Anomalies due to time travel attempts. *DELETED*

Re: Anomalies due to time travel attempts.

I believe that it would depend on the device. If the device requires alot of power to function, then it may have effects on the surrounding area. If is operational without alot of power, then it might not create as much of a "foot-print".

As far as the specific physics, there are others here better suited to answer your question than myself, although we are discussing a device that is theoretical and requires "some" numbers to even begin to develop any kind of mathematical equation(s) that would define in scientific terms possible effects.

Since it is a theoretical device, it seems to me that there is too much missing to formulate anything specific about any magnetic disturbances, or gravitational anomalies.

You say you need to know, perhaps, expanding on this, might provide a better foundation for a more accurate and/or appropriate answer to your question.
Re: Anomalies due to time travel attempts.

I believe that it would depend on the device. If the device requires alot of power to function, then it may have effects on the surrounding area. If is operational without alot of power, then it might not create as much of a "foot-print".

As far as the specific physics, there are others here better suited to answer your question than myself, although we are discussing a device that is theoretical and requires "some" numbers to even begin to develop any kind of mathematical equation(s) that would define in scientific terms possible effects.

Since it is a theoretical device, it seems to me that there is too much missing to formulate anything specific about any magnetic disturbances, or gravitational anomalies.

You say you need to know, perhaps, expanding on this, might provide a better foundation for a more accurate and/or appropriate answer to your question.

""We tried a desperate game and lost. But we are tough men used to tough ways, and we have to abide by the consequences." -- Cole Younger

Well I can answer the question about power and I am not a engineer or math person. Yes, the more power a device consumes the more it will effect the area around it. When a magnetic field forms what ever that field touches creates and electrical field. When an electrical field forms it also creates a magnetic field. So the more power a device consumes the more electrical-magnetic radiation if I can call it that the device gives off. Also it can give off RF energy too which is created as a magnetic field forms. There you go.
Re: Anomalies due to time travel attempts.

As far as the specific physics, there are others here better suited to answer your question than myself, although we are discussing a device that is theoretical and requires "some" numbers to even begin to develop any kind of mathematical equation(s) that would define in scientific terms possible effects.

There is already math to define the scientific terms of possible effects of matter and energy which is what electrical-magnetic devices are. Ray turned me onto maxwells equations a while back. If I am not mistaking there were also equations for matter and energy effecting the curvature of space and time. It has already been calculated that to time travel would take a good deal of energy. More than can be produced on earth because it would require converting mass to energy and there is not enough mass on earth to do it so some how mass would have to be created too from nothing then converted to energy to even attempt time travel here on earth. And yeah, that would effect a lot of people. That much energy I am pretty sure is not good for anyones health.
Re: Anomalies due to time travel attempts.

There is already math to define the scientific terms of possible effects of matter and energy...

I figured there are equations already, however, without "any" numbers, renders even the best formula kind of moot.

To Daxel:

I don't know what kind of repoire you have with your neighbor, however, if he was burning out my stuff, I think I might want to have a discussion with him regarding his experiments.

I would first try to speak to him, personally, and perhaps you can interest him by enticing him with a similar interest's. If he is difficult to speak with, I'd send him a letter.

As far as any energy spilling out across onto your property, if possible to acquire, could be measured by an EMF detector, as seen on the Ghost Hunting Shows.

Perhaps walking around with a compass might also be interesting to see how the needle reacts, and to determine if it is indeed magnetic fields that are being effected.

Also, I don't know if you have access to view his electrical meter, but it would be interesting to see what his meter is doing while he is conducting his experiments. IF and only IF it could be done safely, as in him not noticing you looking.

If he avoids you completely, and is nasty, I'd build the biggest damn Tesla coil I could afford and hit the ON switch as close to his "workshop" as possible, while still on my property. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/ooo.gif

It really boils down to how badly you want to know, and how far you are willing to go to find out.
Re: Anomalies due to time travel attempts.

I figured there are equations already, however, without "any" numbers, renders even the best formula kind of moot.

To Daxel:

I don't know what kind of repoire you have with your neighbor, however, if he was burning out my stuff, I think I might want to have a discussion with him regarding his experiments.

I would first try to speak to him, personally, and perhaps you can interest him by enticing him with a similar interest's. If he is difficult to speak with, I'd send him a letter.

As far as any energy spilling out across onto your property, if possible to acquire, could be measured by an EMF detector, as seen on the Ghost Hunting Shows.

Perhaps walking around with a compass might also be interesting to see how the needle reacts, and to determine if it is indeed magnetic fields that are being effected.

Also, I don't know if you have access to view his electrical meter, but it would be interesting to see what his meter is doing while he is conducting his experiments. IF and only IF it could be done safely, as in him not noticing you looking.

If he avoids you completely, and is nasty, I'd build the biggest damn Tesla coil I could afford and hit the ON switch as close to his "workshop" as possible, while still on my property.

It really boils down to how badly you want to know, and how far you are willing to go to find out.

