And so here we are ...


Chrono Cadet
I was wondering, we've come this far, but how do we feel about where our timeline is heading. What changes would you like to see for our futures?

I feel we haven't really gotten out of our destructive nature yet. You know, as a species. Never have we known so much about our planet and ourselves

I would like the see the use of the turn signal on a vehicle as common practice.
Oh. the use of the turn signal is common practice here. What would be nice to see are the signal's turned OFF after 10 miles of driving and NOT turning. Plus driving at the speed limit and not 20 miles an hour slower helps too.

I was wondering, we've come this far, but how do we feel about where our timeline is heading. What changes would you like to see for our futures?
Don't know about the timeline, but I do feel that mankind is heading for a major reckoning. Would be nice if people started caring more about each other world wide, embracing the similarities, while respecting the differences.

I'd like to see us come full circle, respecting each other, being polite.Bring back chivalry. If not that, then I'd like to leave all this mess and just go back in time to 1895.

I'd like to see us come full circle, respecting each other, being polite.Bring back chivalry. If not that, then I'd like to leave all this mess and just go back in time to 1895.
Why 1895? I agree with basic respect. It's disappearing.

I heard on Fox News the other day, that women think chivalry is Sexist Behavior. I wonder what they would think if I just let the door slam in their face. :)

You just can't win with some people ... I think we just need to learn that critasism is not the be all and end all. Being able to step back and think about a situation from a different perspective may be one of our greatest gifts

I would like to see all the evil and greed banished. And in its place, Love for one another, and respect for others! Yes, I know that is a pipe dream but wouldn't it be groovy?

Paulajedi, I am just fascinated by that time period, Sherlock Holmes, etc. I am aware that the reality is probably not as romantic as I'd love to think, especially if I wasn't part of the upper class. All those things considered, I'd go there in a heartbeat! :)

Paulajedi, I am just fascinated by that time period, Sherlock Holmes, etc. I am aware that the reality is probably not as romantic as I'd love to think, especially if I wasn't part of the upper class. All those things considered, I'd go there in a heartbeat! :)
The nice part is that if you were just visiting, you could just observe and not worry too much about fitting in except for your clothing and such.

Meeting the basic needs of all people with food, water, shelter, and clothing would be wonderful. Kind of a Star-Trek work-because-you-want-to mentality. On some days I would cringe at the socialism of such an idea. It is just hard to see people suffer for basic need. Doesn't have to be a government solution. More charities, benefit corporations, and LC3's are another avenue.

I just generally want to see humanity get along with itself better, and use our resources more wisely. Our natural resources aren't infinite, and we're currently consuming and consuming at a pace that eventually will leave us with nothing. I believe whole heartedly that it is humanities destiny to travel throughout space and propagate as a species. While Time Travel may never be a possibility, it is easily within the realm of possibility that we can travel through space.

I watched a documentary about the Incan Culture, and they had a sweet deal going on. They adopted neighbouring religions into their own and had years worth of supplies for the entire population

I just generally want to see humanity get along with itself better, and use our resources more wisely. Our natural resources aren't infinite, and we're currently consuming and consuming at a pace that eventually will leave us with nothing. I believe whole heartedly that it is humanities destiny to travel throughout space and propagate as a species. While Time Travel may never be a possibility, it is easily within the realm of possibility that we can travel through space.
Humans are the Earth's parasites.

I would like to see all the evil and greed banished. And in its place, Love for one another, and respect for others! Yes, I know that is a pipe dream but wouldn't it be groovy?
Tantrum, did you just say, "groovy?" Why yes, yes you did! :LOL: Awesome!

After reading several of the posts. I too like the idea if chivalry. The use resources and feeding all are good too. The turn signal is funny.

One thought I had was based on my two year old. In his world everyone are friends. T-red eats trees. Ducks play at his feet. Whale eat bubbles. No one eats anyone and all is provided.

Really though I would like for everyone to be highly educated and to simply have a charitable heart. In addition, I think it would be great if people had healthy habits or hobbies like art, exercise, etc..
