About that "jump" video


Temporal Navigator
About that \"jump\" video

i've been wanting to see this time "jump" video i heard about but all the link for it are broken, well to me at least, so I was wondering if anyone could send it to me over email or tell me a site that has it for Download or somthing?
Re: About that \"jump\" video

From what I've heard, the jump video never made it online. There's been a lot of people who have claimed to be time travelors and made some "videos" of their arrival/leave with editing software. As far as Titor goes though, I dont remember his video ever getitng online. So good luck finding that one
it would be almost as big a find as finding full out proof that titor is a hoax.
Re: About that \"jump\" video

It wasn't titors it was someone elses, titor said that his timemachine gave off to much kinetic enrgy so it fried the tape, or somthing along those lines. I've seen links for it and reviews of it, i think the link was on that site that Darby moderates but i can't remeber it was a while ago that i saw the link.
Re: About that \"jump\" video

yes, i know which video you are talking about. theres a link to it between one of the 2 forums. I think anomolies. But someone also said that it was clear it was a hoax because you could actually see the guy was still there when he was supposed to be "gone".
Re: About that \"jump\" video\\ hail Moore

I think, but I'm not sure that this was Steven who is an interdimensional traveler.

This livingroom based film, is a very good piece of video.

This is as this sequence of film, shows just how one could both interdimensionally jump, plus the Maxwellian afterwave.

The cost of this film to fake, I think your talking about ten thousand dollars, as the pixel dynamics and graphic, is so intensive.

If this is a fake, the person making, really, knew his spatial physics.

I don't think that Titor needs to release his jump video.

The reason being, as there is a rule with relative departures, in time travel, that too many can not be shown., as to reference to their relative departures.

Also the information, such as photos shown by Titor might go white or blank, due to a secondary time line, now being established.

There is nobody who knows Titor better, than Pamela.

She is a very astute student, who does not miss much, however let go the issue of any personal involvement with said Titor.

This is so, as she was a trusted interpreter for John, I think they were just friends.

Ardon Krep, is the new venture here, as Krep has a machine which may be very much like said Steven, the dimensional jumpers.

Krep is worlds advanced over Titor.

There are other factors, such as how said people have adjusted post said apocalypse.

There are factors that people, in some ways, may have been able to adjust to immense levels of radiation.

There was intense investigation into biological radiation studies, in the 1960s and 70s.
This is where mutagenic probable adjustments were deduced on all living animals, such as mice, insects, as well as other animals.

So it might be and this is only a guess, that Krep is somewhat leather skinned.

I don't think that Titor and Pamela were ever involved if he ever met her, due to this radiation factor.

This might be because of possible sterility concerning Titor, receiving that much radiation?

So no, I don't think that Titor and Pamela were lovers, if they ever by chance met.

I do think that Pamela has been a veritable princess, for the shear amount of information that she has dutifully brought forward on her said contacts with John Titor.

Pamela has give way, way too much of herself and has showed more than exemplary performance.This chore is shwon as not only a relayer of these facts, but as a nonpartial journalist as well.
Re: About that \"jump\" video\\ hail Moore

very good creedo, now any news to where i could obtain said video? Sounds to me like you got somthing against Titor? but i may be taking your words wrongly
Re: About that \"jump\" video\\ hail Moore

At http://www.anomalies.net/.

Go into time travel as listed on the header bar and then scroll down to Steven, the interdimensional traveler.

Think Rick has this is active file over there.

Check with Rick Donaldson, and he will direct you to the film.
Re: About that \"jump\" video\\ hail Moore

found the film, one of the links worked, only black screened, will try with oher computer later, will post back her if theres mroe problems
Re: About that \"jump\" video\\ hail Moore

The cost of this film to fake, I think your talking about ten thousand dollars, as the pixel dynamics and graphic, is so intensive.

If this is a fake, the person making, really, knew his spatial physics.

You're being sarcastic, right?