Another site containing prophecies similar to JT

These prophecies were also recorded and to-date 100% accuracy has resulted.

When they say that but they don't list the predictions, you know they are full of beans. Interesting article about Yellowstone though, I wonder what happened to that Three Sisters uplift. It was almost 4 years ago.

exept that JT was a time traveler.
No, he was an ALLEGED time traveler. Big difference.

Second: That site is obviously one that wishes to spread fundamentalist, Islamist propaganda about how "evil" America is. Not only is the whole site biased and full of BS, but the fact that the "predictions" are similar to the ones made by the alleged Titor only lends creedence to my theory that Titor was a terrorist Psy Op to try to get America fearful in the lead-up to 9/11.

This is not targeted at the US, but the whole world! So Rainman, you need not worry!!
I don't worry about much. In fact, the biggest thing I worry about are people who are too gullible. So let me ask you: Even if this "Planet X" nonsense is real (and it has been reported as an "iminent threat" for a couple decades now), then what is worrying about it possibly going to do? What are you going to do to prepare?

Fear of death is not a healthy thing.
Iam on this forum to do research on Time Travel,John Titor and his Theories.

If you want to talk about life and death and your spiritual values and use mind to control nature The Matrix style, and all ur crazy fiction stuff, I would suggest a better place for U.
But you didn't answer my question.

And might I point out it was Creedo who (once again) hijacked this thread with HIS silly nonsense. Way to go Creedo. You've got a perfect record for turning threads away from where they start. And it seems I always respond to such nonsense. Silly me! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

hmm, diaster imminent, total devestation, complete planet kill...unless we can find a drilling team and a few nukes (won't be hard, think there are a few in iraq that bush didn't find). if we can't do that then i'ma just have a big party till it comes
Herc, don't worry about this having any relation to TIGHT-TOR. There are a lot of things on that page that JT didn't mention at all.

The planet X crew have been around forever. There are many variations on planet X. Some version it's a comet hitting earth, some it's a planet hitting earth, some it's the planet hitting the sun, some it's just the presence alone that signals the beginning of the end. The only basis in reality is the probability that our solar system will someday encounter a large object we didn't know about. I mean sure it COULD happen, but I'm more afraid of those alien bugs that crap out giant balls of plasma like from Starship Troopers. Way more probable than planet X imo.
Herc, don't worry about this having any relation to TIGHT-TOR. There are a lot of things on that page that JT didn't mention at all.

Thats right, but whenever I search about it all the results are having some relations with each, but not an exact one. In some cases, the predicted dates are already over, which means it is pending and others predicting future dates for the event. Reading all these prophecies does give us a hint about the event which we may see in our lifetime.
and doing research on Titor, is really hard now, like one thing leads to another and confuses us altogether. I realise the best bet is to wait and learn the truth as it comes.