How do we know that time travelers didnt change our time line ?
As an example, suppose that a time traveler became Hitler to bring about changes in his original time of the future ?
Maybe the original World War 2 never took place, and thus the statis of specific political powers were completely different.
There could have been many "key events" in our time line that someone from the future was responsible for.
Who knows.
May I offer a suggestion? Don't take offense, since I myself am not a professional writer. But in constructing your posts, they would be much more effective if you seperated your sentences.
I mean just look I what I am saying. Can you rewirte the past?
I can see about the future, because it is not yet written... so anything can happen.
You can win the lottery or blow off a foot.
Some of my friends say that traveling to the future is a probability of the present.
For example, if I let all the convicted serial murders/rapist's out and travel in time 20 years, will there be an increase in death and murder ?
Or 20 years ago I strengthen the punishment for the criminals and now there are less murders and rapes. I know it sounds a little confusing, but you should get what I am saying.
Anybody have a similar theory?
And Timeline, I am not high on meth, but high on science, you Hinglemeyer Flargenugen!