Apollo XIX Crew -Update-


Dimensional Traveler



Luca Scantamburlo
freelance writer member of the
Free Lance International Press (F.L.I.P.)

He found the Flag...


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Check out the YOU TUBE videos for Apollo 20.

Genuinely hilarious.

I've watched and read a LOT of Apollo footage and why this doobie would think this would fool anyone is beyond me.

There's some brilliantly bad footage shot supposedly inside a LM in space and it has to be seen to be 'believed'!

These Hoaxers really need to go back to the drawing board.
Re: Bio of William



Retired Feb. 1, 1999.

Brig. Gen. John W. "Bill" Rutledge is assistant chief of staff for operations, Headquarters Allied Air Forces Northwestern Europe, NATO, Royal Air Force High Wycombe, England. AIRNORTHWEST is a NATO principal subordinate headquarters collocated with Headquarters Allied Forces Northwestern Europe and with Royal Air Force Strike Command. He is the senior U.S. officer within the headquarters and is responsible for directing and conducting the work of the internationally-staffed Operations Division. He is also the deputy commander for NATO affairs, Headquarters 3rd Air Force, Royal Air Force Mildenhall, England.

End quoted...
Re: Bio of William

To my mind, and I'm someone with a vast amount of Apollo related material, the poor quality of this hoax lies not just in its preposterous dialogue but in all its visuals.

The interior shot of the 'astronaut' in the LM for one thing is amusing. The way he spins the camera around in an efort to hide the graviational influence he's under is very funny.

My mark is 6/10 for effort but 2/10 for effectiveness. Must try harder.
It's almost embarrassing to debunk this hoax-- you don't know where to start.

As for Rutledge being retiredafb, "afb" to any military person means "air force base," so this is a nickname an American would not very likely choose. A native Italian speaker might do so, however.

The most telling(of many)arguments, though, is that normal conditions on the moon are quite similar to those used to freeze-dry food (the material is frozen and the air is evacuated).If you have ever tried to make a really hot cup of coffee in the mountains, you might remember that water boils at such a low temperature due to decreased air pressure that you can put your finger into boiling water without discomfort.Mona Lisa would have freeze-dried in a few weeks, max.

What I am uncertain about is whether there are two or three persons involved in this hoax. The "hot" million-year-old babe is probably the photographer's girlfriend, the main person of interest is the poster of the thread, and there might be one (or two) others that helped out.

The remains of the "ship" itself show curled metal at the left end--this involves a problem often not taken into account by hoaxers--that of scaling up a small object. A the metal of a real 3500 m. spaceship would not look like this. Even with the moon's minimal gravity, though, an object of this size (pretend!) would probably show some flattening as a result of gravity. Should I get out a straightedge? Nah-- why bother.
Santa Claus & Apollo Missions? What does it mean?

Have you ever heard the raw 'radio' transmissions for the Apollo program?

Have you ever heard 'astronauts' use the words 'santa claus'?

Why do 'astro-nots' seem 'so concerned' and 'afraid' when they utter the phrase 'Santa Claus'???

In communications with Houston Mission Control?

Are they seeing 'alien spaceships'?

Are they seeing 'russian spaceships'?

Where is Santa Claus from? Isn't he a 'german children's story figure'?


Like the onese from WORLD WAR II that the NAZI SCIENTISTS like Verner Von Braun was working along with his V2 Rockets?

Are 'flying saucers' really from 'Zeta Reticuli' or are they from Europe and the Euroean Union???!!!


N.A.S.A. never seem to 'tell the truth' and loves to 'scramble' the 'brains' of 'astro-nots' who are the best and the brightest of the U.S. Armed Services?...

I remember that one guy is named Don McMonagle? Interesting don't you think?...

What idiot turned over all those billions and northern european americans to 'evil Nazi Scientists'???

To create a 'fake space program'???!!!

What did they do with the money?



Have you people seen the movies "Capricon One", "Apollo 13" and "The Right Stuff"???!!!



And kill a Saturday or Sunday Afternoon!!!

Re: Santa Claus & Apollo Missions? What does it mean?

Hello Ciggy...

1- Yes...

2-Not only Santa Claus but Alice and Wonderland...

3-Cause the saw the Cities and Robots Upthere...

4-or Vandenber AFB/Space Command in a Secure Link /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

5-From the Gray Dominion and some SS Ships too...

6-Not Russian but Pleyadians...

7- No this figure is from Travelocity Gnome LOL!!!

8- And the secrets proyects of the Bell Brotherhood!!!

9- The man made Nazy Style are from Antartica Base "Neuschwabenland"

10- is National security level...LOL
Ans.: NASA must cooperate with the Department of Defense in the United States. According to the National Aeronautics and Space Act of 1958, Section 305… (i):

…The National Aeronautics and Space Administration shall be considered a Defense Agency of the United States for the purpose of Chapter 17, Title 35 of the United States code ….

Section 206… (d):

NO [NASA] information which has been classified for reasons of National Security shall be included in any report made under this section [of the act]…”

11- Right

12- No Nasa is another Security Agency, Hoagland was right!!!

13- Yeah!

14- The Politician...