Or a good cheap flux compression generator hooked to a parabolic dish. Of course the neighbors six blocks behind him won't appreciate it either. The EMP pulse will get them too. A pretty good RF jammer would be nice too. With a good jammer you could really mess up what ever he is trying to watch or listen too. Other than that you good bath his house with microwaves, see if you can make a powerful enough laser to but little burns here and there on his house and car. Listen in own his cordless phone or cell phone conversations (Not legal anymore and you need some know how.) Then there is the really down and dirty part of making his yard radioactive (My favorite). Then there is the matter of certain chemicals that could acidently get into his yard but I won,t go there. What ever you do don,t fill a coke can up with thermit and lite it with a tungston fuse and set it on the hood of his car and run away or stick bubble gum or news paper down his gas tank. Also don,t put chemicals on his car that removes paint or see how well your nail gun works on his tires. And last but not least there is no need to mount any of these devices I talked about to a RC plane, helicopter even if it is really quite and you have a remote camara on it so you can fly it from your computer within the safety of your own house. Even building a gauss gun because it is quite too would not be necessary. I would never do anything like this to my neigbor. Well, try to play nice. Don,t take anything I said serious I was just playing around. Most of this stuff in real life would land you in some really big trouble. If your neighor is doing something he is not suppose to be doing it is just best to quitly report him to the local authorities. That is what I would do.
Re: Anomalies due to time travel attempts.

Holy Cow, Reactor ! Seems as though I'm reading from the pages of P.M.J.B. or An.Co. , or some other book available from P.P. or through S.O.F.

I don't know if I'd post "that" kind of stuff on "this" site.

I think I'd do everything possible to "get-along" with the neighbor, not cause a micro-war.

I don't know if you live in the country, but anyone entering private property is viewed with suspicion as it is, and armed with what you included in your post, would rightfully get you gunned down here in this part of Texas.
Re: Anomalies due to time travel attempts.

Holy Cow, Reactor ! Seems as though I'm reading from the pages of P.M.J.B. or An.Co. , or some other book available from P.P. or through S.O.F.

I don't know if I'd post "that" kind of stuff on "this" site.

I think I'd do everything possible to "get-along" with the neighbor, not cause a micro-war.

I don't know if you live in the country, but anyone entering private property is viewed with suspicion as it is, and armed with what you included in your post, would rightfully get you gunned down here in this part of Texas.

Well your right. Micro-war is what this is called. Usually this is fit for only neigbors with criminal backgrounds and criminial behavior. With normal neigbors there is no need for this kind of stuff. Now days depending on where you live sometimes you have to take the law into your own hands. What happens with neighbors is first they stop respecting your privacy then they stop respecting your property. After your privacy is violated and they show there lack of respect for you as their neighbor and their willingness to get violent and hateful then you can pretty much expect later on your property rights will be violated. It is only then that this type of behavior that I suggested might be needed. As for getting shot at that depends if your neigbor is healthy enough and well enough to get and pick up a weapon and if that neighbor in their own mind blamed you for something. If they don,t understand what is going on then they won,t come after you. And again if they are not feeling very well then they won,t come after you.
Re: Anomalies due to time travel attempts.

With this particular instance, it seem's as though there is an old codger tinkering in his workshop. IF he is working on some sort of time traveling device, as an interested party in the same, I would be more keen on perhaps striking up a combined effort with the old coot.

IF all efforts were shunned, and the oldster got a bit cranky, and ignored requests to "stop" working on whatever it is he is contraptionalizing, and burning up my shi*, and putting my children at risk, then I agree with you...clever folks can whip up all sorts of nifty revenge gizmachio's.

Out of curiosity, Reactor, do you know what the initials of the publications and publisher whom I referenced ? A PM would suffice, as some folks in these parts of the woods, might not be 'capable' of obtaining the above mentioned articles without blowing themselves up.
Re: Anomalies due to time travel attempts.

Out of curiosity, Reactor, do you know what the initials of the publications and publisher whom I referenced ? A PM would suffice, as some folks in these parts of the woods, might not be 'capable' of obtaining the above mentioned articles without blowing themselves up.

I have always been a fanatic about downloading and saving technology even if I could not understand it and read it. I started downloading material early on in internet history before it was banned. I have many thousands of pages and lots of giga byes of information downloaded saved and stored off my property where it can not be forcefully taken from me. Still today there is a lot of information you can get your hands on. Peer to peer networks and torrent downloads are the new craze. Use to Usenet and chat groups where the place to be. You can still get a lot in chat groups usenet is all but dead. Also, encrypted peer to peer networks have information but even that is getting harder to get stuff from now days. Well that is my two cents. Good luck.
Re: Anomalies due to time travel attempts.

keep in mind though, that drm still works, even if the file is a torrent.

recently i downloaded a videogame torrent, grand theft auto 4. to my surprise, i woke up the next day with a blocked internet connection. they wouldnt even restart my connection until i deleted the file.

the worst part about it was, i had a liscense for the game. i just didnt feel like waiting on the mailman to bring me mah game.

i have also downloaded many trojans from p2p networks and bittorrents, so be careful and make sure you have an awesome antivirus.

i suggest avira. link to avira
Re: Anomalies due to time travel attempts.

keep in mind though, that drm still works, even if the file is a torrent.

recently i downloaded a videogame torrent, grand theft auto 4. to my surprise, i woke up the next day with a blocked internet connection. they wouldnt even restart my connection until i deleted the file.

the worst part about it was, i had a liscense for the game. i just didnt feel like waiting on the mailman to bring me mah game.

i have also downloaded many trojans from p2p networks and bittorrents, so be careful and make sure you have an awesome antivirus.

Dude, you ever hear of war driving? You can buy a little device to tell you when your passing a good internet connection then you can just safely pull over. Connect with your firewall and anti-virus software going and download to your hearts content. Let the persons un-secured internet connection your connecting to get their internet connection blocked while your at home sleeping like a baby. Goodle it. It works good.
Re: Anomalies due to time travel attempts.

yeah, back in the day i used to dabble, but would never do such a thing now.

i do miss making phone boxes and war dialers though. was pretty neat.

i just wanted everyone to know about drm because i dont want to see anyones net connection get taken away.