Alien Conspiracy!!!


Quantum Scribe
There isn't an alien alive I havn't met or killed personally. sometimes I suck their green blood out, other times I just cut their heads off with a chain saw, and then this one time they froze me with that damn Freezy beam thingy they have, so i'm laying there and they do the whole Probe thing, which was quite uncomfortable.

Anyway to make a long story short,

There is no such thing as Aliens or UFO's. Its just a conspiracy by the government to cover up the truth. See they Want you to think you're being abducted and they are covering it up. Then they want you to believe the weird things you see flying in the sky are UFO's so they can try to disprove you with some incredible story about swamp gas or light refracting from Venus.

The truth is, its all one great big cover up and the time has come for them to admit the Truth.

The Truth is out there...
I dunno, how about WE are the aliens. lol. I really tend to believe if there is life out there they would contact us and the governments of the world would be unable to keep it a secret. Well, you couldn't keep something like that a secret for very long, maybe a few decades. Besides we have more culture and class and morons than any alien civilization. the Aliens should be begging us for fast food and music and movies on demand, dvd players, celebrity gossip, etc etc. The Aliens should be Jealous.
Well I believe there are aliens 'out there', but why they would wish to visit this dirtball is beyond me. Plus if they can travel faster than light for example, they are most probably so far advanced, that all the radio broadcasts through history aren't going to get noticed due to their using some form of communication so far advanced that to us its magic.
But a number of the ufo stuff in the press etc, does have the ring of government experiment about it.
Well I believe there are aliens 'out there', but why they would wish to visit this dirtball is beyond me.

I find it funny when people say that. This planet has a quality of diversity that is likely only to be matched rather then surpassed In terms of gentics, culture, beliefs and variety etc.

Genetics isn't just about 'Humans', rather the gene pool of the planet combined. There are also many valuable raw materials, some we know of, some we won't yet. If you wanted to study all aspects of positive and negative Life at sensitive time of evolution, you find yourself here. probably still here after 10s of thousands of years.

I think you'd be surprised at the amount of races that would be interested in earth for many different reasons.


I agree to a limited extent. Yes the government uses UFO's an aliens to pull the wool over people eyes. Does this mean UFOs and a strong offworld presence is not on this planet?

Very unlikely, In fact i'd put good money on someone shaking hands with an off world entity right now.

Your description is too simple and easy. As is the comment about our 'dirtball' earth. These are easy and flawed views. There is little thought behind them.

but yes i agree. Much UFO activity is Government show.

Heres a thought, Pretty soon this mindset will be turned on its head to their advantage again. When you see an genuine Off world entity riding in a 'true' UFO, you'll think "look its a UFO, ah...its just the government playing games again".

They've won again. Multi-purpose disinformation. you can use it for both purposes, and really mess people up.

Kind regards,
Actually I would say that 99.9% of UFO's, and other alien activity are the governments doing but I believe we have made contact somewhere along the line.

Scientists all over have been saying that the chances of intelligent life making contact with us (or vice versa) is so extreme it isn't plausible. Like finding a needle in a hay stack, but if I were to plant the needle amongst the hay first I would know exactly were it is to find it. Think about it. If they knew where we were all along they could come back and check on us whenever they wish, like if we were an experiment on evolution or something they started ages back first placing the right materials to create life. This could explain beings coming down from the heavens recorded in history which people believed were either angels or gods. But I don't really know.

Then again for all we know aliens are controling the government as we speak, sadly we may never know really what's going on behind closed doors all there may ever be are theories.
Ok in all seriousness, whether we have been contacted or not and just assuming we have not. I would like to theorize on some universal means of communication an Alien Civilization would use. I've thought about this for a long time, if they were to send radio waves, or light waves with information, or whatever, I think the most plausible idea is that an Alien race would make some sort of a Beacon that could be detected by an Advanced civilization, and not before they were advanced enough would they be able to detect it.

Lets just take Sending a signal out of the mix here, if you were an Alien Race and wanted to show other races out there that they were not alone, but also make it difficult enough that they would have to be very far advanced to understand it, what would you do?

