Are the Illuminati after Charlie Sheen and kids?..


Rift Surfer
I remember an amazing quote from Charlie Sheen when he/she announced the divorce for his marriage...

"Don't be a chicken" referring to his wife... Quoted in the separation / divorce papers...

There were also allusions to his role in being a "9-11" debunker...

Did the Illumanti send Denise Richards to be his "wife"

She did seem very forgiving of Charlie's past...

Frankly, I think he should take of for HH and PB Mansion... :)

Anyone can get fooled into loving someone...

Take it from TheCigMan... It happens :)

Was it her mission to get close and then destroy him?

An interesting premise...

I think they should have more movies like this potential one...

Are we going to let them get Charlie Sheen?...

I don't think so... :) I means We The People of The United States of America... In a citizen action manner with reporters and law enforcement notification way...
