A Zeshua Scenario (It could be true)


Chrono Cadet
Authors often have a lot of time on their hands in between book promotions while working on new books. Those who support themselves exclusively as authors are most often found at their desks, on their computers for many hours of the day. They may be writing the next book some of the time, but other times they engage in activities intended to stimulate the "creative juices". So one day an author happens upon the TTI site. The author gets interested in what s/he reads of John Titor and the people around his story. The thoughts conveyed by Titor even mirror the author's own fatalistic beliefs. As an exercise in authoring, to help those creative juices, this author decides s/he is going to create a character from the future. This author has a distinctive christian flavor in his/her writings already, so this author selects the name "Zeshua" as a means to give a hint to his christian beliefs. This author is no doubt a wiley and intelligent person. S/he may even consider to cast his/her character "Zeshua" as being the opposite sex from the author him/herself. This could aid in keeping people off the author's trail as being one and the same with Zeshua. After thinking through the approach they wish to follow for Zeshua, the author writes several posts as Zeshua, all of which convey an air of mystery. Many of these posts are not completely clear in what is being said by Zeshua. The author even interacts with others on the TTI forum via PM in the character of Zeshua. Alas, not that many people take the bait on Zeshua. The author seems to think that people on the forum are not "getting it". And so, after an appropriate period of time, the author decides to visit the board as him/herself and feign interest in the postings of this mysterious (allegedly female) poster, Zeshua. The author even "cracks Zeshua's code" right there on the board for all the other members to witness. In essence, the author has now become the mouthpiece for Zeshua, letting all the other people on the forum know what it was that Zeshua was trying to tell us about some terrible future. When people question the author about his biased interpretations of Zeshua's posts, he ignores them for the most part, defends them where he can, but never admits that others may be correct about his "random reading" of Zeshua. But of course they cannot be correct, for the author himself created Zeshua, so of course he knows exactly what Zeshua was trying to get across.

I'm just sayin... it could have happened this way. And no one could prove otherwise.
I’m so vain I think this post is probably about me.

And I’m flattered. Would that it were true.

To poor cold water on your theory, though, anyone who wishes to can study up on me quite a bit. I’ve been an avid poster online since 1997, and until I stumbled across John Titor a few years too late, virtually all my online activity revolved around discussions of afterlife phenomena and obscure religious subjects such as the Gospel of Thomas. I have written three books on those subjects, all nonfiction, heavily referenced, and exceedingly poor sellers. Sigh.

What I have not done in any of those online posts is demonstrate the slightest competence in anything having to do with science, or technology, or codes or riddles or any of that sort of stuff ... for good reason – because I have no interest in or knowledge of these subjects. Sadly so.

What I AM interested in is all sorts of predictions and prophecies, and that’s why I was attracted to the John Titor story, and later the Zeshua story.

By the way, “Zeshua” is not Biblical. Jesus’ real name was Jeshua, or Yeshua, or even Yehoshua, depending on the authority you happen to prefer. As far as I know, there was no previous occurrence of the word “Zeshua” anywhere in the world before our mysterious poster started using that moniker last year. She seems to have made that up. But yes, it nonetheless does sound religiously familiar.

Despite what I claim about myself here, you have no compelling reason to rule out the possibility that I am Zeshua, and I have been waiting for this accusation to arise. It seems a natural enough hypothesis since I am an author. However, my question to you would be, if you think this hypothesis is correct, then how do you explain the correct predictions Zeshua made?

- Peter

PS. Obviously "wiley"? How so?
Let me also say that if this "Zeshua" thing is a hoax, then whoever is behind it is without a doubt the most reprehensible and despicable person I have ever had the misfortune of interacting with. If it is a hoax, it is a monstrously cruel and depraved one, and whoever is behind it ought to be strung up.

I know, I know, there are genuinely evil people in the world, but I can't for the life of me figure out why anyone who was actually evil enough to do something like this would see any reason to do so. And I've been trying to find that reason for a year and a half now. What's the motive? What's the profit? This "Zeshua" person has made alot of people pretty damn afraid, and if it is all just some sick joke, well, as far as I'm concerned whoever it is behind it all deserves to be horsewhipped. I mean, the world's screwed up enough as it is without adding this sort of sh*t into the mix.

Nonetheless, if the choice is between wanting Zeshua to be real or a hoax, I'd still prefer the hoax. Then we could just breath a sigh of relief, beat the sh*t out of the hoaxer, and get on with our lives.

But if Zeshua is not a hoax, then we're all pretty much f*cked.

- Peter
Zeshua --------------------------- Peter Novak
Registered 2/21/05 -------------- Registered 4/16/05
Left on 4/24/05 ------------------ Left on 4/20/05
Last post predicted Ratzinger --- Last post talked about Ratzinger
Took 10 months off -------------- Took 11 months off
Returned on 2/22/06 ------------- Returned on 3/30/06
Again I commend you in your work, jmpet. We agree on more than we disagree. Did you also see that Zeshua's initial post regarding "you have your new pope" (started on 2/21/05) was subsequently edited on 4/19/05. A day before Mr. Novak's departure?

As for Mr. Novak's recent comments:

"I’m so vain I think this post is probably about me."

If the shoe fits, you may be vain.

"But if Zeshua is not a hoax, then we're all pretty much f*cked."

"and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee."
-Donne, John. 1624

A corollary to your assessment, Mr. Novak. If Zeshua is your hoax, then it would be you who are pretty much, how do you say?... "f*cked"
"I would say with those who say God is Love, God is Love. But deep down in me I used to say that though God may be Love, God is Truth, above all. If it is possible for the human tongue to give the fullest description of God, I have come to the conclusion that, for myself, God is Truth.

But two years ago I went a step further and said that Truth is God. You will see the fine distinction between the two statements, viz., that God is Truth and Truth is God. And I came to the conclusion after a continuous and relentless search after Truth which began nearly fifty years ago."

Mind of Mahatma Gandhi