Anomalies in the time line


Temporal Navigator
Anomalies in the time line.

Has anyone here noticed anomalies in the time line?
Here are some to date
1. Jane Goodall dyed
2. Patrice Stewart died
3. Billy Graham died
4. Tienaman square man was ran over by tank.
5. Arial Sharon died.
6. Thanksgiving on the 3rd or 4th week being held.

I think the anomalies are when people switch time line
and forget to forget the old time line. The only way to
detect a change in the time line is through Reactor 1967
program that is being built.

So if anyone notices any glitches between timelines please
post it on this site. If other people find one this will
support many world line theory. The reason why the many
world line theory is possible is through divergence indicating
difference between timelines and thus find anomalies between
two timelines. Finding anomalies in the time line is really
the only way we can see parallel world line exists and thus
time travel is possible between time line so to prevent paradoxes.

So please post here any anomalies or glitches between two time
lines here.

Thx. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
For a second you got me scared...I thought something might have happened to Captain Picard! But seriously, what are you getting at about these non-events? You just have a feeling they were supposed to happen? If you were right, wouldn't that support evidence of a singular timeline being manipulated like in typical sci-fi? I thought the many worlds theory posited that the river forks and a new timeline is formed with a new you and everyone else etc. So how would anyone be "switching timelines" at all or noticing anything? If the many worlds theory is true how could there be any paradoxes to prevent in the first place?
For a second you got me scared...I thought something might have happened to Captain Picard! too. I had to look twice at that name.

What is hard to explain, except for some sort of multiverse/timeline theory, are things seen in dreams. I had a dream with a water fountain in it that I "know" for a fact I have never seen before, anytime, anywhere on this planet, nor have I ever envisioned a fountain as the one seen in the dream.

How did the subconscious construct a water fountain like the one contained in the dream all by itself ? I can't really describe the fountain in this post, lest to say that it was not a simple one, but far from ordinary and of a style once again, I "know" I have not even come close to seeing during my lifetime.

There also have been dreams where some components seem to appear later on in life. Never seen before the dream, but is then seen sometime afterwards.

I have mentioned this before in other posts...the subconscious has no idea "what time it is" and may slip up once in awhile and mix up things seen, as far as the "when" part is concerned, a dynamic that may bleed over to "where" as well.

Is Deja-Vu just such a slip-up ?

Driving in the Mojave Desert, miles and miles of nothing and nobody, and then getting flashes of a memory (?) of another truck stuck in some sand and us pulling it out comes to mind. Looking around, feeling strange, and seeing nothing, just keep on driving. Then, a fork in the road seems familar, and on a hunch, drive in a specific direction, and coming up over a rise in the road, am astonished to see a truck stuck in the sand. We stop and help the other driver pull his truck out of the sand, with me wondering all along what in heavens name is going on ?

This also was brought to my attention with a dream that had a machine shop in it...and I knew upon waking, that I had never seen it before the dream.

Several years passed, and I visited a friend at his work, and was stunned to recognize the machine shop as being the one in the dream. And when I met one his co-workers, sure as shootin' the old man that came out from the office also had been in the dream.

So, how does one explain these type of events ?

I studied Astral Projection for awhile and the author of one book explained why it is we have memories of one place/moment at a time. What he wrote seems to make sense, as to have multiple threads of memories flowing through our consciousness at one time, would make it difficult to remain focused on the here and now.

Everybody has a different threshold of what can be handled, or a variation of "talent" as far as abilities, so there may be some people that can remember multiple events. This would seem to result with conflict, since the rest of the world opposes such an idea.

Those who do not or have become ignorant to this type of awareness, would do exactly what we witness when these suggestions are presented, and struggle in opposition to such concept's. And if those people are in the majority, hold on boys, that really makes for a tough go of it.
some to date
1. Jane Goodall dyed
2. Patrice Stewart died
3. Billy Graham died
5. Arial Sharon died.

