Adam and Eve


Super Moderator
I was watching a movie on television today, and it was about two people whom by accident became stuck at the beginning of time.( Pre-human existence on Earth )

In essence, they became, by accident, Adam and Eve.

I thought this was kind of interesting, and then thought about what "I" would do if I found myself in the same situation.

My first impulse was how cool would that be...then after giving it some thought, figured that IF it turned out that I had accidentally become Adam...knowing what I know now...maybe I would NOT have any children at all, and not BE responsible for humanity developing on Earth at all.

I asked my wife this same question...If you traveled back in time, and got stuck before there were any humans, would you accept the responsibility of starting the existence of humanity on Earth ?

She instantly responded with a resounding...NO !!!

I am curious as to what others would say and the reasoning behind your answer(s) ....

If you traveled back in time, and got stuck before there were any humans, would you accept the responsibility of starting the existence of humanity on Earth ?

I am curious,
Do I have to raise any gene pool observations here Kerr???

There would have to be some divine assistance in that area. ^^
Do I have to raise any gene pool observations here Kerr???

Hardy, Har, Har, Har ! Sometimes we start with the best of intentions...

I don't know, what do you think would happen if the Irish "started" humanity ?

Instead of excavating "caves", today's Archaeologists would be digging up "pubs" and "taverns". Instead of spear points and arrow heads, there would be petrified Irish shilalie's AND lot's and lots of empty fossilized bottles of Whiskey and Guinness!

There would have to be some divine assistance in that area.

Since there are many Sci-Fi Channel moivie's that place us into a " What would you do if...", and is NOT part of the question as written. The movie's Adam and Eve were a result of a lab experiment gone wrong.

Some sub-standard scientist flubbed his experiment, and "accidently" sent two of his compadres off to a point in time before the existence of humanity. The two realized that they had become Adam and Eve.

So, as I asked in the first post...IF, by accident, NOT divine assistance, you found yourself within a moment of time "before" the existence of humanity...and it was "you" whom had the responsibility to populate the Earth with human beings, would "you" do it ? or would you figure that the world would be better off without humanity existing at all ?

AND what is the reasoning behind your answer ?
...would you accept the responsibility of starting the existence of humanity on Earth?

Of course not. An individual human would be wise not to meddle in the affairs of the "gods." In other words, let someone further up the ladder decide that.

Frankly I would hope that they would come out with a new improved version of humanity instead of remaking last year's model. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/devil.gif
AND what is the reasoning behind your answer ?

I'll play into your hand and say - "yes"


Freewill - imperfect perfection.
After it's started, you've done your job. The rest is up to...

I'll let you figure out the rest

(I can respect Packerbackers point as well - food for thought - this was just meant as theoretical debate, not to offend anyone or their beliefs ^^ ).

If we all have a personal relationship with God, then he must be very patient with me :D
If you traveled back in time, and got stuck before there were any humans, would you accept the responsibility of starting the existence of humanity on Earth ?

If that is what it took to get a piece of tail... why not?

And besides, we already know that Eve takes all the blame what with the apple controversy and all.

But in all seriousness, sure I would. Sometimes you cannot choose to be a pioneer, you are forced into it. I always liked the Twilight Zone classic episode where two guys crash land on a planet, one of whom dies after the crash. The other gets regular reports from his home planet that is on the brink of nuclear annihilation. After having no further connection to his home planet, he ventures out on the planet he landed on, and meets a woman who apparantly was in the same situation. They eventually learn how to communicate and move off into a garden to live together.

I like that version of Adam and Eve better than the time travel one. But that's just personal preference, perhaps shaped by my choice in profession. :D

Where's CigSmokingMan?

I thought he'd be here for sure quoting the old X-Files program about
the fictional "Adam & Eve project"

...the Twilight Zone classic episode...

I forgot about that episode, even with the Marathon running on the Sci-Fi Channel during the Holiday's. That was one of the episode's aired. I liked that episode, and many other Twilight Zone shows.

Many of the Twilight Zone episode's cause a thoughtful person to pause and ponder the "What If It was Me"... kind of thing.

That particular Twilight Zone scenario, is a bit different than my question.

What I didn't cover, was that to begin civilization with only a "pair" of humans, would require some excellent distillation processes to be created "first".

I was bringing in the time travel aspect, since we know what humanity has gone through in the past, and all the horror's of today.

IF I was one of two individuals, that did suffer an accident through the error of some mad-scientist, and realized that I was now in the position of starting humanity ON EARTH, would I do it ?

The dynamics of the "how" the accident takes place doesn't really matter, this is more of a philisophical question.

