In order to understand time travel, one must understand that every time Earth moves within it's orbit, it is a time established position.
This means that every now, is registered as a now, that is a register in time, just as would be a number within a large telephone directory.
Every time that you say is now, has a time event signature to it, which can be reached.
So to better understand this visually, temporarily, take a trellis, that climbing flowers grow upon and on these points of a trellis, is each a position of every time Earth has a recorded event.
Now superimpose these happenings, a a flat poster or road sign, however inback of one version of Earth, there are three to four other road signs, that are similar to the first seeable road sign representation, however each of these signs, or realities are hidden from each other.
These are other realities, that are not part of your known only to you established time line and the only way you can visit these, is via a change in frequency.
Now let's look at human beings.
Did we get the way we are all by ourselves?
Nope, we had a little help along the way.
How this was done,is that other beings, a little like we are now, in our very far ago past, had landed here on Earth and injected thier cells into featuses while they were in the womb.
This process had been repeated over and over again, till the being that goes out to pick up the morning paper, looks more like avergae day Joe Thomas, rather than a furry ape-like man.
How this deal has soured, is that our ancient contributors, had leins placed upon us and some of these leins, are still active today.
These leins are from the Grays, the Dracks, who once had used the Earth as a staging ground and a sect of beings, known as the Procyionians, who in part, only physically now mind you, had helped engineer us up from apelike man.
Every place you go either foward or backward in time on Earth, depending upon the reality that you choose, you will find at times, these types of beings.
They are all over.So in your way into time, if you are a time travler, you must contend with three influences.
The Grays must be reengineered, in order for them to stop depending upon humans so much.
The Dracks have to give up Earth, well as for one, our central sun, does not like them.
Our central sun is inteligent and Earth based humans, are the only ones who are assinged to its surface.
If they don't get off of Earth, the sun will go supercritical.
The Procyionians, it seems is an arbritary configuration, with some of them poled to one camp of letting us have our own rights, while the other still thinks that we are test subjects.
What I'm trying to tell you all, is don't dare get into a time machine, unless you have a very good workong knowlege of aliens races, by all the information that you can possably pick up?
This means that every now, is registered as a now, that is a register in time, just as would be a number within a large telephone directory.
Every time that you say is now, has a time event signature to it, which can be reached.
So to better understand this visually, temporarily, take a trellis, that climbing flowers grow upon and on these points of a trellis, is each a position of every time Earth has a recorded event.
Now superimpose these happenings, a a flat poster or road sign, however inback of one version of Earth, there are three to four other road signs, that are similar to the first seeable road sign representation, however each of these signs, or realities are hidden from each other.
These are other realities, that are not part of your known only to you established time line and the only way you can visit these, is via a change in frequency.
Now let's look at human beings.
Did we get the way we are all by ourselves?
Nope, we had a little help along the way.
How this was done,is that other beings, a little like we are now, in our very far ago past, had landed here on Earth and injected thier cells into featuses while they were in the womb.
This process had been repeated over and over again, till the being that goes out to pick up the morning paper, looks more like avergae day Joe Thomas, rather than a furry ape-like man.
How this deal has soured, is that our ancient contributors, had leins placed upon us and some of these leins, are still active today.
These leins are from the Grays, the Dracks, who once had used the Earth as a staging ground and a sect of beings, known as the Procyionians, who in part, only physically now mind you, had helped engineer us up from apelike man.
Every place you go either foward or backward in time on Earth, depending upon the reality that you choose, you will find at times, these types of beings.
They are all over.So in your way into time, if you are a time travler, you must contend with three influences.
The Grays must be reengineered, in order for them to stop depending upon humans so much.
The Dracks have to give up Earth, well as for one, our central sun, does not like them.
Our central sun is inteligent and Earth based humans, are the only ones who are assinged to its surface.
If they don't get off of Earth, the sun will go supercritical.
The Procyionians, it seems is an arbritary configuration, with some of them poled to one camp of letting us have our own rights, while the other still thinks that we are test subjects.
What I'm trying to tell you all, is don't dare get into a time machine, unless you have a very good workong knowlege of aliens races, by all the information that you can possably pick up?