An instantaneous chain cycle event

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This posting has no scientific basis but if anyone actually reads this I would like to hear your coments....

My idea goes something like this. Our universe is only part of a incredible but finite network of universes. These universes are linked by black holes and white holes. When a black hole forms its intense gravitational focus creates a white hole in a place out of time and space. this white hole now becomes the source of a new universe spewing out anything sucked in by its companion black hole.

Now in its simplest form we have two universes. One universe contains the black hole that formed the other and vice versa so both universes co-exist instantaneous. A classic situation not unlike the 'which came first hte chicken or the egg?' syndrome.

Of course for this theory to be correct there can only be one white hole per universe but it is possible to have several black holes in a single universe, so what if some of the created white holes do not spew out perfectly formed universes in the same way that only a same proportion of stars will have planetary bodies around them.

If you have read through through this you are probably wondering what this has to do with time travel, well if the above is true then time is actually instantaneous and therefore time travel cannot exist.
I used to contemplate this several years ago but have since given up the multiple universe hypothesis.

I might entertain the possibility that black holes are counter linked to white holes in THIS universe however and that possibly this is one form of a worm hole. But I can't do the math to back it up.

Matter would fall into the black hole, be converted to pure energy on it's journey thru the wormhole only to be re-converted to matter and spewed out the white hole as a seed for further stellar evolution. Sort of a re-cycle if you will but this tends to support a steady state cosmos which has fallen out of favor in recent years. I don't think it has to declare that the universe is steady state, but some would attack it on those grounds anyway. It could be a part of our big bang theory without having to cause the universe to be self sustaining.

I'd be happy to have some cosmologist shoot this down but I'm going to want to see the math in a way I can understand before I'll buy into it being ruled out.
This theory is similar to the opne i mentioned earlier in a previose post by steven howkings... he thinks there infinte universes some containg nothing (as we know it) and some are pure matter and some are nothing with some matter (in diffrent porportions) where the universes who haveonly some matter obtained this matter thru wormholes from the mother universe

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