A time travel machine-only weeks away

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You may not have seen my previous post called “Time as a from of Radiation”, but this elaborates upon it. In case you may have missed it, it is as follows:

We all know that whenever things move, however small, they make noise. So, what if time is a frequency or a form of radiation released by atomic motion? When this radiation released from atoms passes through an object, it ages. This would certainly describe why time passes differently in space because of the absence of atoms, but how far can this "frequency" travel? Perhaps this sound is too small for us to detect, even with the most sophisticated equipment. So, based on this theory, when we witness the passing of time, we are just "listening" to the sound of time.
If this is true, then you simply have to apply physics. Matter at a temperature above absolute zero produce aging radiation. When we age, it is just a slight mutation in the DNA that occurs in each generation of cell replication. Matter at absolute zero produce no radiation whatsoever. Finally, matter below absolute zero reverse the course of time; yes you read this correctly. The only thing that stands in the way of us building an actual time machine is going below absolute zero. It is not impossible, just very, very hard.

Time is geometry. Your 'sound' is scalar gravic waves and EMR. Matter is time=now.

If your TTmachine is only 'weeks away' you don't need us for anything.
Chris Ames : You find this interesting.

Bose-Einstein condensate,
a gas of atoms that has been so chilled that their motion is virtually halted and as a consequence they lose their separate identities and merge into a single entity. The condensate was predicted by Albert Einstein in 1924 based on the system of quantum statistics formulated by the Indian mathematician Satyendra Nath Bose. Quantum theory asserts that atoms and other elementary particles can be thought of as waves. Einstein proposed that as atoms approach absolute zero (−273.15°C), the waves expand in inverse proportion to their momentum until they fall into the same quantum state and finally overlap, essentially behaving like a single atom. The phenomenon could not be observed, however, until techniques were developed to reduce temperatures to within 20 billionths of a degree above absolute zero. In 1995 Eric A. Cornell and Carl E. Wieman led a team that isolated a rubidium Bose-Einstein condensate under laboratory conditions. It is believed that this state of matter could never have existed naturally anywhere in the universe, since the low temperatures required for its existence cannot be found, even in outer space. The condensate may be useful in the study of superconductivity (the ability of some materials to conduct electrical current without any resistance) and superfluidity (the ability of some materials to flow without resistance) and in refining measurements of time and distance.
This is a truly amazing theory!!!

I am visualizing a microwave and how it functions using frequencies that generate atoms to heat food up.

So theoretically if we had a microwave that could freeze things to cause the atoms to merge, its possible we could freeze time to stop?

According to what you guys are saying is that this has been accomplished already. But who knows if this can be replicated with human flesh though? Supposedly they say we can freeze human flesh and then rejuvenate it back to life, like Walt Disney that had died of cancer and wants to be reawaken when science finds a cure.

Yes, I think you guys are on to something! But I don't think frequency freezing promotes time travel. I think it has the reverse effect which is a good thing because I am apposed to Time Travel and its risks and dangers that it poses to humanity!

I was reading something of interest pertaining to people that say they have been abducted by aliens. They all seem to say they hear some sort of "vibrating noise" before, during and after being abducted. They seem to have a memory loss. It seems to be some sort of devise they use to send out a vibrating frequency wave to interfere with brain waves causing us to have a loss of memory and making it difficult for us to remember being abducted. Perhaps it could be some sort of device that travels through light using sound frequencies?

Yes they do use sound. When I saw the alien in the driveway

right before that I was asleep in bed. I was very familiar with

out of body travel and had been experimenting with it. I heard a

wooshing very deep vibration then saw colored lights outside the

window. The lights were blue, green. red, pulsing with sound. I

sat up in bed and knew I was out of my body. Then I was outside

in the driveway by the ship standing in front of this being. My

husband was also standing there but his head was down. He could

not look. He doesn't remember anything. The being took me

somewhere and showed me something then he brought me home. the

only reason my memory wasn't erased is because I wasn't scared

of him. What happens to people when they are tramatized?

they usually block it out. There mind can't deal with it. The

same thing happens to abductees. We have been programed to

beleive that anything that is ulgy to our perception is evil.

