now first off i must admit im also a newbie to this john hoax, just under a month of my time has been spent thinking about or reading the information. this is meant to be a quick overview of what questions have been answered. and some questions that defy logic.
3 years ago a person logged on calling himself a time traveller from the year 2036, he needed to go back to 1975 and get a IBM 5100 computer because the unix code runs out in 2038 thus all computers fail. on his way back to 2036 from 1975 he stopped off and visited his family in florida.
thats the basic story.
now the questions and answers.
it seems that his story of global war and daily living comes from 2 sources, read about the book ALAS BABYLON and the role playing game Cyberworld by Gurps.. their are too many similarities to be just a coincidence.
next he talked about how thier are infinite timelines but they varied by as much as 2%. now the quick thought on this one is easy, if you were to get in a car and point that car at 42 degrees from your house and drove for an hour you end up at point a. now get in your car and point your car 43 degrees and drive your car for an hour and arrive at point b. now a and b would be so far apart, john was surprised that our timeline survived the y2k without harm, but in his timeline the y2k was something of a disaster. now with the car example, if you change things even by .00001% down the line their are major differences. their is no way that 2 timelines can be parallel even if they differ by the smallest size. i also find it funny that y2k was such a major event that it still took science 36 years to try to fix the 5100 computer. if they had one computer melt down why wait 38 years to think about fixing something that people knew all along.
now on to his posts, john says his time machine created alot of heat, and it weighed 500 pounds. now just these 2 things alone dont add up, his picture shows his time machine in a convertible car, he has no sheild from the heat generated, also how did he lift the 500 time machine to put it in another car? their are more flaws in his story than facts that add up. i will post more if asked too.
now on to his time machine, many people have come forward claiming to know the name of the device, some examples, portable radiation detector, radio amplifier, transmitter, navy communicator, microwave, transciever, phone. now even the experts agree that anything with that many vacuum tubes cannot cause time travel, the age of the device seems to be from the 50's or 60's. their arent even any computer chips or boards on it. now their is a hunt by the john titor experts to genuinly identify the real name of the device. my question is "if everyone agrees that it isnt a time machine why still beleive anything else he had to say?" you cant disagree on one major fact but still believe the other facts.
now onto the imposters, of course many people have come on the net and stated "i am john" which instantly the experts again analyze and even question the new john. but again if you believe johns story, you have to believe the whole story, by this i mean, if john says im leaving tomorrow never to be heard from again, and i cannot return to this timeline, well why even question the imposters, people have information that only john would know, so they ask these questions, but even if he produced more pictures of his time machine and knew his SONG (john told a member called pamela about a special song) by his own story its impossible for him to come back.
onto the possible real identity, because this little story has blown up to become life altering for a few, their are people who talk titor daily, now when their not fighting each other once and a while actual usful information is brought forward, but the funny fact is people really dont want to find the real john, these are people that WANT TO BELIEVE. now their have been a few names brought forward that seem to fit the titor profile, now because i believe in peoples privacy i wont post them, however lately their have been 2 names that seem to match. now one guy actually writes books about science fiction(on a search of his email i found his email in germany that was JONT_@) now of course the people in charge quickly dismissed him as a suspect. you have to bear in mind these experts have waisted/used/lost/tricked (you pick the right one) 3 years of their lives on this story. so of course if you disagree with them you get pushed a side. now the other person who will remain nameless, it seems his resume screams JOHN TITOR, this guy worked on IBM 5100's in the 70's and also created the GURPS game. but again it was quickly dismisssed as false.
now onto why do it, one of johns first posts stated i dont care if you believe my story, i have no monetary gain. now surprise surprise a book has come out which is money in the bank, theirs also a radio drama coming out soon. if you search for it you can listen to the clip, seriously funny, you get to hear john shoot his family. now of course people will say its not john writing the book its his mother, well to those people i ask then you believe that his vacuum tubes and klystons are really a time machine?
now if you believe johns actual predictions you have to realize that john stated that the americans would be having waco type events every month, and be on the brink of civil war. he wrote both 2004 & 2005. so in a year it will be proven for a fact no civil war equals hoax. a few things that bothered me right of the bat from reading his posts, he didnt want to tell people about minor disasters like floods or earthquakes, he didnt want to change peoples destiny (very thoughtful of him) but he warned everyone about 3 billion dead in 2015. he says that russia nukes the us, but then the us becomes russias biggest trading partner. makes sense doesnt it? and he also states that south america is not effected by the nuking of the planet. but im glad he doesnt tell me about an earthquake in which my house falls down.
now i tried to keep thi small, of course i really condensed alot of his posts/predictions, and i also only wrote a few contradictions to his story. when it comes to the john titor story we only have his own words and pictures, so their is no more information that can be dwelled upon, but yet people 3 years later find more things to associate with titor, ex: titor spoke of how mad cow was a big problem, now because 1 cow was found in the us 3 years after johns posts, people are saying see i told you he was right. but of course when titor was posting mad cow was an epidemic in england effecting 100% of the all the cattle. not .000000000000000000000001% of american beef of today. we are supposed to believe that johns mom wrote the book, but nowhere does titors mom conm on the net and relate any personal storys of her son, she doesnt warn people of other things he had to say. john has impacted 1000's of lives, if i were his mom i would surely communicate with the very community that idolizes him.
feel free to ask any questions or add your own comments. but remember im trying to keep this a quick study on the titor story.(its as short as it can be) i have only scratched the surface here on why you shouldnt believe his hoax, and to ANYONE who truly believes that johns story is 100% you better be planning to move to brazil, theres a war afoot you know!!!! but of course not 1 person has moved away. i guess we all have mad cow and were to stupid to find brazil.