Thats right, you would make some huge Huge think, lets say a big square block 10,000 miles long/wide/deep, throw it into orbit around a star so that its circling and blocking out the rays of the sun everytime it comes between the observer. Think about it, we would need pretty advanced telescopes to see it and it could be there for a long long long time. Also, I say a Square but it could be any shape, except Round. Round would be a planet, this thing is supposed to stand out.

just an idea.
interesting. Well i suppose i am "new kid on the block" but what if we are not nearly as advanced as we think we are? What if to aliens (assuming they are out there) we are very primative. Maybe the most primative. On that note maybe we are hugely advanced and are in the last leg of contacting them. Maybe weve passed it and the government is covering we truely can never know where we are in comparison to them until we actualy find them. Not the government but the people.
What do we do to see what makes other animal species tick, do we abduct them from their normal existence? Do we experiment on them. Do we try to leave as little evidence of our existence to them? Remember the Star Trek "prime objectve?" No interference with life as 'they' know it.

It is absurd to think that mankind is so important and Earth so lucky as to be the only place where intelligent life in all of this vastness could exsist.

OWLs (other world lifeforms) exist. One might ask me to prove myself right, I say to you, prove me wrong.
One might ask me to prove myself right, I say to you, prove me wrong.

1 + 2 = 4
so I just proved you are wrong. lol.

Actually the Universe is so large its absolutely nonsense to think we are the only intelligent life. Its also very obscene of us to think we are so Special that the entire vastness of the universe was created for us and us alone. What I spend a lot of time thinking about are cultures on other planets, specifically religion, God, what Aliens think of an Almighty Creator.

and I spend a lot of time thinking, Darn it would be kewl if I could get my hands on one of those Light Sabers.
There will be 'universal religions'.

They won't be at all like biblical ones. Say, there are 2 planets from 2 different galaxies. Thats 2 species of humanoids that grew up and evolved seperate from one another. They may find when they meet up that they have near identical religions. How would this be?

Instead of getting their religion from a book based on many tales, lies and fake personalities. They look up at the universe and its processes, the world in which they live and into themselves. Intuatively they will create their own philosopies.

1000's of years later when they have met with each other for the first time, they realise that all along they have been observing similar cosmic processes and observing the same universe as each other. Intuatively they have come up with very similar 'religions', rather, philosophies and insights.

of course if they are negatively based, there may be big differences.

Kind regards,
Can anyone tell me what a 'second coming' is? I take it we're not talking sex here?
And where was the first? Also can we have verifiable proof please?

you just wanna go to heaven from andromeda dont you ? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/devil.gif /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

i cannot believe you even talk of a universal religion..
Wouldn't another word for 'universal religion' be, 'universal truth'.

There can be only one truth. All the rest is irrelevent.

Also perhaps heaven is an ideal that can never be reached. Thats the whole point.

kind regards,
Can anyone tell me what a 'second coming' is? I take it we're not talking sex here?
And where was the first? Also can we have verifiable proof please?

Agreed. I think the only proof will get is if it actually happens. The Bible is funny about that. Tell you all kinds of things that are gonna happen, warnings and prophecies, but no proof.
Well, I'm not one for bible studies, but maybe the people who wrote it, who supposedly got the muse from god, got it wrong?
IE: Hmm, a slightly damp bush talks to moses? Na, we'll call it a flaming bush with lots of great special effects and stuff, and we'll say it was god that did the talking, not some elf in a wetsuit.
If the time line is variated:

Please note, if the timeline is variated, then why don't the aliens let Earthlings attempt space exploration now, not holding them back, so that in the new timeline, they could make their necessary contacts?
If space exploration is allowed, then there would be certain discoveries that could enlighten the whole planet.

This is a jump out of ignorance. Once people are no longer ingnorant, they can no longer be targets for control.

Negative beings would not want to allow this. We still havent publically been back to the moon since the 60's. This should say something.

the public are only allowed limited knowlege of exploration, and this is the way it will stay intil someone breaks out of the rut we're stuck in. Many aliens arent interested in contact, the way you are.