This programing makes us shut out anything that we percieve as

evil. they aren't evil just ugly. In my mind ugly things aren't

evil so I could actually be awake during the meeting and remember

the entity. The way that works best to de-program yourself is to

be around things that are ugly to you. Get to know people who

seem to be physically ugly and learn to relate in a different

way to them . I have a severly handicapped sister who lives in

a group home. Some of the people she lives with are very

disturbing to look at. One man has no arms or legs . Emotionally

it is hard to go there but this man is so loving and wants

people to pay attention to him and treat him like he is a human

being. Could it be that maybe the ugliest thing in the universe

is the most loveing . If aleins showed up tommorow and they were

ugly we would probably say they were the devil. If they were

beautiful we would think they were angels. WE have been so

programmed by the two round balls in the front of our face that

we can't even see things as they truly are. What if you found

out that angels and demons were the same . If you had a good

heart you saw angels and a bad heart you saw demons but if

you intergrated the two you might see angels and demons for what

they really are . They come to people the way people can accept

them. maybe they are just light being and they appear to me as

aliens because that is what I believe exist. If humans can't

even accept someone for their skin color how in the world would

we accept an ugly creature from beyond our world. we have a long

way to go and getting deprogramed is the first step.

ps did you see what is on the front cover of POPULAR SCIENCE MAGIZINE THIS MONTH. also take a look at page 54. the time travel movie is coming out this friday .

You are the only "TRUE UGLY" thing I know after that little comment you made about TTA's picture under the douchbag thread!

You are in the true sense of the word a HYPOCRITE!!!

And when it comes to beauty you are only a light switch away! I bet if you look out a window you would get arrested for mooning!

Further more next time I ask for your advice on aliens, I will question a BLOND first!

Well, I guess Chris, Timemaster, and AT-TAC. Clara is one of those statistics I was referring to in my post above regarding people hearing some sort of noise when being abducted by whatever you want to call them Aliens/Angles/Devils/Time Travelers. But take into consideration that if Clara cant't see properly to sign her own name in the name slot, what makes you think she is really seeing what she says she is seeing (Aliens to her?)

And Clara please refrain from using my name in the name slot! Do I have to put in a request to MOP to incorporate Braille for the blind into this forum?


P.S. Sorry Clara, better regards for your sister!
sorry about the mistake of putting your name in . I was very tired. I wasn't laughing because TTA is ugly. I was laughing because I found the dialog to be very humorous. You guys always seem to resort to ugliness when someone says something you don't like . This guy was pushing your buttons and you fell for it like you always do. TTA put his picture on the internet so he set himself up to be targeted. You guys sound like all these movie stars who compain about being harssased by the media. They like it when you say something good about them but when you say something negitive they say your interferring in their privacyy. Well if they want privacy they should't be movie stars.And why do you Cat always seem to be defending TTA can't he defend himself. No I don't think you the same person but you two do feed off each other and thats a sign that you both are immature. No matter what he said you will always defend him and vice versa . You both need the dependence on each other because it makes you feel safe in what you want to say. The truly free person never needs another to agree . they become independent of the good opinion of others. They never wait around for someone to join them.

Ps Cat check out this web site it is about numerology. I think you will find it very interesting.

Well if it isn't to obvious to you yet that me and TTA are fighting for the same cause! and there only appears to be two of us in this forum or on the internet and possibly in the world!!! that have the same reverse opinion about time travel! Everyone else seems to be in favor of promoting time travel, making their time travel machines and traveling through time neglecting to realize the downside and its afterefects on humanity.

I have witnessed and watched events occur in my life for many years now! And it wasn't untill recently the ocurance of a dream that I had that put me into a frantic search for answers! I finally decided to stop ignoring it and wake up and do some research into it. Since September of last year I searched every possible end and finally decided to get on my computer that just sat unused. I got onto the internet and just started searching all aspects and web sites that pertained to Time Travel. (I READ THEM ALL!!!) In my efforts I came across TTA after reading all his posts along with everyone else's. And I realized he was not only a critic but someone who is honest, rational and down to earth and protests against what I already knew to be true! It was three months before I ever made my first post under (???) in response to TTA and Shadow.

Nobody else is in my shoe's so I don't expect everyone to understand the underling truth of when I preach in reverse against Time Travel. However I can continually fight for the cause against it to relay the message and expose its true intentions that it poses against humanity!

Can anyone else truly say that they have really time traveled and are in favor of it being a good thing? Perhaps they are really not sure? And everyone on this site is looking for the same answers?

Anyone that knows otherwise please speak up now or forever hold your peace!!!


Perhaps there is another (CyberMike) has anyone ever heard of him? I have sent several emails to him with no reply. He lives in Africa maybe his IP address is out of my area?

I live off of Lake Michigan (It looks like an ocean!) Many of starry nights I have ventured down to the shore when there's not another soul in sight! I stand before the shore with a cold wind of realization blowing in my face. I realize that I am very small and insignificant in comparison to the stars above me and the crystals of sand beneath by feet. However I feel so "heavy" inside and that the earth is revolving around me! for whatever infinite amount of short time I am here on this earth I hold a great importance. When I have had enough and my patients wears thin and I get good and pissed off! I will unleash and let loose the tool in which I was given to expose and bring down this invisible Time Travel threat before the eyes of the world!

