Aliens and Christianity


Rift Surfer
Does the possibility of extraterrestrials threaten Christianity?  I am no religious scholar, but in my opinion, the basics of Christianity can still go hand in hand with science and the possibility of other life forms existing outside of Earth.  

- The 10 commandments do not mention anything about not believing in ET's

- I do believe God created the whole universe, not just Earth (please refute if there is evidence in the Bible)

- We do not know how many other planets Jesus was sent to

- We always assume God had only one son.  Maybe only one was sent here. 

I believe that part that CAN challenge Christianity is the belief of some that religion was created by early UFO sightings and visitations. The show Ancient Aliens suggests that these were worshipped and religions formed.   And of course, there is always the possibility that Jesus himself was an alien.   

Cosmo brought up the Vatican in another thread.  They have their own observatory and have been researching themselves for centuries.  Note: the Vatican only represents the Catholic sect, not ALL Christians.  If only we knew their secrets. 

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'PaulaJedi][I]Note: the Vatican only represents the Catholic sect said:
Matthew 16:[/B]18"And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My Church, and the gates of Hades will not prevail against it. 19I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven. Whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven."

Jesus is the founder of the Catholic Church and no other! Every Protestant Church became a "sect" of Catholicism and they were all founded by men of various names who rejected the Church established via St.Peter by Jesus. I was pretty stunned!  Ask any Protestant what that verse means and watch the reaction!

And Yes I still believe YHWH was an Alien! ? 
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So to summarize, lectured and bilocated by a Catholic St. Who died in 1968. So he could tell me his name and prove to me who he was through a Wikipedia article! 

Needless to say I was definitely freaked out in a major way about my prolific profanity and constant blasphemy. I didn't believe blasphemy was an actual sin that God would actually judge me for! I learned that sins are very real, and God actually keeps track and judges me for them. I was happy as a Buddhist, but Padre Pio had different plans for me! Sometimes you don't get to choose your own spiritual path!

I know how I sound, and I would have despised me just a couple years ago.....its still a form of cognitive dissonance! I know that I experienced what I did though, just as I know I remember what still I do!

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'PaulaJedi]Does the possibility of extraterrestrials threaten Christianity?  I am no religious scholar said:
Note: the Vatican only represents the Catholic sect, not ALL Christians.  [/I]If only we knew their secrets. 
I think this clip from the movie Paul depicts your typical Christian reaction to a realization that aliens exist.

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[QUOTE='Einstein]I think this clip from the movie Paul depicts your typical Christian reaction to a realization that aliens exist.

[/QUOTE]Omg, I was exactly like Paul before my experience! I held his belief in Evolution and despised Creationism.....that was so surreal and for the record, I still don't believe anything she says. I can't.

'PaulaJedi]Does the possibility of extraterrestrials threaten Christianity?  I am no religious scholar said:
Note: the Vatican only represents the Catholic sect, not ALL Christians.  [/I]If only we knew their secrets. 
For those that are familiar with the manuscripts and other sources that are within or relate to Christianity might not necessarily rule out life eleswhere in the Universe.  Some manuscripts, rejected by the authorities, do mention that God created life elsewhere.   

There are even hints in the Bible. - i.e., of possible spacecraft.  

Ezekiel is a good example.  A man living in the BC's see's a spaceship and describes it from the perspective of his time period.   Is that what happened to Ezekiel? 

 And I looked, and, behold, a whirlwind came out of the north, a great cloud, and a fire infolding itself, and a brightness was about it, and out of the midst thereof as the colour of amber, out of the midst of the fire." (Ezekiel 1:4 - KJV)

I believe that a vast majority of   Christians don't really know the teachings of the Bible.  This is evident in Christian chat rooms which are horrible as far as people raging on each other ruthlessly.   

People expect rapture, being taken to heaven, existing forever.  Interstellar travelers being revealed will not be accepted very well by the main faith-stream educated Christians.   Plus the idea that there is no hell, will probably lead to a lot of violence.  

