Another Time Travel ?


Temporal Novice
As you all know.. or at least SHOULD know, the Earth is CONSTANTLY moving!

First, it spins.
Second it orbits the sun.
Third, that sun orbits whatever is in the center of our galaxy.
Forth, our galaxy is constanly in moving as well, be it outward from the big bang or simply due to the gravatational pulls of all the other cosmic "Stuff" out there!

My point is is that we are constantly moving at speeds which are nearly impossible to comprehend, even if we can't feel it ourselves!

So if we jump back in time, even just a second. We could end up floating in space hundreds if not thousands of miles from earth! Simply because the earth right now isn't in the same place it was a second ago! Now imagine how far away from earth we would appear if we jumped back a year? or even a hundred years!

I think that those people out there devoting thier lives to time travel should consider this when they first take the jump (if they aren't already)... We need to come up with a way to anchor ourselves to a PHYSICAL place in space, not just the place we left!

This also may limit us in travelling also.. If we create a device that can anchor us, we would only be able to travel back to the moment the device was first turned on.

One way around this I suppose would be the creation of Interstellar Space Ships capable of moving through space at a very high speed.

Without either of these, I can't see time travel as anything other then a death sentence!

What do you think?
this has been talked about alot here. i suggest you look up john titor. i can tell that you havent heard much (if anything) about him. you will probably like the story alot.

You'd probably do much better jumping through time and end up out in space. Thereafter you travel "normally" via some sort of space ship to your actual destination.

Even if you picked your 4D jump point with great accuracy there are a lot of factors that theoretically make targeting the surface of a planet very hazardous.

If you assume that you carry along with you all of your linear and angular momenta when you make the jump (and you should assume that) when you contact the planet the vectors of your momenta might be quite different than the vectors of the linear and angular momenta of the target planet. For instance is you leave New York City at dusk on some December day and target dusk in New York City on some June day the Earth is 180 degrees advanced in it's orbit from your original point. It's traveling in the opposite direction. That means that the sign of the Earth's linear momentum is the opposite of your linear're traveling in opposite directions. You'll slam into New York City at ~66,000 mph. Ouch!
it is best that you change your paradigm, and see time in two ways. the common bookkeeper time that society uses to dictate the relationship of events and actual space-time (time) in a flow of energy between two or more frames of time. its like being in 1492 and changing your paradigm from viewing the world from being flat to round.
it is best that you change your paradigm, and see time in two ways.

Why only two? We already see time relative to the thermodynamic (entropic), psychological, cosmological, quantum, weak force and causal arrows of time. We can even take the microcosmic point of view of seeing particle-antiparticle pair production as being but one particle that in one phase (when we detect the antiparticle moving forward in time) as being a normal particle moving backwards in time.

Without some justification I don't think that my paradigm is in need of adjustment at the present time.
Time isn't the simple thing most people think it is. The past is contained within present matter; the temporal record is carried through space with the earth, etc. Wibbly wobbly, timey-whimey stuff. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
the temporal record is carried through space with the earth, etc. Wibbly wobbly, timey-whimey stuff.

Not to mention wibbly, wobbly thermodynamic and entropic stuff. Entropic theory and information theory are very closely related.

Good (and humorous) observation TimeLord. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
I think that those people out there devoting thier lives to time travel should consider this when they first take the jump (if they aren't already)... We need to come up with a way to anchor ourselves to a PHYSICAL place in space, not just the place we left!

John Titor overcame this issue with the concept of the "Variable Gravity Lock" or the VGL as he referred to it.

- 05 November 2000 03:29 (about time travel) 15
Pamela: 14. what happens if the device messes up? Do you end up in space? if it goes offline and shifts ? does a hole open elsewhere?
Timetravel_0: Good question!!! That one almost never comes up. The hard part of traveling through time is not the bending of gravity but the plotting of your course and holding to the basic "position" in your environment. This is done through a system called VGL (variable gravity lock). Basically, the unit takes a reading of the local gravity and samples it during the "trip" in pulses. If the gravity is too far off, the unit stops or reverses itself to the last sample period where the readings were correct. If there is some sort of failure, the unit shuts down and drops out to where ever you may be. -"

Best Regards
true documentary of the nazi death camps that some say "never happened" -USA Next?
link to youtube /ttiforum/images/graemlins/mad.gif