The choice is either:

1) Populate the Earth, and have it cycle through History as it has

2) Decide to NOT populate the Earth, and allow oneself to just die out, and have the Earth continue "without" humanity becoming involved at all.

If that is what it took to get a piece of tail... why not?

LOL...the answer to this question may depend on with whom one becomes stuck at the beginning of time ... /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

I guess the ultimate question would be:

Should the "good" people have their lives sacrificed, for the sake of those who suffered in their lives ?

Me personally...I don't think I would accept that responsibility, I would NOT allow humanity to go beyond me and my partners life. After we are dead and gone, the Earth would be left alone, without humanity as members of its citizenship.

This also slips into a time travel concept.

Many years ago, I witnessed a young girl suffer something horrible. To travel back in time, before that event, for my own personal reasons, to have her experience that event again...seems inappropriate.

Sorry folks, if it was up to me, y'all wouldn't be here.

For her alone, I would not bear children IF I found myself as the ONE responsible for the beginning of humanity.

Would such a decision be appropriate ?
Eve takes all the blame ...

Eve didn't take the blame.

Eve blamed the "sneaky snake" and finally, God, for what Eve, herself , decided to do.

One of humanities first lessons about accepting responsibility for one's own actions, and not throwing the blame ( excuses ) for the results in their lives, elsewhere.
A good question. I often wonder if the whole Adam and Eve event was a set-up. What child would not sample from something that is made so obvious ?

"You can eat from any tree you want, except from that tree over there ! "

I believe that most children would make sampling from that tree over there , a priority.
I sometimes wonder if the whole Adam and Eve event was a set-up

I've pondered that very question myself.

The answer that I have reached is that (this being a metaphor) God created Adam and Eve to have an idyllic life--he didn't have the heart to make things hard for them. But he didn't want to have them remain children forever, so he set-up an irresistible temptation, knowing that they would fail. Then they would have to learn the hard way, which actually is the only way.

While this may be whimsy, I also think of the billions of possible planets that might develop organized life if they had some overseer to look after things--a gardener, if you will. Maybe the plan was to get a little help, but the help needed to get its nose rubbed in the dirt and learn the way the "company" operated before it was eventually responsible enough to be put in charge!
It seems apparent that God had something in mind when he did what He did. IF He is the God, as we believe Him to be...He already knew what the future had in store for ALL of His doings.

I don't believe that "we" failed. He meant for it to be exactly the way it is. God would have known in advance what Adam and Eve were going to do, before they did it. As per L. Ray Smith, even Satan was "created" to fulfill a specific purpose, and is doing so perfectly.

God has a plan, what it is, I only can guess. Although, God always provides advice, and escape routes to almost any particular situation. Even with the Dr. Doctorian Prophecy, God still placed a doorway of choice that would avert disaster.

He seems to want us to know that consequences follow behind our actions, and tries to point out where the responsibilities belong, upon each and every individual, and as a society as a whole.

IF God wanted mankind to "know" the difference between good and bad, then the best way to learn the difference, is through experience.

And this is where I part company from most churches. I don't really believe God would knowingly create anyone IF He was aware that any one of His children would end up in an eternity of suffering.
Pardon me if any take this as blasphemous in advance, it's not my intentions.

I tend to agree with Kerr.

Though I'd like to expand a gentle thought here.

If Jesus was God's son, and we are all his children, then what Jesus was given as our saviour and most revered 'brother' we must look in ourselves for as well.
Something to strive for indeed. Not to be taken for granted lightly by any means.
It signifies hope, inspiration, and love.
It shows that we may seek more in life, and he did lead by example. Not by authority.
Only God is such. Jesus was love and a way to 'show' us through to the holy light.

Amazing Grace.

God bless.
Another note to this from personal experience;

Growing up, my family background denominations & faiths consisted of;

-Roman Catholic
-Jehovah Witness
-& on one side the background is Jewish

Almost sounds like the migration over time...

All I remember when I was young is the bickering over passages.

Somehow I think the point got lost along the way - but it's still there.
Very valid and has meaning for each of us.
No one was expected to be perfect - but to learn from our mistakes and learn to love.
Love the universe and love God.

It always seemed so complicated...I'm not so sure anymore.

I don't know, what do you think would happen if the Irish "started" humanity ?

Oh goodness...are you referring to the Picts?

I can't help but think back to an Irishman quote from a very famous movie...well all his quotes were pretty interesting lol...

"In order to find his equal, an Irishman is forced to talk to God."


Any guesses on the film?
there was a few eves before the powers that be got
her right,
and before her there was lilith

what would i do in that situation?
try to make the best of it,
humans seen to adjust to
almost anything thats handed to them.