Authors often have a lot of time on their hands in between book promotions while working on new books. Those who support themselves exclusively as authors are most often found at their desks, on their computers for many hours of the day. They may be writing the next book some of the time, but other times they engage in activities intended to stimulate the "creative juices". So one day an author happens upon the TTI site. The author gets interested in what s/he reads of John Titor and the people around his story. The thoughts conveyed by Titor even mirror the author's own fatalistic beliefs. As an exercise in authoring, to help those creative juices, this author decides s/he is going to create a character from the future. This author has a distinctive christian flavor in his/her writings already, so this author selects the name "Zeshua" as a means to give a hint to his christian beliefs. This author is no doubt a wiley and intelligent person. S/he may even consider to cast his/her character "Zeshua" as being the opposite sex from the author him/herself. This could aid in keeping people off the author's trail as being one and the same with Zeshua. After thinking through the approach they wish to follow for Zeshua, the author writes several posts as Zeshua, all of which convey an air of mystery. Many of these posts are not completely clear in what is being said by Zeshua. The author even interacts with others on the TTI forum via PM in the character of Zeshua. Alas, not that many people take the bait on Zeshua. The author seems to think that people on the forum are not "getting it". And so, after an appropriate period of time, the author decides to visit the board as him/herself and feign interest in the postings of this mysterious (allegedly female) poster, Zeshua. The author even "cracks Zeshua's code" right there on the board for all the other members to witness. In essence, the author has now become the mouthpiece for Zeshua, letting all the other people on the forum know what it was that Zeshua was trying to tell us about some terrible future. When people question the author about his biased interpretations of Zeshua's posts, he ignores them for the most part, defends them where he can, but never admits that others may be correct about his "random reading" of Zeshua. But of course they cannot be correct, for the author himself created Zeshua, so of course he knows exactly what Zeshua was trying to get across.
I'm just sayin... it could have happened this way. And no one could prove otherwise.
I'm just sayin... it could have happened this way. And no one could prove otherwise.