I have been counselled by a Site Admin that my posts have been less than productive. While I happen to think that inane nonsense, misinformation, hubris, and outright lies are unproductive, I rather took his PM as a reproachment for my personal attacks on creedo.
He's right. They weren't very nice, and will stop immediately.
However, creedo, this doesn *NOT* mean you are off the hook. I will continue to counter tin-foil hat fodder with reason and science wherever appropriate... just in a more polite manner!
Cheers! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/devil.gif
He's right. They weren't very nice, and will stop immediately.
However, creedo, this doesn *NOT* mean you are off the hook. I will continue to counter tin-foil hat fodder with reason and science wherever appropriate... just in a more polite manner!
Cheers! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/devil.gif