Alien Fetus Autopsy + pics


Dimensional Traveler
One of the italian TV 2 days ago interviewed a woman who affirm she had 18 artificial alien inseminations done by what we know as grey, but it seems that the last one was done by another race who she say they told here they are at war with this one was aborted.

The interview is really interesting, she know a lot of details about those aliens, as it seems it now years they abduct her, and she came to know why they do it, also she has many video that have been done in various time after the abduction.

This is part 2 where after the abortion they try to see what is inside what look like placenta. That video is a bit strong so be prepared.. "

Some Stills:
The Ufo

Luminicent Dust marks:

Abduction marks on the Skin:

Head Entity Close up:

Image Feat 4 finger Hand:

Hand Detail:

Foot Detail:

more here:
Link to embeded videos...

Please don't fall for this stuff. I advise to not only be careful of Italian origin videos but you can reject the whole lot without losing anything.

For example: In the last image posted, what is actually shown is a human foot inside a rubber or latex glove.The seeming toes of the extended foot are really the glove fingers (this type of glove is not often seen anymore but it is transparent yellowish material). You can see the real (maybe child's since its chubby) foot on the upper right.

Have you forgotten the million-year-old-woman-on-the-alien-ship-on-the-moon already?

Another example: the alien fetus head in the third photo. The large dark glassy eyes seen in encounters with greys are really eye coverings which can be removed. They are not born with them(they're sunglasses, in other words).

Italian Videos Can Be Safely Disregarded In Terms Of Factuality. : My Position
Ugly little blighters, aren't they ?

Are these the ones that feed on humans at some base in New Mexico.......or have I played Half Life too much.