Are there any REAL time travellers around here?


Chrono Cadet
I'm looking for someone to fill me in, regarding the history of the 21st and early 22nd. Or putting it more explicitly: The time period of 2008-2120.

If you are a real time traveller, and you have some knowledge regarding the era mentioned above, please respond.
I know that this is going to sound "disapointing", but there are probably NOT. I was almost a year on Time Travel Portal, I read many stories, also everything about John Titor, and here about watcher, Falzon, Titorian and other. The Titorian story is the most REALISTIC, but still very far from TRUE CLAIM. For every story there must be some proof and with lack of them, they didn't conviced me.

The thing is always the same. Whenever there are hard times, people can hardly accept many problems in every aspect of their lives, and as we know, there is no human on this planet, no matter how wealthy he is, who doesn't have any problem. So they create many theories, conspiracies and many other things just to, in some way, be able to explain DIFFICULT life.

There are no aliens(maybe in distant space, but not on Earth), paranormal, or any other weird facts. The nature laws are EXACT, and can't be avoided, only used in DIFFERENT ways. You are born by natural selection, live your time, then you die and it happens ONLY once in alltime. There are no SECOND chances. Time and space are simple afterall.
I dispute that fact. The point there is to many people around that wanna believe in Time Travel, but when im fact they meet a real one, they dis-believe it.
I have been traverling for 7 years and no one believed me untill i showed someone i could.
The sintific thing is, if you believe enough in it, it will happen.
The fact is, i bet there has been dozens of real time traverlers on this forum, but looking at other posts seems they have been pushed away, because they cant prove or justify there case.
However there are so many dimensions in time travel, the thoery may not take them back to a correct time, as in an alternative era of that year.
Re: Are there any REAL time travellers around here

Can't a time traveler videotape themselves traveling into the future and/or past? I mean, this is what we want to see and hear. That is the only proof we want. Because, telling us these "time traveling" stories isn't going to cut it. People want to "see" these time traveling claims.

One of the reasons a lot of us here scoff at supposed time travelers is because they don't have undeniable proof that they "can" travel.

Ronald, may you show us some of your travels? You mentioned you have showed someone that you can, can you show us what you showed this certain individual? Thank you.
Re: Are there any REAL time travellers?

Don't hold your breath waiting for a real time traveler. Nations and commercial interests have enemies, or at least competition, past, present and future. I'd think the last thing they would want to do is to call attention to themselves. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Re: Are there any REAL time travellers?

Don't hold your breath waiting for a real time traveler. Nations and commercial interests have enemies, or at least competition, past, present and future. Maybe the last thing they would want to do is to call attention to themselves. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Also, Maybe the real problem is not that life is to difficult, but that it seems pointless and boring. A materialistic philosophy is no cure for this.
Re: Are there any REAL time travellers around here

Can't a time traveler videotape themselves traveling into the future and/or past? I mean, this is what we want to see and hear. That is the only proof we want. Because, telling us these "time traveling" stories isn't going to cut it. People want to "see" these time traveling claims.

Well, time travellers are not obliged to do everything the people want to see. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Anyway, I - personally - am far more interested in the hard facts, then I would be interested with hollywood style special effects. A detailed outline of future history would be nice.
The thing is always the same. Whenever there are hard times, people can hardly accept many problems in every aspect of their lives, and as we know, there is no human on this planet, no matter how wealthy he is, who doesn't have any problem. So they create many theories, conspiracies and many other things just to, in some way, be able to explain DIFFICULT life.

I fully agree with what you said, but what does this has to do with TT claims?

Time Travel doesn't seem to explain anything about the the way things are in 2007, does it? Sure, sometimes we get some religous end-of-days preacher who claims to be a time traveller ("watcher" comes to mind), but most TT claims are not of this sort.

So I'm not sure I understand how your statement relates to TT claimers.

There are no aliens(maybe in distant space, but not on Earth), paranormal, or any other weird facts. The nature laws are EXACT, and can't be avoided, only used in DIFFERENT ways. You are born by natural selection, live your time, then you die and it happens ONLY once in alltime. There are no SECOND chances. Time and space are simple afterall.

I agree that the laws of nature are exact and unavoidable. But you can't deny the fact that the natural world is full of very weird things. Did you know, for example, that clocks aboard a spaceship travelling close to the speed of light would slow down? Or that if an electron hits a positron, they both vanish and their mass is converted into pure energy? Or that gravity curves space and time?

Modern science is full of "wierd facts". If it weren't for the fact that these statements have been confirmed in experiments, they would be completely looney. So why not time travel?
Even if someone from a future would describe the period you are interested in, there is nothing to say that it would be your future.

There are some things you shouldn't know.
Actually, I'm not interested in my own personal future. I just want a general outline of history. To "fill in the blanks" if you will.

But I think I figured out, why no real TTer responded on this thread...

Well, let me try again:

Please send your reply via PM.
Re: Are there any REAL time travellers around here

quoted OP:
""Actually, I'm not interested in my own personal future. I just want a general outline of history. To "fill in the blanks" if you will.""

Somebody got a Supposed Message of John Titor from a Future Timeline... in Mp3 Format and Shared on The Net here:

The original Thead of conversation is here:

Titorian45 What do you think about?

The Anunaki, Enki, Atlantean S-M or Lumerian L-M Starship parked on the moon?
Re: Are there any REAL time travellers around here


I love how the message cuts out at the end. Most British people on the site think the garbled message says that we should wank our selves and I tend to agree.

I bet John Titor likes to wank, God knows I do. In fact, that would have been one of the questions I would have asked him if I had met him on that site so many years ago.

Ever see the Blair Idiot Project? And no not the past ten years of Tony Blair, the one about the witch and probably the worst movie ever made. What made this movie a success however was the best gorilla marketing campaign ever orchestrated in North America. When I was younger I was so intrigued before I actually saw the movie.

I then vowed I would become a time traveler and warn others about bad movies but ingenious marketing campaigns.

Look for my messages in the past warning people about the stupidity of the Blair Witch Project.

Look for message today from the future about not going to see the movie, that will probably be released sooner or later about this so called John LooseHole.

Peace Out ,
Borris /ttiforum/images/graemlins/devil.gif
If there were I doubt if they would admit it.
Perhaps some just read our posts and laugh. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Can you fill me in on the last 190 or so years????

Once you're outside the time loop it all becomes fiction until you make it so.

This T-grid is a state of fluz, and only a few of us (or you) know the difference, and then mostly through Deja Vue, or a general feeling that this is not quite right.

And trust me, you don't want to know your future, especially during those years!
Re: Are there any REAL time travellers around here

Hello! Can anyone tell me how to travel back? I doubt that this is possible or not, but i hope that i can travel back one day. I expected...

when I can travel back to year 2006? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/cry.gif
Once you're outside the time loop it all becomes fiction until you make it so.

This T-grid is a state of fluz, and only a few of us (or you) know the difference, and then mostly through Deja Vue, or a general feeling that this is not quite right.

I'll take that as a "No"...