Perhaps you didn't wait for a long enough time? I assure you, these people will definitely die at some point in the future /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

I'm one of those people that notice anomalies all the time. I think it is because I gather lots of irrelevant detail about my surroundings. Anytime I see a change, I pay particularly close attention to where I saw the change from then on. It's like that particular location is a nexus point. Some things change back and forth, while others continue to change on a different pattern. I believe the changes are tied into our decision making abilities. I used to watch film critics Siskel and Ebert. In the early 90's Ebert put on a lot of weight and died of a heart attack. So it came as a big surprise to me when I find out he's not dead anymore. I also pay particular attention to my spelling. The word "really" frequently draws a flag to me. Because sometimes it is spelled "realy" I know this because I will just type it in a google search bar. That's how I know I'm in an alternate time line. The spelling of that word will change back and forth from time to time. Just recently I had to start spelling it with two L's. I don't think there are an infinite number of time lines. All things aren't possible. I just think our minds will switch us hither and fro amongst the finite time lines available based upon the decisions we make.
who's Patrice Stewart? nope haven't noticed any changes in the timeline, but if I did, wouldn't that make me a timeline jumper? I do remember a tv show happened different the 2nd time I saw the same episode, but besides that I haven't seen any dramatic changes and if you did you probably couldn't prove they did or didn't happen because you'd be in the timeline where no evidence of anything other than happening happened, I've read people claiming to have proof but their proof they've apparently not shown to anyone.
Decisions we make or while we sleep and then return?

Not to say I'll fully buy into anything, but for sake of 'philosophy' /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

If I did buy into it, Carl Jung (the subconscious aka 'the shadow'), and the five senses (IE; Vanilla sky is a good example) would play into my considerations (coma vs. reality and any difference therein).

What is 'Red' to one person may be 'brown' to you but 'green' to me though for sake of 'reality' they are all just 'Red'...etc, etc, etc. (Do not confuse with color blindness - a color vision deficiency, is the inability to perceive differences between some of the colors that others can distinguish).
-Reality is the accepted popular perception.

The secrets of life are sadly still just that, a 'secret' ....damn individualism.
I don't know folks...I think there has been a jump in timelines. I saw a commercial for a movie entitled Friday the 13th coming out on Friday the 13th, 2009. I "know" I saw this movie back in the 1980's. Weird, huh ?
I share your skepticism Razimus, but I've found some of these subsequent posts interesting, albeit very speculative. Thx for the thoughtful reply Kerr, your experiences certainly do sound unusual. The one thing I would point out, though, is that I (and I figure just about everyone) dreams of things they have never actually seen in real life. I would hardly call that evidence of temporal anomalies. I'm no expert on the human brain, but I would think just about anything could be constructed in a dream like taking indivdual pixels from our experiences, desires, and imaginations and creating the expressive pictures. I can't say I've ever been that convinced I've been aware of any anomaly, sure I've thought people were dead that weren't and vice versa but I attribute that to my own fallibility. Maybe the strangest things along that line I've felt sometimes is that once in a while, a certain word seems like it just does not fit, is not supposed to fit, the idea or object or whatever it represents. Like seeing an apple and thinking..."apple is really the word for that?" The word is familiar and yet not at the same time, like I know it from experience but it just seems wrong for that word to describe that fruit. I'm just using apple as an example, I don't remember the exact words that elicited this feeling. For the sake of arguement and taking you guys' speculations at face value, could our minds be part of a "oneness" of our other selves traveling along other timelines, like single soul with roots in every reality? I haven't exactly believed all things are possible either, but I have always wondered if there is a universe where every physically possible thing is happening, thus creating a finite, but astronomically huge number of them. Of course, that would imply an extremely large, but even more finite number of universes/timelines for our souls to root themselves. Just a little speculation of my own...nothing I hold onto as belief, but what ifs?
Another change in the time line
has just occurred when Michael
Jackson died.

Here are the post from GLP.

Time shift 2

Here a link to other change
occurrence in the time line
from GPL that happened late
last years.

Time shift 1


Here my point.

My point is everything in time is
event driven like in a program.
The ordering of events are important
or else time will slow down and
waits till things aline properly
in which then time start moving
normally then.

I believe time is event driven


If this even(1) does not occur
then these future event can't occur
(event 2,3,4) which are dependant on
first(event 1) so to keep thing on track
time slows down and reorder and waits
for event 1 to occurs for time to
start moving again at a normal rate.

That's all and that's my point.


The ordering of events are important or else time will slow down and waits till things aline properly in which then time start moving normally then.


