some proof and with lack of them, they didn't conviced me.
The thing is always the same. Whenever there are hard times, people can hardly accept many problems in every aspect of their lives, and as we know, there is no human on this planet, no matter how wealthy he is, who doesn't have any problem. So they create many theories, conspiracies and many other things just to, in some way, be able to explain DIFFICULT life.
There are no aliens(maybe in distant space, but not on Earth), paranormal, or any other weird facts. The nature laws are EXACT, and can't be avoided, only used in DIFFERENT ways. You are born by natural selection, live your time, then you die and it happens ONLY once in alltime. There are no SECOND chances. Time and space are simple afterall.