<font size="1" color="#FF0000">LAST EDITED ON 04-Mar-02 AT 01:46AM (EDT)</font>


I thought February 27th was your last post?

<<This is my last post. Hope you guys figure all this stuff out and it leads you to a wonderfull life as for me I've decided I'm wasting time that I could be doing something enjoyable. bye clara>>

Haven't I proved you enough times of being a hypocrite?

Why not take your own advice, stay away for awhile, do "something enjoyable" and realize that you're still full of shit.

<<sorry about the mistake of putting your name in. I was very tired.>>

That is no excuse for forging another person's name in a post. You have done this mistake before to sungod56. Did you not say you were sorry than as well? How often must you repeat the same error for you to learn?

You say you're sorry, yet you're not sincere about it. In addition that has not stopped you from posting with your name "Clara" for the 119th time. Your just full of it, give me a break.

<<I wasn't laughing because TTA is ugly. I was laughing because I found the dialog to be very humorous.>>

You found the dialogue of a 19-year-old pedophile humorous?

His appalling posts sickened the stomachs of everyone, including a concerned mother. But not for you; instead it merely entertained you and thought not of the consequences of his actions being unethical, but merely justified actions of putting down your mortal enemy TTA.

<<You guys always seem to resort to ugliness when someone says something you don't like. This guy was pushing your buttons and you fell for it like you always do.>>

Clara, are you tired again or something? For that above statement makes no sense. Tell me; are your dogs seeing eye dogs? For if they are, you might want to have their eyes checked too, for it's obvious you still haven't opened your eyes and found your way to the world of the living. It seems you're in this trance like state that you don't know what the hell you're talking about.

For how else should one react to someone who comes to this board and terrorizes it, spreads his disgusting anarchist speech. I know you have said you want to abolish all forms of government and religion but you must see that by complimenting him on his ridicule of me makes you no better than him.

<<TTA put his picture on the internet so he set himself up to be targeted.>>

Vice-versa, just check out www.nvisible.com click: who is solara? AKA Medusa.

<<And why do you Cat always seem to be defending TTA can't he defend himself. No I don't think you the same person but you two do feed off each other and that's a sign that you both are immature.>>

Speaking of immature, Clara wasn't that you playing on the sandbox with your dogs just last week?

<<No matter what he said you will always defend him and vice versa. You both need the dependence of each other because it makes you feel safe in what you want to say. The truly free person never needs another to agree. They become independent of the good opinion of others. They never wait around for someone to join them.>>

I have always defended myself. I do not need anyone to defend me, but when the truth is clear and undeniable who am I to say to those who know the Time Travel threat as good as the TTA.

<<Ps Cat check out this web site it is about numerology. I think you will find it very interesting. http://www.caus.org/codezone/cz040700.shtml>>

I take it you like caus.org and the founder's message. I would like it too, if his principals weren't flawed. This may not be current of his character now, but three years ago the TimeTravelActivist had a brief dialogue with him through email. In response to his Sunday emails he would send, where he would self appoint himself the role of a preacher and speak of the alien agenda as something to accept for our spiritual growth. Perfect for you Clara.

<hr size="1" width="80%" color="#000099" align="left">
TTA, guess what I changed my mind. I think I have a right to do that when ever I please or is that against the TTA rule book. You never have anything to say you just sit around waiting to bash anyone else for whatever they post. I wish those time travelers would come get you and transport you back to the dark ages where I think you would be happier. You ain't gonna stop time travel and you ain't gonna save nobody. YOur just a bag of hot air. Why don't you go blow steam somewhere else. No wonder nobody ever comes to this site they get a load of you an decide there times better spent talking with someone who's got some sense. And as for me I'll change my mind whenever I damn well please Mister. I'd hate to know I was your spiritual guide they sure do have their work cut out for them. You better hope they don't decide to go on strike or ya'll be up the creek without a paddle and I do mean that literally.

Clara, I'm going to make this short but sweet!

<<And as for me I'll change my mind whenever I damn well please Mister.>>

Clara, this just proves without a doubt and shows everyone on this site how truly inconsistant you are!

