Anyone with a similar theory?


Temporal Novice
I am a total novice about time travel and temporal mechanics. I do however have a theory of how time is manipulated and it does not involve Einsteins theory's, which I feel are mathematically correct, but either incomplete or just not thought through enough. First I want to explain why I feel Eistein's theories on time travel are inaccurate. I'll use his light travel theorum in relation to a stationary object such as a clock that is ticking away second by second.

Your in a ship. The ship is next to a clock and you are looking at the clock. The second hand is moving as the seconds tick away. Your ship begins to move away from the clock at an ever increasing speed and as you continue to look at the clock and get closer to the speed of light, the hands on the clock slow down. Eventually they stop as you hit the speed of light and then as you go faster than the speed of light the hands on the clock move backwards.

My big problem with this as an explanation of time travel as it relates to speed is the following:

1. The only reason the hands are moving backwards or slowing down is simply because the speed of your ship is making the light that refracts off the surface of the clock take a longer time to reach the retina in your eye. To me, this is a no-brainer. God forbid, you pass by a black hole and the now the clock begins to wobble because the light refracted by the clock is now bent and twisted.

2. Eventually you have to come back. And regardless of the speed you come back, the hands on the clock are going to speed up at a rate which is totally dependant on your ship's velocity and when you are once again next to the clock, you will find that the clock and your on-board clock are exactly the same (with an infestimal difference due to the position of the earth in it's orbit around the sun). This infintismal difference is what I believe scientists has seen and not accounted for in relation to our exploits to the moon and so on!!!


As for my theory about time travel, I am going to assume that people have accidently slipped out of our time and gone where-the heck-ever. I'll use the bermuda triangle as an example Regardless of whether or not it has ever affected time. The earth's gravitational pull is not constant at any place or in any place on this earth. It shifts all the time, (this is a fact). Ships and planes have recorded malfunctions with onboard electronics in the triangle. Ships and planes have also completely vanished in the triangle. Some were found and others (too many) have never been foucnd. Well, any fool can tell you that magnetic flux will most certainly affect electronics.

The earth itself is a large magnet of sorts that produce lines of flux that extend out into space and curve back onto itself in a sort of dual semi-oval pattern. Now if time travel is possible, then something has to affect the fabric of time itself. And time must be composed of something or everything would happen all at once in total chaos. Heck it may even break down every now and then and that is where the big bang comes from every 50 or so billion years.

My question stems from a combination of the study of black holes (which bend and warp ((( empty space??? ))) and the pre-supposition of accidental time travel on our planet. If people have ever slipped through time, and come out on the other side without injury, then intense gravity is not necessary for time travel. But something has to be affecting time and I suggest that it could simply be a certain fequency of magnetic flux or a combination of flux lines originating from different generators crisscrossing one another in such a way that time itself is opened up and accesible to an object that would pass through it. And to make matters worse, this must be a doorway where you can actually stand in the middle of it and be half in one time and half in the other. because if it weren't an actual portal of sorts, then the second you put your hand through the doorway, your hand would be sent back to time millimeter by millimeter until you stop thrusting it into the portal.

Is there anyone here on this site that can expand on this theory???
Is this a child's site? I see people like chronohistorian that get a kick out of pretending to be a time traveler. I am looking for a site with serious discussion on the mechanics of time travel and temporal manipulation experiments. Does anyone here know where to find such a site?

And for all you guys that respond to these time travelrer posts, just save yourself some typing. I'll sum it all up for you!

1. Once we aquire time travel, we will be a premier civilation in the universe.
2. If there are no time travelers, then our civilization doesn't survive long enough to aquire the technology!
3. Time travelers can not ever disclose that they are in fact time travelers or the privilege would be immediately stripped from them and that by definition would be a huge loss due to the prestige and privilege of being allowed to participate in future time travel programs. (You can rest assured that no average Tom, Dick &Harry are going to be allowed acces to this technology at any time in the future. It will be governed, controlled and sternly protected from abuse.) And yes that includes dweebs like chrono that profess to travel back 400+ years and spends 8 hours a day defending his time traveler status on a website where his location could be easily traced by the current government if they ever took him seriously.
Welcome to the forum. You are in the correct forum. Chrono is in timetravel claims, a different forum.

You will have an intelligent response to your post in time.
Go ahead and delete this thread. Time travel is not possible for the average person. It has to be done from space because even if you create a machine that traverses time, you will be sent back to your original location and due to the expansion of the universe + the irregular oblong rotation of the earth around the sun + the axis of spin of the earth itself, you will absolutely end up in space when you come out on the other side.
Good theory, however if one can reduce light rates, or light vibrational moments down to nanometers, then one does not have to travel at all.

Refer to theory at Tap-ten yahoo, on research of light and particles as a wiggle, in small space, rather than acceleration over a greater distance.

Atlantis was a corrupt place later-on in the empire.

They had an array of up to four very large pyramids, that emitted beams and localized gravity as well as scalier vibrations.

Some of these devices still work, beneath the Bermuda Triangle.