Any speculation on this site welcome - curious

I only read the first page (about the pyramids and knights meditation). After reading the meditation part, I wonder if that is written based on being in the Northern Hemisphere. Seems the sun knight would want to be north if you were below the equator. So I would take that into consideration if you are Kiwi, Aussie, African, Latin, or Antarctic.

In regards to the pyramid cap and preventing a re-install... well, I don;t think it would be a bad thing. Like the person says, we live within freewill. Any mind control would only work on weak minds and that typically means the masses, who are dumbed down through some religions, tv and media, and recently some public schooling. General mind control over the fodder of society wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing. Provided a cap would harness an energy, it seems plausible that 2012 would be the time, as my intuition tells me humanity is in for a few surprises on a spiritual level that year.

more on pyramids later....
the pyramids. Having formally studied ancient architecture in great detail, both through academia and archeology, my own personal research has lead me to believe that there is far more to the pyramids of the world than current text book understanding.

Two comments about the great pyramid of Giza. ..
1) a metallic pyramid form as pinnacle of a Tesla coil will display a rotating helix of blue electrical sparks. Do I fully understand the use of such enough to repeat its application for my own purposes? Not yet. But I suspect frequency modulation can control function.
2) the pyramid is mostly built of limestone, an electrical insulator. The kings chamber has layers of granite and air spaces supported by limestone. Now, granite has quartz in it and when you put presssure on quartz, you shift the molecular structure of the stone and release electrons (its called the piezo-electric effect). Now think of how much pressure 300,000 tons of limestone are putting on (5) layers of 20 ton granite slabs... It makes for a decent amount of electric field. NOw, the look at the layering structure of the kings chamber. It has air gaps (insulators of different capacity from limestone) and granite (electrical conducting slabs) that make a reallly f'n big capacitor. Now when a Tesla coil's capacitor releases it's energy into a coil, and then a metalic pyramid, you get a electrical helix similar to the structure of DNA out of the top.

So what happens when the pyramid is capped with a metallic top? It involves lightning and the prospects of the resultant are eternal, which is why I suspect some wanted to cap it. I have a feeling though that the practical applications of such warrant a full scale modern reproduction at a private, undisclosed location. The people who built it though, I don't think have figured out how to use it. I am building one, but my funds are not endless, so time is against me, at the moment.

The earth energy vortex location aspect of it is primary to its use, but secondary to its function. At this point humanity can settle for secondary.
2) the pyramid is mostly built of limestone, an electrical insulator. The kings chamber has layers of granite and air spaces supported by limestone. Now, granite has quartz in it and when you put presssure on quartz, you shift the molecular structure of the stone and release electrons (its called the piezo-electric effect).

Sure, but static stress is not going to generate an unlimited supply of electrons.......where's the replenishment coming from ?
Many years ago I made a pyramid of box cardboard and aluminum foil. I believe the interior apex angle (truncated) was 45 degrees, and the whole thing was a few feet in height. It was just a cardboard form covered with foil, and quite light. I rested this upside down on a quart jar of plain water, and it seemed to me at the time that it 'charged' the water to make a discernible difference in its taste. :D
My main reason for asking about that site was the fact the person is trying to tie the Knights to Icke, I just can't see that.
yes, static pressure does not create the flux required to continuously move electrons, however, if you can take the initial pressurized electrons away, the quartz will then become an ion and drag in new free electrons from whatever source it is in contact with (air, sandstone, static electricity, wind friction, etc.) This effect is very weak, but measurable, and even though it is weak, 300,000 tones worth of it can add up. That is my understanding of the process. I have not , as of yet, recreated it in lab environment to further explore its possibilities.

angle C, the aspect of linking knights through vortex points on earth is very complex. Honestly I can not enlighten you much further on this and my experience is limited. ONce I did dabble in vortex points, and created a node from copper and crystals. It was many years ago, but if I rememnber correctly, I assembled such on an sunday evening, and went to work about 5am monday. when I came home around 7pm, I noticed a compass that I had owned and used for many years laying on the kitchen table was not pointing north, but rather east. I lived on an earthquake fault so didn't too much about it until I tapped the compass. At that point, the compasss needle spun in circles about 10 times. Like it was wound up like a spring. I did not document weather it was a clockwise or counter spin, but I was shocked none the less. Never seen anything like it before. Then I realized that the node/vortex point I made was almost directly underneith the kitchen table in the basement. It freaked me out, I don't remember why, but I disassembled the node that evening. I don't understand it, just relaying my person experience, incase that information may be useful to you.