aleins and G-D


Temporal Novice
I would like to see what you guys think of this theory i think we are the aliens on this planet and we set on this planet and the g-ds the eygptians saw the greeks and the romans were acually the aliens that set us on the planet the ufos that we see are our watchers there to study us and see how we act
Could be a valid scenario. But where are the artifacts, or rather evidence. I am not saying that they aren't there. Just that it is good scientific procedure to hypothesize and then search for evidence of your supposition.

What about native american, specifically Lakota Souix legend of Buffalo Woman, who appeared as white, then brown, black and then yellow off in the distance (I may have my order of colors mixed up) and who taught the people how to live in harmony? Then promissed she would come back and usher in an era of goodness for the people.

There is a lot of human history, when put under a microscope and with the concrete knowledge that we have been visited for some time, that may be seen in an entirely different light.

But again, scienitifically, we need to prove or disprove our hypotheses.

The Appropriateness of Chance is Astounding
Did you ever think of this that maybe they are no artifacts because they do not what to interfere with our evolution. They may have helped with some thoughts but not with tools to see how we could forge something that we could use to work and follow through the plans the made. then again this is only a thoery. This thoughts are just of what i know with historical facts like the supposed airfield the eyptians had. The way the pryimads were perfectly alined we Orins belt or the pryimads are at perfect measurement.
From Persephone,

I guess one could speculate in all sorts of ways from what one perceives as facts. Speculating is how a whole lot of people in the past have found conclusions. But they speculate and then try to prove or disprove their speculations.

I have to also admit it is just plain fun to speculate as to the nature of things and of the past.

The Appropriateness of Chance is Atounding

We don't fit into the food chain? I thought we were at the top. And so, our stewardship of the planet was our responsibility. I also think because we are at the top of the foodchain means that we have successfully multiplied our numbers beyond what the planet can support, and that is our error in not reining in over-population. This state has made it detrimental to the continuance of other species. And that is a big snowball which ends up with just us and no way to care for ourselves on a planet devoid of other life forms. We go hungry. Caput.

A friend of mine always used to say, "Too many rats in the box" to describe our current and future condition. Sick joke.

The Appropriateness of Chance is Astounding

"There are great ideas undiscovered, breakthroughs available to those who can remove one of truth's protective layers" by Neil Armstrong
In response to Kevin's statement to me:

" And the fact that we don't fit in the circle of life or food chain, we evolved way to fast on thsi planet."

I would have to agree that humankind's evolution is out of sync. We have advanced technologically, but spiritually we are lacking. Also, politically and economically we are failing. but I still asert that we are at the top of the food chain through years of evolution in which we became the prominent problem solvers.

I guess sometimes I wonder if some of this technology that has advanced us was not of our own origin. Like retro-engineering IET vehicles, and large corporations profitting from these advancements and introducing technology before we would have invented it. As theory, this could have gone on for quite sometime.

All I know for sure is that the planet is in crisis, with or without us. We need to think 7 generations down before making decisions, like Indian tribes have done for centuries.

The Appropriateness of Chance is Astounding

"There are great ideas undiscovered, breakthroughs available to those who can remove one of truth's protective layers" by Neil Armstrong
In responce
"And the fact that we don't fit in the circle of life or food chain, we evolved way to fast on this planet."
The evolution of anything thats hundreds of thousands or even millions of years. We are the exception becuase our evolution takes about half the time. If you would have noticed all we are is a paricite not a creature. We take all of the resources and use them to exaughtion. We keep this up and we will kill everything including the planet. People think we just evolved on this planet not bloody likly.

I do think that there is something strange regarding our evolutionary stages that would hint that either there was intervention on our evolution or we simply arrived to this world.

The funny thing is that while there were cromagnon around, there were also homo sapiens, and those home sapiens drove those poor sods tyo extinction. Why two evolved races on the same planet and at the same time? It makes one wonder.

Until later becomes now.
Also if we evolved from apes and monkeys, why are they still around? And if it just takes time why are cockroaches not the domentant speices on the planet? I mean they were around from before the dinosaurs