Alien Disclosure - Universal Research Association


Temporal Navigator

Time Travel Institute members, visitors and whomever lurks. I now officialy introduce to you the future frontier for researching studies involving the Paranormal, Conspiracy, and Cosmological phenomenal mysteries. We will be providing case files, services, and technologys soon to be released for the public. A special archive enabling anonymous and classified members to provide there storys and testimonials as well as participating in an advanced full-feature discussion hub. Currently, we are in the development process with multiple hard working services around the world to ensure everything is top of its class, especially our concern for visitors security and privacy. My official alias is Ayreon M. Bournefree and I am happy to be here with you during these times. Before you provide feedback, comments, or concerns please review our official Important Disclaimer at: - Thank you. We have much to disclose including a massive never before heard of documents and interviews within and without the government. We are an independant organization without any funds except our marketing solutions thus far. You may also choose to email <a href="mailto:[email protected]."&gt;[email protected].&lt;/a&gt;

With Warm Regards,
Ayreon M. Bournefree (Ver: 3.00 BETA)

P.S, Updates and References:

What You Should Know.

"Alien Disclosure provides you with optimum features that include security and privacy technologies for a safe and authentic environment."

"Live Assistanceâ„¢ is always available for professional web help and support, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 365 days a year."

"A basic and advanced Visitor Protection Programâ„¢ has a high priority infrastructure to provide you elaborate safeguard information."

Some Of Our Future Plans:

- International Conventions and Global Headquarters
- GUI (Graphic User-Interface) Alien Disclosure Software
- Popular and Fully Designed Alien Disclosure Merchandise
- International Newscasts and Investigations

What The Web Site Incorporates:

- Minimal Advertisements
- No Censorship, No Deletion, No Dis Info Tolerance, No IP (Internet Protocol) Ban
- Yes to Unlimited Features and Results.

Collateral References (Not Affiliated):

- &lt;a href="" target="_blank"&gt;;/a&gt;
- &lt;a href="" target="_blank"&gt;;/a&gt;
- &lt;a href="" target="_blank"&gt;;/a&gt;
- &lt;a href="" target="_blank"&gt;;/a&gt;

Why do I not speak highly of the government?

Because, they have proven to the majority populace and myself, that there is no or limited confidence in them and there political affairs. Therefore, it is our mandate to ensure we've analysed secure servers for leaks and provide our visitors with protection while using our provided services.

Why do you only display your official alias here and on Alien Disclosure?

Because, I've allegedly been contacted by a U.S agent representing a government group and himself interested in my future and possible interactions. Further is somewhere here on TTI. I also encourage everyone to not ever disclose there personal information anywhere.

Does your organization accept Donations?
Yes, however we do not encourage it. It is at the visitors discretion. All donations help us pay for services and our staff, including our future "sweepstakes &amp; contests" campaigne. Donations are hosted via PayPal as &lt;a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]."&gt;[email protected].&lt;/a&gt;

With Warm Regards,
Ayreon M. Bournefree (Ver: 3.00 BETA)

P.S, Updates and References:

What You Should Know.

"Alien Disclosure provides you with optimum features that include security and privacy technologies for a safe and authentic environment."

"Live Assistanceâ„¢ is always available for professional web help and support, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 365 days a year."

"A basic and advanced Visitor Protection Programâ„¢ has a high priority infrastructure to provide you elaborate safeguard information."

Some Of Our Future Plans:

- International Conventions and Global Headquarters
- GUI (Graphic User-Interface) Alien Disclosure Software
- Popular and Fully Designed Alien Disclosure Merchandise
- International Newscasts and Investigations

What The Web Site Incorporates:

- Minimal Advertisements
- No Censorship, No Deletion, No Dis Info Tolerance, No IP (Internet Protocol) Ban
- Yes to Unlimited Features and Results.

Collateral References (Not Affiliated):

- &lt;a href="" target="_blank"&gt;;/a&gt;
- &lt;a href="" target="_blank"&gt;;/a&gt;
- &lt;a href="" target="_blank"&gt;;/a&gt;
- &lt;a href="" target="_blank"&gt;;/a&gt;

Why do I not speak highly of the government?

Because, they have proven to the majority populace and myself, that there is no or limited confidence in them and there political affairs. Therefore, it is our mandate to ensure we've analysed secure servers for leaks and provide our visitors with protection while using our provided services.

Why do you only display your official alias here and on Alien Disclosure?

Because, I've allegedly been contacted by a U.S agent representing a government group and himself interested in my future and possible interactions. Further is somewhere here on TTI. I also encourage everyone to not ever disclose there personal information anywhere.

Does your organization accept Donations?
Yes, however we do not encourage it. It is at the visitors discretion. All donations help us pay for services and our staff, including our future "sweepstakes &amp; contests" campaigne. Donations are hosted via PayPal as &lt;a href="mailto:[email protected]</a> - Thank you.