Alternate realities and expanding time...


Temporal Novice
Hawkins said if time travel (TT) is possible then why haven't we met a time traveler (TTr).


1) Ever see the TV series "Sliders", based on Quantum Measurement, Alternate Realities....All possibilities exist all the time, there's nothing that can be done to change that. So, the split instant a Time Traveler arrives in the past, they forks off on to an alternate reality and we never get to meet them.

2) If space is expanding, maybe Time is expanding or unraveling in some sense. Maybe we live just inside the habitable zone of an expanding or unraveling wave of time. Therefore, lets say a method of TT will be invented in the year 2200, but so far Time has only unraveled up to the Present day, then it will be another 200 years before a TTr can came back to the present only to end up forking off on to an alt reality and never get to meets us any way, only some alternate version of us created by the presence of the TTr.

I like the idea of the first possibility. Mostly because it makes the most sense really. Lets say a TT does go back into the past and changes something. By doing anything, he's already changed the outcome of what will happen in the future and thus creates an alternate timeline. However, does that negate the other timeline (dubbed "prime" for this thought experiment)? We already know he can't go forward in time to his original point because he's already changed whats happened in the past.

I like the possibility that we can't see or interact with them... They are simply observers. If time travel exists in the future, I would think this would be a time period they would visit often just so they can figure out what exactly went wrong. The world has gone to poop over the past several years and if they don't study us they may repeat our mistakes. This, of course, is assuming we don't kill ourselves before they have the chance to invent time travel...

If Lithuania is real, then why have I never met any Lithuanians?The world is vast, and time is bigger still. :D
lol point taken! It's a matter of perception the way I see it. For example, is the rainbow real? Well, we can't see it most of the time, but when it rains it's visible. The fact is the human eye only perceives and extremely limited portion of "reality" what means we are blind to everything else.
The same with alternate realities?
