about john titor...............


Temporal Novice
hi everybody,
about john titor, and how it happense that he is a time traveller.
first of all am going take the liberty and tell u that its all lies.
time travelling is not as easy as u think and it does not depend on inventing time machines only
it is more than that one must consider the paradoxes that it might creat. so scientists have found out that there might be parallel uneverses, simillar to ours but but the way of living is not the same and the character of any person is the same and different.

i can prove every word i have said. and i am glade to answer all your questions.
Boro' I had tank ick, in my fishtank and counted the antibiotics very carefully when I placed them into the tank.

I went over them and over them, as I was afraid of killing my fish.

This was during the John Titor happenings, which to say the least, were weird.

Out of the blue, the next day, two fish antibiotic capsules had appeared out of no-where and they were the exact brand that I had put in the tank.

My environment was controlled and locked, so only I could have put those fish antibiotic capsules there.

I immediately took them and tried to place them back in the package, which showed I would have only then given them a half does.

I gave them four capsules in the tank as prescribed.

Where did these two same brand capsules come from, if four capsules counted out loud were given?

Something is very, very, werid about this John Ttior case.
Ah, creedo, I don't think I've ever said this to you before, and I mean this without a single trace of irony or sarcasm, but I love you. I still can't be sure how much of what you post is supposed to be serious and how much is supposed to be funny, but some of it is damn funny.

And, at some point that is not now, ask me about my experience with a fishtank and snails. Or at least my witnessing of such. Your story reminded me of it.
Hi all,

I am new to the forum here. I just recently learned of John via the recent coast to coast am show. I'm having a hard time believing it myself and have been trying to find holes. Can someone point me to the orginal threads he posted on here or what name(s) he used to post so that I can search for them? Any help would be greatly appreciated.


No' I worked as a med tech for a while and when I count a med, you can belive that it's counted.

I'm not kidding around and I'm very serious.
definate hoax, i keep reading everywhere about so called predictions, but on reading all his posts he never as much as predicted a fart in a cullinder. And as for traveling back to 1975 to purchase a brand new IBM 5100 which probably would of cost a small fortune, why not travel to 1976 and pick up a second hand one. but the main thing that convinced me was the mars talk


12. No mission to Mars but we are working on it. There is a group working on the idea of gravity displacement to get into space but the calculations and error rate are very large obstacles to overcome.

13. We don't know what's on Mars yet.
you are correct. he indeed never predicted anything. If you know it's going to happen it isn't a prediction is it?
Out of the blue, the next day, two fish antibiotic capsules had appeared out of no-where and they were the exact brand that I had put in the tank.

I know and share the same puzzlement with a similar situation. I had two rabbits in a locked cage. Suddenly there were more than two rabbits.
The new rabbits were a little smaller than my originals, perhaps those who conspired against me didnt have as much time to fully duplicate "my" rabbits. But they must have realized their mistake and switched the rabbits out for larger models. I couldnt tell which rabbits were my originals.

I set up a perimeter to covertly moniter the area around the rabbit cage. Apparently, they had some kind of clothing that would give them an ability to be rendered invisible. My cameras never recorded any images of anyone approaching the rabbit cage.

"They" continued to use psychological tactics against me, for it wasnt to long before the cage was full of rabbits. How clever they were, I couldnt tell the difference between the "real" rabbits, and those that were obviously bio-engineered covert surveillance devices(?) that resembled rabbits.

Watching for antennas is useless with rabbits, since even the real ones move their ears around. So I never was able to tell if it was a bio-surveillance device tuning into a transmitting frequency and checking for interference, and modifying its signal through the seemingly innocent movement of the nose. ( Can you hear me now? ) or just my rabbits. I didnt want to risk the lives of Wrinkles or Patches, since any tampering could possibly result in a self-destruct action, maybe vaporising an entire city block?

I have carefully removed all rabbits, so they need to find another way to plant surveillance devices, since they apparently didnt think I would notice more than two rabbits.

Of course, they dont know that I know there is one obvious tell-tale sign. I am still anal yzing the rabbit "pellets" for abnormal radiation readings.
The hardest thing to do, is that when you do time travel, is to remind yourself not to say something, even when it was your yourself that remined yourself not to do so.John Titor: