yes, static pressure does not create the flux required to continuously move electrons, however, if you can take the initial pressurized electrons away, the quartz will then become an ion and drag in new free electrons from whatever source it is in contact with (air, sandstone, static electricity, wind friction, etc.) This effect is very weak, but measurable, and even though it is weak, 300,000 tones worth of it can add up. That is my understanding of the process. I have not , as of yet, recreated it in lab environment to further explore its possibilities.
angle C, the aspect of linking knights through vortex points on earth is very complex. Honestly I can not enlighten you much further on this and my experience is limited. ONce I did dabble in vortex points, and created a node from copper and crystals. It was many years ago, but if I rememnber correctly, I assembled such on an sunday evening, and went to work about 5am monday. when I came home around 7pm, I noticed a compass that I had owned and used for many years laying on the kitchen table was not pointing north, but rather east. I lived on an earthquake fault so didn't too much about it until I tapped the compass. At that point, the compasss needle spun in circles about 10 times. Like it was wound up like a spring. I did not document weather it was a clockwise or counter spin, but I was shocked none the less. Never seen anything like it before. Then I realized that the node/vortex point I made was almost directly underneith the kitchen table in the basement. It freaked me out, I don't remember why, but I disassembled the node that evening. I don't understand it, just relaying my person experience, incase that information may be useful to you.