15- To cover up their findings and scared by the "Brookings Report" and the end of the Civilizations as we know...

16- The alternative 3 Scenary,

17- more Underground Bases...

18- I saw the 3 of Them....

aHHHH! please add to the weekend the Soylent Green movie....you need some doom before october 7 surprise...

Link to Video...
Re: Santa Claus & Apollo Missions? What does it mean?


<font color="red"> Any encounter with entities known to be of extraterrestrial origin is to be considered a matter of national security and therefore classified TOP SECRET. Under no circumstances is the general public or the public press to warn of the existences of these entities. The official government policy is that such creatures do not exist, and that no agency of the federal government is now engaged in any study of extraterrestrials or their artifacts. Any deviation from this stated policy is absolutely forbidden.

SOM1-01 (Majestic Special Operations Manual), April 1954 [/COLOR]

LOL /ttiforum/images/graemlins/devil.gif
Re: the island of Diego Garcia...

Quoted from:
Link to Luca Website...

&lt;&lt; [...]

1. He did not mention anything about "Apollo 20" and never even gave a formal name. In addition, there were no markings on the rocket or spacecraft. This operation was entirely off the books. No one on the operation used their real names, that's how far it went.

2. Mission Control was located at Vandenburg AFB. The actual launch was on the island of Diego Garcia. This island was located in the Indian Ocean along the equator with virtually nothing around it. This site was chosen because if launched to the East, the rocket would have nearly 12,000 miles of unbroken water to help cover the tracks. It was accepted people would see the launch wherever it was, this site would limit that.

3. The project was initiated, by Nixon's orders, in late 1971. My father's work began on the project began in 1974. The actual mission took place in 1976. My father said that he underwent an intensive psychological exam before he was selected to join the program. He said he thought he was bought in mainly because he "could be trusted".

4. The actual mission consisted of 3 American astronauts whose names he would not mention. He said that these men had been trained for nearly 4 years specifically for this mission. He also said that in 1973 it was confirmed the object was in fact a derelict spacecraft. He reviewed this pictures personally when selected for the project.

5. The spacecraft was speculated to be roughly 1.5 million years old, although he was not allowed access to that exact information. The ship was badly decayed from meteor impacts and the ancient crash. The ship was cigar shaped, and massive, the section was roughly 1 mile. Evidence suggested it been explored before us. No alien remains were found. 300kg of artifacts were stripped and brought back. My father described what he called "strange hieroglyphs and markings" covering what was assumed to be the the "cockpit" of the craft.

6. At least 2 other governments were involved with the project. My father said he worked with a British analyst and he knew of a smaller team in Australia but wasn't sure the Australian government were exactly aware of what our men were doing.

[...] &gt;&gt;

end quoted.

Re: the island of Diego Garcia...

The actual launch was on the island of Diego Garcia. This island was located in the Indian Ocean along the equator with virtually nothing around it.

Ummmmm... that is sheer, unadulturated bullchit! There are not now, nor have there ever been, ANY launch facilities on Diego Garcia. It is 1st a tracking station for satellites and 2nd an air base for USAF and RAF. Moreover, anyone who knows anything about space lift and getting to the moon should know just how large a vehicle is required to get even 3 people to the moon. It was called the Saturn V and look how massive it is compared to the Shuttle (which doesn't even reach geosynchronous orbits!):


Now let's consider another aspect of this story: These launch/mission activities allegedly took place in the mid 70s. That was still VERY much the Cold War. That means the USSR/Russia was watching anything and everything the West was doing militarily. Had a launch platform the size required to launch a Saturn V been constructed at Diego, the Russians would not only have noticed, they would have told the world...just like we did when they snuck significantly smaller IRBMs onto Cuba. Now add to the fact that launching a Saturn V from Diego would certainly be seen by a great many nations, especially (again) Russia. Given they could not "hide" such a massive launch, and the fact Russia (or any other country) is not bound to keep US secrets, why on earth would we have NOT heard about such a launch from Russia, if not India and Indonesia?

Re: the island of Diego Garcia...

Now let's consider another aspect of this story: These launch/mission activities allegedly took place in the mid 70s. That was still VERY much the Cold War. That means the USSR/Russia was watching anything and everything the West was doing militarily. Had a launch platform the size required to launch a Saturn V been constructed at Diego, the Russians would not only have noticed, they would have told the world...just like we did when they snuck significantly smaller IRBMs onto Cuba. Now add to the fact that launching a Saturn V from Diego would certainly be seen by a great many nations, especially (again) Russia. Given they could not "hide" such a massive launch, and the fact Russia (or any other country) is not bound to keep US secrets, why on earth would we have NOT heard about such a launch from Russia, if not India and Indonesia?


Was a Joint Black/secret Mission Between USAF and CCCP...
and this explain whay this island export to Syngapore "recyclable metals" using the "DGAR shuttle"

Re: the Apollo XIX Incident...

<font color="red"> Apollo XIX just hit by something and loosing telemetry data.

Fire and smoke on AC-BC cell bus and aborting mission after TLI insertion [/COLOR]

Link to Video...and Audio

:oops: /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif /ttiforum/images/graemlins/devil.gif