Aliens Or Demons That Wear Parkas


Rift Surfer

I know this might sound silly. But I hear stories from a 'friend' that there are aliens or demons that wear parkas running around our fair country. They seem to be they same height as greys with long thin fingers. They seem to be acting as regular humans doing mundane things such as going to the store and such. Oddly, these parkas they wear are all zipped up covering their faces. The appear a little bit like Kenny from South Park series /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Might our vision of reality be altered by these beings so we don't see them but see them as humans.

With the discovery of STRING THEORY, I believe shape shifting or telepathic mind perception altering is possible.

Anyone know anything about this?

Welcome Back CigMan:
appear a little bit like Kenny from South Park series
/ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif I wonder if they sound like Kenny too? I swear that I have "heard" Kenny get away with uttering words that are banned from being broadcast without being bleeped. But I guess that is what pushing the limits is all about, huh?

With the discovery of STRING THEORY, I believe shape shifting or telepathic mind perception altering is possible.

Anyone know anything about this?
I know something about this stuff. In fact, I and others have been discussing its mathematical basis in Time and Frequency elsewhere on the forum.

My string theory based GOD IS LIGHT UNIVERSE THEORY is more powerful than RainmanTime's Massive Space Time or Intention->Force Creation Theory
More powerful? What if I agreed with your theory and suggested it is totally in sync with my fractal embedding description? In essence, what if they are of equal power, and just describing the same thing from a different Point Of View? I supposed it's possible, right? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif


Too bad your DoD friends have not shared any 'stories' about this one with you... /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

As for->My string theory based GOD IS LIGHT UNIVERSE THEORY is more powerful than RainmanTime's Massive Space Time or Intention->Force Creation Theory

Just having a little fun with you RainmanTime... Sometimes you take yourself just a little too seriously... Consider it a message channeled /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

my fractal embedding description? Well you lost me there but I am familiar with fractals and CHAOS theory proving there is ORDER to EVERTHING... An MIT friend explained that one to me...

I think my 'GOD IS LIGHT UNIVERSE THEORY' as a SUPERSET of all other THEORIES... /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif <(And may be up there with "E=MC2" one day /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif <Did I ever tell you one of my nicknames is JMC2 /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif >)>
But I am fascinated with yours... And still want to hear about 'expirements'