3 years ago a person logged on calling himself a time traveller from the year 2036, he needed to go back to 1975 and get a IBM 5100 computer because the unix code runs out in 2038 thus all computers fail. on his way back to 2036 from 1975 he stopped off and visited his family in florida.
thats the basic story.
now the questions and answers.
it seems that his story of global war and daily living comes from 2 sources, read about the book ALAS BABYLON and the role playing game Cyberworld by Gurps.. their are too many similarities to be just a coincidence.
next he talked about how thier are infinite timelines but they varied by as much as 2%. now the quick thought on this one is easy, if you were to get in a car and point that car at 42 degrees from your house and drove for an hour you end up at point a. now get in your car and point your car 43 degrees and drive your car for an hour and arrive at point b. now a and b would be so far apart, john was surprised that our timeline survived the y2k without harm, but in his timeline the y2k was something of a disaster. now with the car example, if you change things even by .00001% down the line their are major differences. their is no way that 2 timelines can be parallel even if they differ by the smallest size. i also find it funny that y2k was such a major event that it still took science 36 years to try to fix the 5100 computer. if they had one computer melt down why wait 38 years to think about fixing something that people knew all along.
now on to his posts, john says his time machine created alot of heat, and it weighed 500 pounds. now just these 2 things alone dont add up, his picture shows his time machine in a convertible car, he has no sheild from the heat generated, also how did he lift the 500 time machine to put it in another car? their are more flaws in his story than facts that add up. i will post more if asked too.
now on to his time machine, many people have come forward claiming to know the name of the device, some examples, portable radiation detector, radio amplifier, transmitter, navy communicator, microwave, transciever, phone. now even the experts agree that anything with that many vacuum tubes cannot cause time travel, the age of the device seems to be from the 50's or 60's. their arent even any computer chips or boards on it. now their is a hunt by the john titor experts to genuinly identify the real name of the device. my question is "if everyone agrees that it isnt a time machine why still beleive anything else he had to say?" you cant disagree on one major fact but still believe the other facts.
now onto the imposters, of course many people have come on the net and stated "i am john" which instantly the experts again analyze and even question the new john. but again if you believe johns story, you have to believe the whole story, by this i mean, if john says im leaving tomorrow never to be heard from again, and i cannot return to this timeline, well why even question the imposters, people have information that only john would know, so they ask these questions, but even if he produced more pictures of his time machine and knew his SONG (john told a member called pamela about a special song) by his own story its impossible for him to come back.
onto the possible real identity, because this little story has blown up to become life altering for a few, their are people who talk titor daily, now when their not fighting each other once and a while actual usful information is brought forward, but the funny fact is people really dont want to find the real john, these are people that WANT TO BELIEVE. now their have been a few names brought forward that seem to fit the titor profile, now because i believe in peoples privacy i wont post them, however lately their have been 2 names that seem to match. now one guy actually writes books about science fiction(on a search of his email i found his email in germany that was JONT_@) now of course the people in charge quickly dismissed him as a suspect. you have to bear in mind these experts have waisted/used/lost/tricked (you pick the right one) 3 years of their lives on this story. so of course if you disagree with them you get pushed a side. now the other person who will remain nameless, it seems his resume screams JOHN TITOR, this guy worked on IBM 5100's in the 70's and also created the GURPS game. but again it was quickly dismisssed as false.
now onto why do it, one of johns first posts stated i dont care if you believe my story, i have no monetary gain. now surprise surprise a book has come out which is money in the bank, theirs also a radio drama coming out soon. if you search for it you can listen to the clip, seriously funny, you get to hear john shoot his family. now of course people will say its not john writing the book its his mother, well to those people i ask then you believe that his vacuum tubes and klystons are really a time machine?
now if you believe johns actual predictions you have to realize that john stated that the americans would be having waco type events every month, and be on the brink of civil war. he wrote both 2004 & 2005. so in a year it will be proven for a fact no civil war equals hoax. a few things that bothered me right of the bat from reading his posts, he didnt want to tell people about minor disasters like floods or earthquakes, he didnt want to change peoples destiny (very thoughtful of him) but he warned everyone about 3 billion dead in 2015. he says that russia nukes the us, but then the us becomes russias biggest trading partner. makes sense doesnt it? and he also states that south america is not effected by the nuking of the planet. but im glad he doesnt tell me about an earthquake in which my house falls down.
now i tried to keep thi small, of course i really condensed alot of his posts/predictions, and i also only wrote a few contradictions to his story. when it comes to the john titor story we only have his own words and pictures, so their is no more information that can be dwelled upon, but yet people 3 years later find more things to associate with titor, ex: titor spoke of how mad cow was a big problem, now because 1 cow was found in the us 3 years after johns posts, people are saying see i told you he was right. but of course when titor was posting mad cow was an epidemic in england effecting 100% of the all the cattle. not .000000000000000000000001% of american beef of today. we are supposed to believe that johns mom wrote the book, but nowhere does titors mom conm on the net and relate any personal storys of her son, she doesnt warn people of other things he had to say. john has impacted 1000's of lives, if i were his mom i would surely communicate with the very community that idolizes him.
feel free to ask any questions or add your own comments. but remember im trying to keep this a quick study on the titor story.(its as short as it can be) i have only scratched the surface here on why you shouldnt believe his hoax, and to ANYONE who truly believes that johns story is 100% you better be planning to move to brazil, theres a war afoot you know!!!! but of course not 1 person has moved away. i guess we all have mad cow and were to stupid to find brazil.