Another prediction of Titor's


Temporal Novice
Another prediction of Titor\'s

This has probably been posted before, maybe we should have a universal titor prediction and happenings post, but heh, here goes.

well, I just thought it was cool that Titor knew of VoIP back then (he said something along the lines of "We have phones, but they're based on the web.")
Re: Another prediction of Titor\'s


VOIP was a known technology well before Titor's 2000 appearance. Just because the products themselves did not start to hit the market until around 2002 does not mean the technology was not predicted, and even well-developed, earlier. In fact, Bill Gates predicted that "long distance" fee structures would go the way of the vaccuum tube in his early 90's book "The Road Ahead". He knew, and explained, that broadband technology would support high-quality digital voice transmission that would compete with analog phone services.

Does that mean Bill Gates is also a time traveler? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
