Always trust Rainmantime?


Epochal Historian
Creedo enters the office:

Dr. Furgeson; I am glad to see you Creedo'

You look well, but what is bothering you?

Creedo;Well, Colin, I threw something away.

Colin; What did you throw away?

Creedo ;A package sent to me from my friend, Rainmantime.

Colin; This rainman, does he actually make rain?

Creedo; No he does not.He threatens to, but to my knowledge, no.

Colin; I would like to explore these feelings of hostility, as there is something deeper, its seems that is the problem?

Creedo ; What would this be Dr. Ferguson?

Colin ; Your inability to latterly locate your water.

Creedo ; Wha,.....Whu,.....What?

Colin; Yes' it's true, if your unable latterly to locate water.Know then, this could be a miscongeemont, leading to why you only keep his business card on your desk, instead of his friendship.

Creedo; ????????????????????????????????

Does this mean I hate,.......Rainma.....?

Colin; No' this only means at or near birth, you might have been frightened, by a very large animal?
The first encounter:

The first encounter:

Dr. Ferguson walked skillfully around his office, with Creedo mystified, sitting in his renouncement.

Creedo's eyes scanned the many trappings that this psychiatrist had on his, wall.

One item, a large pistol, with the barrel pointed backwards at the holder, drew special attrition.

Creedo; Doc, That pistol, is it dangerous to use?

Colin; I keep this specially made pistol, to act as a reminder to me.That while firearms hold great power to their users, they also damage the ones who use them.

Creedo; Oh!?

All of a sudden there is a beeping on Dr. Ferguson's cell phone.

He picks up the cell, and utters the words, "Bring this patient down, immeadility, to me"!? Ferguson rushes to his medical cabinet, removes a large jar of peanut butter, along with a spatula.

The door opens and a distressed patient on a gurney is yelling incohearlity, as Dr. Ferguson quickly applies large amounts of peanut butter to this distressed patient's face.

The doctor gives the orders, "That ought to do.Take Mr. Johnson to the puppy-dog room,...this should make him happier"?
Stuff people carry in-their wallets,, ya\'know?

Not taken aback by the routine incident, Dr. Ferguson returns to the patient at hand which is Creedo.

With skillful posture Dr. Ferguson stodes up to Creedo and makes the request, "Creedo' we can tell a great deal about someone, by what they carry in their wallet. Would you care to show me the contents of your wallet now"?

Creedo becomes sheepish at first, but finally decides he wants help that he came to Ferguson's office for and complies.

On the desk these items before them.

Business cards, credit cards, i.d. and driver licenses,.blood donor card, Yungo-wizz-Billie's Brand of super-refolding condome and a complete set of drawings, which are entitled, EXPLODED VIEW, ONE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED FOOT RADIUSES ROTATING SPACE STATION.

There are fourteen drawings all done in fine line, by hand and inked.

There are a series of drawings are complete, bill of materials, with an assembly schedule.

This is about a pound of drawings and somehow, Creedo has all of these drawing folded neatly, so that they fit in his wallet.
Re: Stuff people carry in-their wallets,, ya\'know?

This is about a pound of drawings and somehow, Creedo has all of these drawing folded neatly, so that they fit in his wallet.

Prove it. Take a picture of all of these drawings. In this thread, as its fan fiction I should just assume you are nonsense and making it all up. But if you have all of these drawings folded neatly and they fit in your wallet, lets see a pic.

Re: Stuff people carry in-their wallets,, ya\'know?

On this golden morning Dr. Ferguson and Creedo collected themselves in Ferguson's office.

The loonies were quieter than usual, as Creedo rolled out the aerospace drawings.

Colin dressed in a oxford block blue shirt, with a hint of texture to it and a spotted darker tie, giving balance to this squire look, placed his hands over the drawings, seeing the fine work that Creedo introduced.

Colin; Dan' you said that what you did,, in order to maintain the larger inner-sized composnts of this full rotary space station, was to stretch the shuttles ahead of time?

Creedo; Ah' yes Dr. Ferguson.I took the idea, which was an old dissuaded Boeing Aerospace idea, and just added extra length and height to these series of shuttles.

All the worker astronauts have to do, is to join the king-pin sections of these big already assembled fixtures and the space station center, would go together quickly.

Dr Ferguson; And how are you going to get these bigger shuttles up into orbit?

Creedo: They ride on a co-joined 747 carrier aircraft, with six engines.

This takes them up to a launch area, the plane noses over, then releases, the shuttle pops up, then it fires with an extra liquid saddlebag strung along, into orbit.

Colin; Saddlebag, Dan?

Creedo; Extra liquid fuel.

Ferguson; Real well done Dan. Fine drawings, too!?

For therapy today, we are going to Long Island.
Re: Stuff people carry in-their wallets,, ya\'know?

Creedo: They ride on a co-joined 747 carrier aircraft, with six engines.

This takes them up to a launch area, the plane noses over, then releases, the shuttle pops up, then it fires with an extra liquid saddlebag strung along, into orbit.

You do understand that 747's are Oxygen breathing engines, meaning once you get past 110,000 feet you need to bring your own oxygen to burn. Your shuttle then, would need a Tremendous amount of fuel, and you'd have to hit at least 17,000 mph. Basically I am saying in this highly unlikely scenario to begin with, you aren't going to get a shuttle into a stationary geosync orbit no matter how big this extra saddlebag is.
Re: Stuff people carry in-their wallets,, ya\'know?

Ren' do you want me to go to the MOP, cause your goofing up my fiction thread?

By the way, I would appricate if you would delete you last two post, "OR I WILL GO TO THE MOP and won't stop complaining, till you leave this thread alone"?
Re: Stuff people carry in-their wallets,, ya\'know?


I thought this was a fiction thread. I was being fictional. Even fiction can have flaws in its basis pointed out. Do you not think fiction authors have adjusted their stories accordingly to more accurately portray science and fact so that the fiction is that much more truthful and powerful?

Basically what I am saying is, go right ahead. I was trying to point out the flaws in your fiction, I would expect another to point out the flaws in my fiction stories if I posted them. So that I could create a more realistic and believable fiction story. I was only trying to help and I think MOP will understand that...

If your goal is to get me booted then fine I am sure if you put enough time into it you could get anyone booted, but that wouldn't neccesarily make your fiction any better or your arguments any more true. I will not ever Ever request you be kicked off the boards because I believe in the freedom they give us. So many other boards are so Moderated that you or I would be unable to post our thoughts and feelings so truthfully and I appreciate that.

so go ahead get me kicked, it will only help to serve my point. That you cannot take criticism, whether it based on fantasy or reality.
Re: Stuff people carry in-their wallets,, ya\'know?

One last time, get your junk out of here, or I'm going to the MOP?
Re: Stuff people carry in-their wallets,, ya\'know?

Colin; Saddlebag, Dan?

Creedo; Extra liquid fuel.

Ferguson; Real well done Dan. Fine drawings, too!?

For therapy today, we are going to Long Island.

Creedo : Why Long Island Dr Ferguson?

Ferguson : Because Long island is very long, and its an island. Thats why we are going to long island.

Creedo : So what are we going to do once we are there?

Ferguson : We will continue your therapy.

*** The Preceeding has been a work of fiction, posted in the fan fiction forum. It is merely a work of fiction based on other fiction in the same thread of the same forum and was not meant as anything but fiction. ***