Finally, matter below
>absolute zero reverse the course
>of time; yes you read
>this correctly. The only
>thing that stands in the
>way of us building an
>actual time machine is going
>below absolute zero. It
>is not impossible, just very,
>very hard.

it's not only very hard. it's completely impossible. temperature is a macroscopic manifestation of movement of atoms, the more atoms move/vibrate, higher is the temperature. zero kelvin <-273.15> is the theoretical temperature where atoms are completely still, paralised, with no movement at all. that's why is called absolute zero. how can a completely imobile thing become more imobile yet?


eduardo torres

ps = not to talk about the hidden connections between thermic radiation and time travel.


How about we put clara and TTA in a locked closet for a day or two. We could run bets on what is causing all the shrieks and thumping noises.

Enough is an enough. GET A ROOM !!!!


How could you say that? If I'm not mistaken is was "YOU" who said that Clara/Solara was OK looking!

Take another look, http://www.nvisible.com/Solara/SolaraDoorway.html
(caution! contents contained in this web site cause Retinal Detachment!)

Maybe we should lock you in a closet with Clara/Solara! I'll bet you'll come out Hannibal Lector!

I would bet my bottom dollar that your underwear will still be snuggly attached! Hee Hee Hee!!!


What are you accomplishing by acting like this? It seems like there are better things to do than identify the people who post on this board and then go on to irrationally make fun of their physical appearance.

For me, it's just further evidence that while message boards sometimes have very interesting ideas being thrown around on them, there will always be the immature, irresposible jackasses that ruin it for the rest of us.

Grow up or shut up.

>>>How could say that.<<<<

Say what? Let me try it again. I said; I'm sick of watching them two argue over and over the same things till they run out of bullets, then throw empty guns, and then resort ot throwing personal insults.

>>>Maybe we should lock you in the closet with XYZ<<<<

The only way I'll ever get a date.

>>>>Bet you'll come out Hans L.<<<<<

What in hells that mean?

and what IS this facination with my underwear.

Hey speaking of Hans, what if you were to go to a shrink for you know, like a real problem, oh say paranoia. And wow, you get to spill your guts (figuratively speaking hopefully) to the slimiest monster in the triState region. You say "Doc I just can't seem to get over these insecure feelings I have". He says "thats understandable". Nobody laughs.

That will be $150 please. See you next week. Am I losing it here, or have I just come to "love the smell of napalm in the morning"?


<<TTA, guess what I changed my mind. I think I have a right to do that when ever I please or is that against the TTA rule book.>>

Change your mind yes, but staying consistent with what you believe is another thing.

Can you not swallow your pride and achnowledge that I have proved you to be a hypocrite? You come on these posts, make grandiose claims that you know the true meaning of the double digits. But when one looks back and sees that you are not consistent, and the TTA points it out to you, you can't even be woman enough to admit your wrong. Instead you resort to childish antics and continue to generalize those who do not see your new age views.

There is no rule to follow, but that of just common sense. Common sense that you lack or should I say "Duality" that you continue to keep yourself ignorant of. For its only when you consider both sides when you truly know anything. And that is what TTA has been doing all along.

<<You never have anything to say you just sit around waiting to bash anyone else for whatever they post. I wish those time travelers would come get you and transport you back to the dark ages where I think you would be happier.>>

For a spiritually superior new ager that you have imposed yourself to be, on this board. Your desire to get rid of me is evident of your kind and inability to not want to exploit Time Travel.

For it is a Time Traveler's mission to accomplish his goals by whatever means necessary. Even at the expense of removing an adversary.

<<You ain't gonna stop time travel and you ain't gonna save nobody. YOur just a bag of hot air.>>

And I thought you said I was the immature one

<<Why don't you go blow steam somewhere else.>>

Good advice, Why don't you take it? I've been here for three years. I have been making a difference. What have you been doing since you got here? Spreading your dribble, saying things that don't make sense, pouting like a little girl when someone has brought it to your attention. In that saying that you'll leave, and then come back; and leave and come back again. Can't you follow through on anything?

<<No wonder nobody ever comes to this site they get a load of you an decide there times better spent talking with someone who's got some sense.>>

How would you know? Have you surveyed everyone who has come to this site to know? What do you base that assumption on?

And speaking of talking with someone who has better sense, why don't you learn some?

<<And as for me I'll change my mind whenever I damn well please Mister. I'd hate to know I was your spiritual guide they sure do have their work cut out for them. You better hope they don't decide to go on strike or ya'll be up the creek without a paddle and I do mean that literally.>>

My spiritual guides? Let's talk about yours. What makes you so certain yours won't do the same for wanting to condemn the TTA for your own selfish needs?

Learn to reason and consider 2 sides, and I won't have a problem with you. How much clearer can I state that to you, to understand?

-TTA <hr size="1" width="80%" color="#000099" align="left">