Life is a choice we made to learn truth.

then where's the choice or the truth? It's not much of a choice if the universe is as you describe it, driven by a predetermined set of events, to be performed in a specific order by something that forces the order by slowing down time until the right "choice" is made to fit its personal truth.

then where's the choice or the truth? It's not much of a choice if the universe is as you describe it, driven by a predetermined set of events, to be performed in a specific order by something that forces the order by slowing down time until the right "choice" is made to fit its personal truth.

Something I observed in my self.
Everything slows down for me
before a dinner party then
after it that event time moves
faster again.

Also everything is event driven
and it is not my idea but it is
Major Ed Dams the remote viewer
idea that's all.

So what I did is I put them together
the dinner party idea with Major
Ed Dames and came up with this
theory and that it.

quote: Life is a choice we made to
learn truth.

You can only make choices in the
after life but not here on earth.
In heaven you make your choices(cause)
and then do what you are told down
here(effect) thus cause and effect.

Thus I come to my final point from
what I said above. I don't believe
in free will. It all just an illusion
everything is predestination.

Thus I come to my final point from
what I said above. I don't believe
in free will. It all just an illusion
everything is predestination.

Interesting point-of-view, Designer. Can't really say with "absolute" certainty that you're wrong. This perspective does seem to remove personal responsibility from one's life.

Validating the proverbial " The devil made me do it..."

Why even bother making any choice's if one is merely a pinball in the grand scheme of things ?

Just seems like a cop-out, giving up on what life could be.

I believe, my own perspective of course, and not necessarily "absolute", kind of is a combination of multiple possibilities. That God knows the out-come for everyone, yes. To be otherwise with such knowledge would make Him less-than the God I believe God to be.

That God may influence certain decisions, possible. That there is "also" some Free-Will involved, also, possible. Thus, both sides would be right, to some degree.

This is exemplified with the myth as told by Joseph Campbell, and the god wearing a hat colored red on one side and colored green on the other.

Walking along a path in-between two sets of farmers, each side see's the god wearing a different colored hat, and after the god has passed, they begin to debate what color hat was being worn by the god.

Both sets of farmers were right. The farmer's made the decision to focus on something that really didn't matter...

AND both set's of farmer's missed out on " the experience " of the god among them,

Choice is something discussed in Genesis...with Adam and Eve. IF one reads the story closely, it will be noticed that the Serpent never "forced" either Adam or Eve to do what they "desired" to do. Each made the decision for themselves, and brought down the consequences due to their lack of accepting responsibility for their " own choice's".

As far as Anomalies in the time-line, I sometimes believe that this also may be taking place. IF somebody does succeed at some point in the matter how near or far in the future that may be, they could, in theory, have started these anomalies in the time-line.

Posted elsewhere, is my experience of an event where the memory seemed to arrive before the event took place, a "strong" feeling/sensation as though the event had already happened. A glitch between two different time-lines ?

AND as far as the perception of time, I believe is a personal, individual thing. A movement from one event to another, or moving from one experience to another. The duration of and between these life experiences can be and is different for each individual.
You mention heaven so you must believe in God. If it is the God of the Bible, then I assure you we all have free will. God set out some roads for some of us to drive on, but for the most part it's up to us where we drive to, how fast we go, and how many fenders we dent.


"For with God nothing shall be impossible" Luke 1:37
Thus I come to my final point from
what I said above. I don't believe
in free will. It all just an illusion
everything is predestination.

Two points:(1) The books in a library are 'predestined' in the sense of being completely written, but we can choose which one to read. That's free will (changing your time line).(2) One shouldn't assume that our experiences are entered into our minds like a downloaded file. I think we create the experience from experiences we already have had in our minds. We can change the way we think, can't we? Free will lies in choosing the path, maybe, rather than creating the path.

<font color="red">On the other hand, why not put this 'new age' stuff on the shelf and have a beer instead? [/COLOR]
If it really is only an illusion, why fight the idea (unless maybe we don't want to accept the idea)?
the truth is, opposite paths lead to the same place. why? because the world is a circle (as in, not a sphere).

one man turns left, and walks for ten minutes to his destination. the other man turns right, and walks for three years to the same destination. who chose the correct path? it really depends on your perspective, but actually, they are the same.

when our flesh dies, all of our spirits go to the same place, and are judged the same way. evil turns good, good turns evil. it is the ebb and flow of the tide. eventually, everyone gets a higher understanding, and evolves.