Aliens, how do they get here?


Chrono Cadet
I have a theory on how aliens get here.

IF Einstein was right and you cannot travel faster than light, then aliens that came from the nearest solar system with planets must have traveled thousands of years. This brings up a question-if they traveled thousands of years to get here, they must either be omnipotent beings who live for a VERY long time, or they had generations pass onboard their tiny flying saucers (as seen in many of the photographs/hoaxs). OR they could have used wormhole travel, explained in my posts in the time travel forum. Wormhole travel would explain the size of most crafts seen, since small corvette class ships would not be able to contain the supplies needed for manned (I say manned meaning a ship with living aliens in it) spacecraft to conventionally travel here.

Please reply with your thoughts and Insights.

im not really informed as to the ins and outs of wormholes.. though from the little i know of them id be inclined to believe wormholes are a very likely possibility
ah, please look at my posts in the time travel forum, the ones dealing with seeing into the past but not going there.

Ah, good point! How do we know, too, that the vessels are unmanned? Well, basically, if they are carbon based they should have a life span of about 30-200 years. (assuming the minimum average age required for them to develop organized brains and be able to reason) So, if they come here from the nearest star (vega) it takes them 26 years (at the speed of light). Similarly, to get back takes another 26 years. However, most scientists believe no life exists near vega. Therefore, if the aliens come from a star system 5000 light years away (the other side of our galaxy, the milky way) then they would take 5000 years (travelling at the speed of light) to get here. BUT, if they started coming here 5000 years ago, they would have no idea of human existance, since for our signals to reach them we would have had to send them out 10000 years ago! Anyway, this might explain why they come and then dissappear. Imagine their suprise to find life already existing on this planet they thought to colonize!

my theory on how aliens get here is the ant on the paper theory. If an ant (ant being a spaceship) is on a piece of paper (piece of paper being our universe) it could walk its entire life and never get to the other side. But, if we somehow bend the paper the ant can reach the other side in mere seconds.
You mean wormholes? That is what I am suggesting. A wormhole can be created out of jupiter, you just compress jupiter to 5.65 meters in diameter, give it a negative charge, and compress it a little more. Then it will collapse in on itself and create a wormhole. To keep it open, you need some exotic matter (superstring theory?) but thats basically how to create a wormhole.

"You mean wormholes?" The One
I think he actually meant a tesseract, a rip or wrinkle in the fabric of space or time. These have been believed to be around for centuries, and there have even been government projects designed to create and manipulate them. Of course there has never been any information released on the success or failure of these projects, but it's the government what do you expect.
Some good works of literature involving tesseracts include: A Wrinkle in Time and The Langaleers.
worm holes dont last for more than a second. They come and go, very hard to detect, and you would actually have to "catch" a worm hole than you would be able to use it. But its still possible. Maybe UFO's could be abandoned ships that other species just left float into space and they pass us sometimes. Like when our rocket fuels get chucked into space - they just drift into space forever. =)
and also if you were to travel through a worm hole, by the time you get back home 2 million years could have past. So i would disregard that theory.
I'm pretty sure they just cross the boarder illegaly and stay.

I'm pretty sure Einsteins theory said that nothing can move "to" the speed of light I don't think he said nothing can move "at" the speed of light.

Also we know nothing about aliens, they could go into a deep hibernation and wake up when they near earth.

Or they could be non-copereal beings and just have mechnical suits made to look like they really do only coperal?

There are many possiblites, one only needs to take your time a dismiss the unlikly
i dont know what (outside of a movie) would be considered a corvette class ship. but i offer this. maybe aliens are silicon based, meening that anything we know about them as standard life, would not apply. maybe they are more plant than animal, there are trees thousands of years old. or maybe hollywood made to many movies? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
I'm with you, Raj. You bring a level of intelligence and critical scientific thinking to these boards. Welcome!

Now...a little lesson for Keven and anyone else who mis-states what Einstein stated in his theories. People all over the world constantly warp Special Relativity's conclusions with respect to the speed of light. Let's get this straight, right here and now:

1) Einstein NEVER, EVER said "you can't exceed the speed of light". That is an erroneous way that people interpret what he DID say!
2) What he DID say was "The speed of light is the same for all observers, regardless of their relative speed." Beyond the fact that this establishes the speed of light as a "constant", the other key piece to this statement is OBSERVATION.
3) The more appropriate way to interpret what Einstein said, with regard to the potential for exceeding the speed of light, would be as follows:

"If someone or something WERE able to travel at a speed in excess of the speed of light, no observer outside the lightspeed traveler's frame of reference would be able to detect (see) the traveler in order to ascertain that the speed of light was exceeded."

In short: We MAY be able to exceed the speed of light, but there would be no way to prove it via direct observation.

Kind Regards,
Thanks Rainman /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

If someone or something WERE able to travel at a speed in excess of the speed of light, no observer outside the lightspeed traveler's frame of reference would be able to detect (see) the traveler in order to ascertain that the speed of light was exceeded."

Yes, that is indeed what he meant. Had he said, "The speed of sound is constant for all hearers" people would be saying it is impossible to travel faster than sound.

However, this is not the only reason, why people beleive the speed of light is impossible to exceed. Einstein's famous E=mc2 implies that mass becomes infinite, and time stops at the speed of light.

However this postulate relies solely on the assumption that the speed of light is the point of infinity of velocity. This is not true, we can send light pulses faster than the speed of light, so the speed of light is most certainly not the point of infinity of velocty.
Maybe it is something that no one has even thought of that they operate in the spirit realm and change bodies as often as we change clothes. Of course you need bodies to operate in the physical realm.
Could be why some "bad" kinds breed bodies in the first place. Could be for them that going in and out of bodies is second nature. Traveling through the physical universe would take much time but traveling in spirit is quick. Also it could be an easy thing for some of them to change from matter to energy and back.
Interesting - what you described sounds pretty close to that link Recall provided earlier for the chinese news source;
Recall's youtube link from other forum topic

Whether or not the video or what the people saw is valid or not - it's interesting it fits what you said somewhat.

Does what you refer to have something to do with the speculation over E=MC4 ? (super energy) ?

'IF' so is there anything with scientific logic that could hold that up?
In my view that is exactly right, RMT.

There was an 'empiric' problem that mislead the interpretors.That is all of the scientific data was based on earthly observation where the observer in the lab was at rest relative to the force applied to the movable object. You're probably not going to get past light speed like that, because the EMF force you are using to accelerate the object (particle) has a max speed of c.

But a spaceship is something else. It has its own motive force. It will always measure the speed of light as c,but it can not reach it. That's true relativity. To say that the ship cannot exceed the speed of light relative to an observer (and you can have a million observers, each traveling at a different speed), actually establishes an 'absolute' reference frame /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
I believe my sentimenal feelings for the SR-71 stem from a story heard when I was about 7 based upon that principle ^^ /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
The person did not use the scientific lingo to explain it but seems close.
That's a reason they passed on their love of the aircraft to me - going to the airshow and seeing something that didn't attain the end result, but certainly got alot further for it's time than any other.

Tell me the Gi Joe Night Raven didn't get inspired by Lockheed Martin :P