A true but odd story...


Temporal Novice
This story was told to me when I was in my teens by my mum and she swears it is true (and involves a very young me....)

My Maternal Grandmother died 10 months before I was born so I never knew her (obviously...) now we fast forward to me being aged four or five.

My mum has a vivid dream that her mum (my Grandma) enters my mums bedroom dressed in a pink coat she owned before she died. The conversation in the dream went something like.....

My Mum: Hello Mum what are you doing here?

Grandma: I've come to see 'Spectrumisgreen' as I never saw him before he was born....

In the dream Grandma left my mums bedroom

Mum: Oh okay bye mum....

Next morning I said (apparently but I don't remember)

Me: Mummy, I had a dream last night that a lady came and sat on the end of my bed....

Mum (already guessing the answer) : What was she wearing?

Me: A pink coat....