I wouldn't think Jesus was an alien. Maybe in part, if the immaculate conception was completed by advanced beings.  Would that give the term, Son of Man, a different meaning? 

Jesus, or the concept, of Jesus, he would be the One Son.  This is if you understand the Trinity, and the relevance to the balance of creation.    

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If you look at the definition of alien; a foreigner, especially one who is not a naturalized citizen of the country where they are living. Most religions of the world and its beings would be alien. In terms of smart beings outside of humans, I know they exist. If you want to know more about them look up book of Enoch.

[QUOTE='Alamo127]If you look at the definition of alien; a foreigner, especially one who is not a naturalized citizen of the country where they are living. Most religions of the world and its beings would be alien. In terms of smart beings outside of humans, I know they exist. If you want to know more about them look up book of Enoch.
[/QUOTE]The Book of Enoch discusses angels.   I'm not sure, putting out an opinion here, that they really qualify as interstellar travelers.   Multidimensional beings seems more accurate.  As they seem to just show up.   As described in several Biblical verses and esp. in Enochian Magick.   

Jesus is quoted as saying, " “The Kingdom of Heaven Is Spread Upon The Earth But Men Do Not See It.”  

What is Jesus saying?   

But then he also said, " Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you. " 

Is there a difference between the Kingdom of Heaven and the Kingdom of God?

The Kingdom of God is within us, and the Kingdom of Heaven is around us, but we don't see it...?

Could Luke 17:21 actually be referencing Genesis 2:7? 

And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of *life; and man became a living soul.

Totally my opinion here, but will throw this out anyway, the Scriptures are multidimensional.   Maybe not the best example, but, remember the messages received in the movie " Contact" ?   That they needed to be assembled into a geometrical shape to be properly read...yeah...sort of like that. 


* interesting to note:  As per the Interlinear Bible, 'life' in Genesis 2:7 is not singular, but plural.  "lives".   

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Are angels (Multidimensional beings) aliens? I guess what trying to say is are angels (multidimensional beings) not from our solar system aliens? Are the ones which been here longer than humans natives? Last, I digress, my opinion, I think what separates humans from animals is that humans are 4 dimensional (past and future) and animals are 3 (now), and multidimensional beings (angels) are 5 and above.

But then he also said, " Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you. " 

I believe that firmly.

God is everything and nothing, the alpha and omega.

What I find interesting is how being religious is finding God, finding that light within you and sharing it. 

I think Jesus was talking about the 7th dimension. (Why 7... it would be a long paragraph).

Do you mind if I talk about Buddhism?

[QUOTE='Alamo127]Are angels (Multidimensional beings) aliens? I guess what trying to say is are angels (multidimensional beings) not from our solar system aliens? Are the ones which been here longer than humans natives? Last, I digress, my opinion, I think what separates humans from animals is that humans are 4 dimensional (past and future) and animals are 3 (now), and multidimensional beings (angels) are 5 and above.
[/QUOTE]I would prefer to think of angels as multidimensional beings  as opposed to aliens (interstellar beings).   

Angels can be summoned and just appear verses an alien (interstellar being) I figure is traveling from one point in our Universe to another point in our Universe. One destination being Earth. 

Angels on the other hand, are already now, however, maybe shift in vibrational frequency to be seen here.  They might already be here.  Like a radio wave, here and now, but we can't see radio waves.  

I believe that we are entering into a different topic, because what comes to mind at this point is the Tree of Life, specifically the Sephiroth.   

It has been said, that when you are able to have the inside become one with the outside, you cease to exist as a normal human being.  This is what it seems Jesus is saying, in talking about the Kingdom of God (inside) verses the Kingdom of Heaven (outside).   I believe Jesus is referring to vibration / frequency ; a state of being beyond the physical.  

I don't mind talking about Buddhism.   ? 

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After watching this video, I believe it would challenge people's religious view. The faithful should not be affected, but many are.
